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Lady Lovely Locks Kingdom

Born On: March 28,1998

Last Updated: May 2, 2000

LLL line

Hi! Do you remember Lady Lovely Locks, that young girl with colorful hair and pixie tails as friends? Not many seem to. She was a great cartoon and I bought a lot of the toy line. Unfortunately, my mom gave most of them away! All I have left is Lady lovely Locks, herself, and what I believe to be some type of gazebo or hutch for LLL and her friends to sit in and talk or have tea.

I made this page to show that I have not forgotten her and her multi-colored pixies. The thing that drew me to her the most were not only the cute pixies but Her with her multicolored hair. At 6 yrs. of age I thought that was pretty cool (that also got me to like Jem as well). I wil start putting pictures of her up but first I have to find some! If you have any pictures please email them to me so I can make this page look (a lot) better.

Also I want to ask anyone who has LLL items for sale to please email me mailbox and tell me!Thanks for visiting and I hope you come back soon!!

Here is what I know was made for Lady Lovely Locks. If you know what I'm missing then please tell me! So far this is what I have listed: (*=What I own)

LLL line

Lady Lovely Locks dolls

Lady Lovely Locks *- She had blonde hair and came with rabbit pixie tails. She wore a pink dress and pink, shiny shoes.

Maiden Fair Hair * - She had brown hair and came with chipmunk pixietails. She wore a blue dress and blue, shiny shoes.

Maiden Curly Crown *-She had red hair and came with birdie pixietails. She wore a yellow dress and yellow, shiny shoes.

Lady Lovely Locks friends

Prince Strongheart*-He had brown hair and came with mice pixietails. He wore a white shirt, aqua pants, a dark blue cape, a gold belt with a pocket, and gray boots.(His skin its much more tanner than everyone else.)

Duchess Raven Waves(The villaness)*-She had black hair and had mice looking pixietails(they had big ears and bangs unlike other pixietails). She wore a purple dress with pink, light purple, and blue fabrics hanging on and purple shoes.

Silkypup Silkypup * (She came with 3 pixietails.)

Silkymane Silkymane (this is a horse that is purple with purple/pink hair. She came with 5 pixietails.)*

LLL line

Lilytops :

Lilysplash *- A blue seal with curly hair and a lilyflower to sit on.

Lilysprinkle *- A yellow seal with curly hair and a lilyflower to sit on.

Lilybubble * - A purple seal with curly hair and a lilyflower to sit on.

LLL line

Hide-N-Peeks :

Perkypeek * - A little girl with blue & yellow hair and a painted on blue dress. She wore a green headband.

Sunnypeek *- A little girl with pink & purple hair and a painted on purple dress. She wore a pink headband.

Pearlypeek * - A little girl with pink & purple hair and a painted on pink dress. She wore a purple headband.

LLL line

Dragons:(Each came with a comb, brush, mirror, and 1 pixietail)


Bouncy Curl dragon Sweet Curl dragon* Merry Curl dragon*

LLL line

Curly Kittens:

Peachy Puff Peachy Puff Sapphire Shy Sapphire Shy Pinky Paws Pinky Paws

Palace Pets :

Sunny Soft Sunny Soft Creamy Coat Creamy Coat Purple Purr Purple Purr

LLL line

Castle Lovely Locks Lady Lovely Locks' Castle *

PixieTail Tree House PixieTail Tree House*- A white tree with pink, painted on, leaves.

Sea Salon Enchanted Island:The Sea Salon*- A vanity that came with these accessories: Swan chair that reclined, Sea Shell compact (to hold small pieces), 4 hair picks, 3 hair rollers, shampoo & lotion bottle, seahorse comb, flower cover (to put on LLL when doing her hair),4 sea creature pixietails(a fish, seahorse, snail, and turtle) and a seahorse hair dryer.

Enchanted Island: Bedroom set - Bed, dresser, mirror, lamps, and some other odds and ends (can't remember right now *smile*)

LLL line

Enchanted Island Lady Lovely Locks * - She wore a white bathing suit w/ colored ribbons on the chest (like on her dress), a 2 piece skirt(to put on when she's human), and a shiny pink fin(to be a mermaid). She had short curly hair on top of her head but she still had long hair. She can with rabbit pixietails but they had real tight curls along with the usual colored hair. (I'm not sure but in the picture I have of her she has fish pixietails instead of the usual rabbits. So I'm not completely sure she came with rabbits as well but I know the rabbit pixies with the different hair style as well as chipmunks and birdies were made)

Enchanted Island Maiden Fair Hair* - She had short curly hair on top of her head but she still had long brown hair. She can with chipmunk pixietails but they had real tight curls along with the usual colored hair.(I'm not sure but she may have come with snails as well as chipmunks.)

Enchanted Island Maiden Curly Crown - She had short curly hair on top of her head but she still had long curly red hair. She can with bird pixietails but they had real tight curls along with the usual colored hair.(I'm not sure but she may have come with turtles as well as birds.)

Enchanted Island Maiden Golden Waves*-She had short curly hair on top of her head and long yellow hair with blue streaks in it. She can with seahorse pixietails(I think) and they also had real tight curls along with the usual colored hair. She wore a blue bathing suit and had a shiny blue tail that could be removed so she would have legs.

Enchanted Island Maiden Mysty Curls*-She had short curly hair on top of her head and long, dark brown hair with purple streaks in it. She can with fishy(I'm not sure which one) pixietails and they also had real tight curls along with the usual colored hair. She wore a purple bathing suit and also had a purple shiny tail that was removeable. She is also the only dark skinned doll in the collection (Prince Strongheart's skin is also dark but not as much).

LLL line

Sparkle Pretty LLL Sparkle Pretty LLL* Sparkle Pretty LLL ballerina Sparkle Pretty Ballerina LLL* Sparkle Pretty MHF ballerina Sparkle Pretty MHF Ballerina*

LLL line

Lady Lovely Locks Tray *(So while you eat in bed or on the couch you can look down and see her!)

LLL Trash Can Lady Lovely Locks Trash Can

LLL line

There were also fashions produced for LLL they were very cute. I' have pictures for some (just follow the links).

Regular line:

Party Dress

Riding outfit

Picnic outfit*

Slumber set

Enchanted Island line:

Plush Wrap

Satiny Robe*

Sparkle Pretty line:

Tea Time (Dress)*

Birthday Party Dress

Masquerade Gown*

Garden Party Gown

LLL line

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LLL line

Since June 28,1998


LLL line

This page is not associated with Kenner TM , MATTELTM , HallmarkTM ,Those Characters from ClevelandTM , American GreetingsTM or any other company/toy company. The toys displayed and talked about above are the copyright of Those Characters from Cleveland. This page is strictly for fun and information.This webpage isn't intended to infringe on any copyright laws.

LLL line