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You can come here when you are too busy to groom your horse or when you are about to leave for a show and these grooms will groom your horse.

You will need to sign the dreambook guest book to get a groom. There is an example there that you can get info from. Groomers! You will need to post a message on the groom your horse board!!!! Here's what we can do for your horse! (Meet the grooms)


Meagan- I do special groomings for shows and will be happy to do them at any time! I groom, clip, and spend time with the horses! Show grooming: $10, and regular grooming and clipping is: $5

Katryna- I do special groomings for shows and will be happy to do them at any time! I groom, clip, and spend time with the horses!Show grooming: $12, and regular grooming and clipping is: $8

Read my Dreambook guestbook!
Sign my Dreambook!