That was 14 years ago, & I still love the Lord with all my heart. How can I not? After dying on the cross for me, loving Him back is the very least I can do. I owe everything to Him. My ultimate goal in life is to truly be a godly woman & maintain a passion for Jesus, but many times evil in the world tries to intervene, & it is therefore difficult to be Christ-like. However, I enjoy a challenge & see difficult situations as witnessing opportunities. God has called me to the ministry, & I'm anxious to see where He will use me. Right now I feel drawn to minister through children's music & media. Basically, I would love to someday be a graphic designer for Veggie Tales. I would also like to write Christian literature for church education, as well as compose music for church music programs. Christ is-- & will always be-- my first priority. He is my source of strength, & without Him, I can do nothing.
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