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Things I don’t like!

Some things I don’t like

(in no particular order):

People who drive *way* below the speed limit in peak hour


Never having enough time to do the things I want to do

Thongs (ugh!) Actually I will include any open-toed shoes in this category (I just don’t like my own feet…)

Rudeness for no obvious reason (don't you just hate rude shop assistants?)

Violence (any sort but especially perpetuated by men against women/ children)

High-heeled shoes (as the saying goes: if they're so good, why don't men wear them?)

People that talk loudly during a movie!! (ask me about my 'Cliffhanger' experience- like hello? This is *NOT* your lounge room!)

Toast crumbs in the butter!

When people are late and don't bother to 'phone... that's so rude!

People who refuse to buy mobile phones but are always wanting to make a ‘quick’ call on yours!

Guns. No matter how much people try and justify them, their only purpose is for killing and destroying. The fact that people give their kids guns as toys makes me sick