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My Testimony

"I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God for the salvation of everyone who believes..."
Romans 1:16

Church has always been a huge part of my life. All my life I've been surrounded by Christianity- my parents took me to church every chance they got, & I had great Christian friends at school. In fact, up until my sophomore year of high school, all of my teachers were Christians. At the age of five, after talking with my sister who had recently been baptized, I went to my parents one night & talked with them about becoming a Christian. I prayed with them & accepted Jesus. A few weeks later my dad baptized me.

That was 14 years ago, & I still love the Lord with all my heart. How can I not? After dying on the cross for me, loving Him back is the very least I can do. I owe everything to Him. My ultimate goal in life is to truly be a godly woman & maintain a passion for Jesus, but many times evil in the world tries to intervene, & it is therefore difficult to be Christ-like. However, I enjoy a challenge & see difficult situations as witnessing opportunities. God has called me to the ministry, & I'm anxious to see where He will use me. Right now I feel drawn to minister through children's music & media. Basically, I would love to someday be a graphic designer for Veggie Tales. I would also like to write Christian literature for church education, as well as compose music for church music programs. Christ is-- & will always be-- my first priority. He is my source of strength, & without Him, I can do nothing.

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