Hello! my name is Esmond.
- I'm from Swansea South Wales UK.
- My Telephone number:- 01792 414837
- I've been writing poetry/prose/short stories since 1995.
- I'm now editor of PANDA, a quarterly POETRY magazine.
- PANDA was launched January 2000.
Submissions & Subscriptions to:
Esmond Jones (editor PANDA magazine)
46, First Avenue,
SA6 7LL.
~ Take a look at a sample of PANDA from the link below! ~
~ Subscription details are linked to the PANDA page! ~
~ Swansea Site...
Webmaster: Neil Beer ~
'A Taste Of Nature'.
O'er hill and dale
Through meadows green
Honeysuckle, bells of blue
Glisten with the morning dew
Wafting fragrance to my mind
Sending me in sweet gyrate
Beguiled by sensual delight
I feel myself rejuvenate
There is no fading image here
Or withering flower come to age
Nor breath that soon will disappear
Or tiredness that needs to rest
Images bright of finest shine
Kiss my eyes and lift my heart
And move me to a future place
Leaving shadows in the past
Flowers grown in heaven's yard
Blooming everlastingly
Their fragrance interfusing me
And I am fresher than I've been
Captured by this magic day
A prisoner 'til eternity
Captivity without the chains
Mother nature my jailer be.
'Giving Some Back'.
Not one thing I've said or done
Has given lustre to my soul
Or painted pictures on my mind
To last as long as I can think
And leave behind as memories
In hearts that have touched mine
So try I will while I still breathe
To satisfy my longing to do this
I cannot leave a world I love
So much I've taken
So strive I will - to give some back
Lest I leave my love forsaken.
'Writing On The Wall'.
'Twas the writing on the wall I saw
That gave me shivers in my nape
And made me crouch to see
A crafty chap he was who wrote
With wangled words that I had spoke
All that I read is in the heart of me
In nakedness I am as I am seen
Not safe to talk
But safe enough to dream
Still, I am the man I am
Who freely speaks
My voice is raw 'twill never be a clam
As truth will out for anyone who seeks
If I should die before too many days
Then glory be to those
My words have smitten
'Tis on the wall
My epitaph is written.
'The Way It Used To Be'.
Let me show you around the city
As it used to be
Before the moving of the times
When it's beauty matched the sea
And progress hadn't closed the blinds
Let me show you where I used to go
When I took days off from school
There, was the Carlton snooker hall
Where we'd shoot a game of pool
And here, the barrow boys sold their fruit
We loved to hear their patter:
'Get yer bananas one and three a pound'
If we were skint it didn't matter
We'd nick 'em and scarper
The fruit was much more sweet
When we didn't have to pay
And the chase along the street
Always made our day
There was a pub right here
And another right next door
We don't see pubs like them no more
With sawdust covering the floor
We watched the drunken sailors
Going in and coming out
Full of ale and whisky
And falling all about
Oh how we laughed!
And here, where we have to walk with care
Where skateboards roll on slabs of ugly stone
There was a flower garden so fair
It's fragrance made such a change
From breathing in polluted air
We'd feed the pigeons
As we sat in sweet surrounds
'Twas such a treat for old and young alike
To walk around salubrious grounds.
'I'll Be There'.
When youth has finally had it's fling
And you need to rest awhile,
When you've taken all you can
And tears comes quicker than a smile,
When you feel the need to share
In pleasures so sublime
And you need someone to care
With a love that is devine,
When you know true love awaits,
But know not where -
When time begins to close the gates -
I'll be there.
'The Tide Rushes In'.
Walking barefoot on the beach,
The sand hot beneath my feet,
Being kissed by a cool sea breeze
As children play, on ponies ride,
Eating ice-cream, drinking pop
And the tide rushes in -
It will not stop.
Surfers gliding on the waves,
Disappearing one by one,
Bathers strewn all around,
Soaking up the sun,
Divers doing the bellyflop
And the tide rushes in -
It will not stop.
Little sails lean to their side,
So colourful
They show their pride
As the sun shines down
So hot
And the tide rushes in -
It will not stop.
Seagull's cries join the laughter,
Hovering overhead
In a cloudless sky,
I'm eating a cornet
With a raspberry top
And the tide rushes in -
It will not stop.
'Dingy Dwellings'.
Smoke filled rooms
Ash covered floors
Coughs are heard
Behind locked doors
Moth eaten drapes
Hang on widows
Nets once white
Black out the light
Pictures of glory
Hang on walls
What did they fight for?
(And so many die for)
No one recalls
A city was blitzed
A city rebuilt
Hearts remain broken
Rotting with guilt.
'Doctors Are?'.
A shooting pain accross my chest
And suddenly I gasp for breath,
Just a slight heart attack,
The doctor said,
Take these pills and go to bed
'If your not better in the morning',
As he spoke he was yawning -
'Will have to get myself some sleep,
Unsociable hours we doctors keep'
'Ah yes, back to you'
'I'm sure I'm coming down with flu'
'As I was saying,
If you're not better'
'Damn I forgot to post this letter'
It's ok, doc you get along,
I'm already feeling - much - much better.
Trick or treat
Dressed to kill
House to house
Up the hill
Trying to scare
Getting scared
For what's to come
They're not prepared
An owl hoots
They shake in their boots
Hearts in throats
A toad croaks
A blacked out moon
By a devious cloud
A figure appearsIn a silken shroud
Tip-toe Tony
Was their leader
They looked to him
To calm their fear
Follow me!
He took the lead
Back down the hill
At hellish speed.
'Paradise Quelled'.
A span of ash and silver birch
From Motherwell to Aberdeen
A special place escaped the hew
A forest proud and evergreen
Out of bounds to hatchet men
Protected by conservancy
But still at risk from Godly wrath
Nature's way to spoil the broth
Log fires burn from fallen oak
Struck by a thunder-bolt
Jealousy - I think it was
That made the skies revolt
Earthly perfection must not be seen
Whilst heaven rules supreme
So one of solid oak was felled
And paradise on earth was quelled.
'Write On, Write On'.
Bards of the past show me the way
My future awaits dramatic display
Pass down your literal sentiment
That made men ponder in wonderment
And captured hearts so willing to relent
Write on, write on from where you left
I'll hold the pen and move as you direct
Awake the languid listener with your roar
Write on, write on through me
I'll be your guise, they'll feel you from my core
Let oldest words fall on the youngest ears
For truth shall make us free, no matter what our age
From whence you came - comes our inspiration
What pleased men in them bygone years
Will please again - this generation.
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