DaIsYs' HoUsE
Whatz up all? This is my page I hope you like it! if
Not I really don't care, but if you do E-mail me and
tell me how good you thought it was.C-ya laterz
Pretty cool links
Angelfire - Easiest Free Home Pages
AvENgErS' page- Its got some cool links
Dawson's Creek - My favorite show!!!
MTV - Home of the weird ass puppets and crazy cartoons
My chatroom please give out the addy so I can have a lot of people chat in it!
My list of stuff
- My best friend---Erin
- My boyfriend---Joker
- My favorite bands---Savage Garden and Hanson
- My favorite song---I want you, Truly,Madly,Deeply, and I Will come to You
- People on the net I hate---Heart Break Kid
- My good friends on the net---Blade, Christina, Badass, The Kid, Scepter, Seether, and all the other bHs crew, Aurora, DisfunctionalJesus, JJ, Peace Train, E, Mouse, ICP,Joker, and whoever else i left out...
Email: madeline13@webtv.net