Welcome to Mike's Anti-Dallas Page
Mike's Anti-Dallas Page


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I hate Dallas Cowboys fans more than any others. If you despise the Cowboys as much as I do, good for you. I would love to get e-mail from anyone except for those stinking Cowboy fans.
in my Anti-Cowboys Poll or view my Anti-Cowboys 
in my Eagles Poll or view my Eagles 
in my Flyers Poll or view my Flyers 
Below are some links to some very good Cowboy-hater websites. If you hate the Cowboys, you should definitely visit them.
A typical day in the life of a Cowboy fan
The IQ test that Leon Lett failed
Dallas Cowboy jokes
A picture that everyone should see
See how many Cowboy hats you can shoot
Cowboys fans don't know where the team is located
Top Ten List of Dallas Cowboy Excuses
Check out the different web rings that I am in
An interesting picture of Dallas' stadium
Go to my links page
Go to my homepage
My Cowboys Links
My Eagles Links
My Flyers Links
I would like to thank Brian Riley, Brian Gonzales, and KTCF Radio for allowing me to create links to their sites. They are great sites, and you don't want to miss them. Thanks, guys!
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This is "The First Noel". I figured that I should do something to get into the Christmas spirit.
If you want to page me using ICQ, click the pager.
Email: meyre01@cats.vill.edu