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Squeaker's Home Page

Hello! W e l c o m e to my world. Sometimes even I get lost wandering around in here, but hey, don't's not that hard to find your way around!

I still do normal stuff like go to school, and sleep, so I can't be that weird!!! (hehehehe) By the way, my name is Jennifer. My nickname is Squeakers,(people in band gave it to me.) I have had the hiccups since 5th grade and they say I sound like a mouse. They aren't constant though and tend to pop out during silent times... Go figure!

I collect postcards, key chains, bags, bottles, and other odd items from kewl places that I visit. I use to collect trolls, but I ended up losing most of them when we gave our house a face lift. (During my 4th and 5th grade year my family ended up winning $250,000.000 in the lottery so that is why we did it in the first place!)

I have an older brother who is now 24 and still lives at home. He graduated from Universal Technical Institute in 1998. Of course, I am the youngest.....and the smartest in my family!

Right now, I am a sophomore at Idaho State University, I was awarded $1,600 in music scholarships this year, and $5,400 in academic scholarships (The Presidential Scholarship). So, I get paid to go to college. It's kinda nice. (c:

To find out more about me, click here to go to my music page!

To see some pictures of me and my friends click here . Here are some band pictures.

If you would like to know who Angela is, click here to find out

Any questions??? Just e-mail me. I will gladly write you back!

My Favorite Sayings: Click to View or Add Text.
