Culinary Wrinkles, Or How to use Armour's Extract of Beef, ca.1900s
Fruits and Candies, Lydia E. Pinkham Medicine Co. ca.1900s
International Health Resort Recipes, ca.1900s
Stuart, Martha Elizabeth, Sixty One Uses for Salt, ca. 1900s
Hints on health and tested receipts for plain cooking: presented with the compliments of Jury & Lovell, druggists, Bowmanville, Ont. [1900?]
Neil, Edna, The A & P everyday cook & recipes book. [190-]
My pet recipes, tried and true: contributed by the ladies and friends of St. Andrew's Church, Quebec. [1900]
Cow Brand Soda Cook Book, Established Half A Century. 1900
French, Edwin Charles. Food for the sick and ... for the baby. Louisville:1900.
Johnson, Helen Louise. The Enterprising Housekeeper: Suggestions for Breakfast, Luncheon and Supper. Phila: c1900.
My pet recipes, tried and true ... St. Andrew's Church, Quebec. [Quebec? 1900]
Rorer, Mrs. S. T. Dainty Dishes for All the Year Round, Part I: Recipes for Ice Creams, Water Ices, Sherbets and other Frozen Desserts. 1900
Ross, Janet. Leaves from Our Tuscan Kitchen: Or, How to Cook Vegetables. London: 1900
Vine, Frederick. Practical Bread-making: A Useful Guide for All in the Trade. 2d ed. London: 1900
Vine, Frederick. Savoury Pastry: Savoury Dish and Raised Pies, Pork Pies, Patties, Vol-au-vents, mincemeats and pies… London: 1900
Williams, William. The Chemistry of cookery. New York: 1900
Kander, Simon, Mrs. The Settlement Cook Book. Milwaukee: 1901
Lincoln, Mary. The Peerless Cook Book. 1901
Pan-American Recipe Book 1901
Smiley, James. Smiley's cook book and universal household guide. Chicago: c1901
Waters. W. G. The Cook's Decameron... Italian Dishes. 1901
Ellwanger, George H. The pleasures of the table...ancient days to present times. New York: 1902.
Gem Chopper Cook Book, Valuable Recipes, 1902
Harland, Marion. Mother's Cook Book: Containing Recipes for Every Day in the Week. 1902
Hazlitt, W. Carew. Old Cookery Books and Ancient Cuisine. London: 1902
Hill, Janet McKenzie. Practical Cooking and Serving: A Complete Manual of how to Select, Prepare ... 1902
Keen, Adelaide. With A Saucepan Over The Sea.... Foreign Countries, Boston: 1902.
Rorer, Sarah Tyson. Mrs. Rorer's New Cook Book. Philadelphia: [c1902]
Campbell, Helen, The easiest way in housekeeping and cooking. Boston:1903.
de Salis, Mrs. Harriet. Tempting dishes for small incomes. London: 1903
Head, Brandon. The Food of the Gods: A Popular Account of Cocoa. London: 1903
Holt, Emily. The complete housekeeper. N.Y. :1917, c1903.
Frazer, May Harris. Kentucky Receipt Book. 1903
Wells, Robert. The New System of Making Bread. Manchester: 1903
Benedict, Jennie C., The Blue Ribbon Cook Book. Louisville: 1904
A Book of Beverages. DAR. Worcester, Mass: 1904
Eustis, Celestine. Cooking in Old Creole Days., New York: 1904
Farmer, Fannie Merritt. Food and Cookery for the Sick... Boston: 1904
Fox, Minerva Carr. The Blue Grass Cook Book, New York: 1904.
Herrick, Christine Terhune. Consolidated library of modern cooking and household recipes. New York : 1904.
Holt, L. Emmett. The care and feeding of children. New York: c1904
Dr. Price's Delicious Desserts...Price Flavoring Extract Co. Chicago: 1904
Rorer, Sarah Tyson. World's Fair Souvenir Cook Book. St. Louis, 1904. Phila: 1904
Dubell, G. H. NY: Soda Fountain Beverages: A Practical Receipt Book. NY: 1905
Los Angelos Times Cook Book No. 2, LA: 1905?
Benton, Caroline French. A Little Cook-book for a little girl. Boston: 1905
The care and feeding of infants. Mellin's Food Co.,Boston:1905.
Sloan, Earl S. Sloan's Cook Book and advice to housekeepers, Boston: 1905
Black, John. Eating to live. Phila: 1906/7
Boland, Mary A., A handbook of invalid cooking. New York: 1906
Greeley, Arthur P. The Food and Drugs Act, June 30, 1906
Harland, Marion. Marion Harland's Complete Cook Book. 1906
The Inglenook Cook Book, Choice Recipes...Brethren Church...Elgin: 1906
Janvrin, Mary W. Queen of the household. Detroit, Mich. :1906, [c1901]
Lincoln, Mrs. D. A. Carving and Serving. 1906
The New Lucile Cook Book 1906
Smith, Jacqueline. Famous Old Receipts Used A Hundred Years... North and the South... by Descendants. Phila: 1906
Pastry Wrinkles [Armour's Leaf Lard], 1906
Teaching the rudiments of cooking in the class room…. in the Indian Schools. DC 1906
Bomberger, Maude. Colonial Recipes, from Old Virginia and Maryland Manors. NY: 1907
Gouley, John William Severin, 1832- Dining and its amenities. New York : [c1907]
Tilden, Joe. Joe Tilden's Recipes for Epicures. San Francisco: 1907
Vine, Frederick. Saleable Shop Goods for Counter-tray and Window: (including his book "Popular Penny Cakes”) 4th ed. London: 1907
365 Foriegn Dishes. 1908
Daniel, Florence. Food Remedies. London: 1908
de Salis, Mrs. Harriet. Sweets and supper dishes à la mode. London: 1908
Emerson, Edward. Beverages, Past and Present: An Historical Sketch. NY: 1908
Gillette, F.L. Mrs. Gillette's Cook Book: Fifty years... Akron: 1908
Green, Olive. How to Cook Fish, Fish in Season... Myrtle Reed 1908
Morse, Sidney. Household discoveries; and Mrs. Curtis's Cook Book . New York: 1908
Stone, S.T. The Sunny Side Dessert Book . Lynchburg, VA: 1908
The Vital Question...Shredded Wheat, 1908
Wagner, E. B. Recipes for the preserving of fruit, vegetables, and meat. London : 1908.
365 Orange Recipes; an Orange Recipe for Every Day in the Year Phila: 1909
Curtis, Isabel Gordon. The Good Housekeeping Woman's Home Cook Book., Chicago: 1909
Jennings, Linda Deziah. Washington Women's Cook Book. Seattle: 1909.
Mills, Mrs. Reform Cookery Book. Up-to-date health cookery... 1909
Parloa, Maria & Janet Hill. Chocolate And Cocoa Recipes, Dorchester: c1909
Hill, Janet McKenzie. Cooking for Two. 1909
Hill, Janet McKenzie. Home Made Candy Recipes. Mass: W. Baker & Co., c1909.
Muskett, Philip E. The Art of Living in Australia, 1909
Senn, Charles Herman. Cookery for invalids and the convalescent. London: 1909
Thomann, G. American Beer. Glimpses of Its History and Description of Its Manufacture. 1909
Cook Book: New Process Wick Oil Cook Stove, ca1910s
Cupid at Home in the Kitchen following Mrs. Potter's Advice, ca.1910s
Hiller, Elizabeth. The Practical Cook Book. NY: 1910
Home Helps, A Pure Food Cook Book, Mrs. Mary J. Lincoln, Lida Ames Willis, Mrs. Sarah Tyson Rorer, Mrs. Helen Armstrong, Marion Harland, 1910
Jell-O: America's Most Famous Dessert, ca.1910s
Kephart, Horace. Camp Cookery NY: 1910
Kook Kwick Pressure Cooker Recipes. Sears, Roebuck...c1910s
Oysters And How To Cook Them...Half the Cost of Meat, ca.1910s
Recipes for Dainty Dishes Culinary, Toilet -And- Medicinal Hints, ca.1910s
Taste the Taste and Some Cookery News, [Underwood Deviled Ham] ca.1910s
Wesson Oil For Making Good Things to Eat, ca.1910s
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