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My Tribute to Women

They possess a heavenly body, Oh; what a blessed gift to all humanity.
I dedicate my soul, in praise of the sensuous female anatomy.
Obsessed with my fetish, romantic seduction, my addiction.
For your womanly presence, I offer this silent benediction.
If not for your feminine scent,velvety touch and sensuous sight,
my world would be empty, without daylight and without night.
The fragrant flower of womanhood, is the sweetest gift ever received.
Freely given, and far, the purest pleasure God ever conceived.

As I lay sleeping

Clouds drifting, by the light of the moon Like the shadows in my mind.
Your translucent image slowly reveals a feminine beauty, that's one of a kind.
I struggle in the early pre-dawn hours, with vivid erotic dreams of ecstasies.
While quietly pondering your alluring hold on my future love life expectancies.
To make you aware, helpless to resist,
the seductive persuasion of desire. As I eloquently profess, my love does exist.
I hear myself whispering in your ear, soft poetic words, that are Oh, so sweet.
The intensity and pure passion of need, will surely sweep you off your feet.


***ROSE BUD***

As I slowly strolled down a garden path, I came upon a lovely pink rose.
Kneeling beside it, to pay homage, I gently ran the flower under my nose.
The subtle sweet honey fragrance, delighting my senses, one by one.
delicate pink pedals of pleasure, spreading their beauty under the sun.
Glistening little beads of dew, slowly tracing every opening fold.
A pool of crystal liquid gradually fills, a pouting mouth; more than it can hold.
I am humbled by the magnificence, of this alluring sensuous sight.
The haunting vision of Mother nature, will follow me long into the night.
Where the intense beauty of the rose, turns into a tender image of you.
Nothing can instill the pure feelings, of passion & desire that you do....


You discovered me quite by accident, while surfing the net, searching to escape a hectic world of stark reality.
My seductive words,creep insistently into your consciousness, serenely seducing you to my little world of Cyberality.
Your mental facilities soon give way to mounting passion,a bubbling ebb tide flowing ever so slowly relinquishing control.
Exposing your naked essence as I ease my way, deep within your sexual soul.
Yes, I am Cyberotica, a tender beingness, exciting your senses, filling your mind and heart's desire like no other.
Romantic, erotic words, arouse the woman in you. My eyes pleading as I beseech you, Oh please, come be my Cyberlover.
I am like a brush fire you can't put out, the heat rising feverishly;Lustful desires intensified.
I penetrate your every sexual thought, as you surrender your mind to pleasures yet unidentified.
My voice whispers intense,endearing. velvety words,poetic rhythmic syllables that you secretly yearn to hear.
Ecstatically, you embrace my every word as my caress punctuates my deepest desires; softly spoken in your ear.
Nimble fingers fondle your silky hair, Like Sonar, my lips unerringly seek out every erogenous zone.
Giving unquestionably into loves intent, while hungry eyes and mouths devour, YOUR pleasure, is as my OWN.
As we reach a point of no return, eyes gazing frantically into the others, our mounting passions grow.
Euphoria overcomes us as we slip over the edge, two worlds come together in coital bliss, drenching us in Love's fragrant after glow...


Miles away but you're captured in my world. In my dreams, you are a figment in my mind.
As I long to see you..To feel your touch. Your love is what I'm hoping to find.
My untamed imagination runs wild. As I think of you with burning desire.
An angel you must really be.Your words alone set me afire.
I begin to drift off further, still you remain so near.
I feel the gentle breeze of your touch.Your soothing whisper I begin to hear.
Is this a simple fantasy? Or is it what I truly feel?
I guess that time can only tell, but I long for the day love is real........

Friends and Lovers,

always one or the other.
Where are you,
my mate, to share my soul?
Did I pass you in the hall,
do you live next door?
Are you searching for me,
as I am searching for you?
Or, are you with someone else,
forever beyond my reach?
You are out there,
this I know.
I hope when we meet,
we know...
Friends and lovers,
can be one and the other.

"Wishes of a Lover"

As I look out at the majestic sea,
I know you and I were meant to be.
I only wish I could make you see
how much your love means to me.
I wish I could walk up to you
and speak the words that lovers do.
But now I sit here sad and blue,
wishing that I could be with you.

Another time

The fragrance of an orchid waffing through the air,
reminds me of another time, and of a beauty rare,
the melodic streams of an orchestra sailing through the night,
reminds me of another time, and of a lovely sight.
Associations such as these fill my thoughts with rhyme
and I can't help but long for the poetry of another time.
A time when life made no sense to me, when love was everywhere;
when you and I would dance and dance while your fragrance filled the air.
Such memories consume me and they constantly remind;
that you, my sweet, are in my heart and forever on my mind.

Full of you

A smile
bubbles up from deep
my lips
aroused by memory
of you



You say my words flow like
the river of time,
what a lovely thought.
Do you have any idea how good
that makes me feel?
It is precisely what I sought,
when it comes to receiving
some accolades for the poetry
I have written.
Just can't collect too many,
they make me feel so smitten.
A sudden rush comes over me
as I open your reply,
it is the euphoria that I crave.
When I read your words of gratitude,
I graciously become your slave.
In all humility I must admit,
my true motivation is to receive
your precious validation.
It is the best feeling I have known,
an overwhelming sensation.
You say that I am the best ever,
magic words I need to hear and see.
So just click on the reply button,
your response is a pure joy to me...