Fayette Pudding, Lafayette Cakes, Lafayette Gingerbread

As "The Nation's Guest", Lafayette triumphantly returned to America in 1824 through 1825, visiting all the 24 states. He dined with Presidents, the famous and wealthy, local politicians, ordinary citizens and fellow soldiers. The meals were described as: excellent dinner, sumptuous feast, splendid dinner, and an elegant collation. More details were given on the toasts, speeches and elaborate decorations than on what was served. Washington’s step grandchildren hosted Lafayette at their homes Tudor Place [Georgetown], Arlington House, and Woodlawn [next to Mount Vernon] while he was in the Washington City area. This year, "Lafayette 250" celebrates his 250th birthday on September 6, 2007.

Recipes were named to honor Lafayette. In her 1828 work, Seventy-five Receipts for Pastry, Cakes, and Sweetmeats, Eliza Leslie included a ‘Lafayette Gingerbread’. ‘Fayette Pudding’ appeared in Mary Randolph’s Virginia Housewife, 1825. Later, in 1845, ‘Lafayette Cakes’ were given in The Housekeeper's Assistant by Ann Allen.

SLICE a loaf of bread tolerably thick--lay the slices in the bottom of a dish, cutting them so as to cover it completely; sprinkle some sugar and nutmeg, with a little butter, on each layer; when all are in, pour on a quart of good boiled custard sweetened--serve it up cold.

One heaping coffee-cup of flour; one even cup of sugar; four eggs beaten separately; a piece of butter the size of an egg; half a teaspoonful of cream tartar in flour; quarter of a teaspoonful of soda in a little water. This is enough for two pies.
Mrs. Putnam's Receipt Book... NY 1867 rev ed

Lafayette Gingerbread
Fayette Pudding
Lafayette Cakes

Picture of the Month - WELCOME LAFAYETTE on 1825 tumblers

©2007 Patricia Bixler Reber

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