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Things I like!

Some things I like

(in no particular order):

My baby girl, Kate! (She was born on the 29th of Feb, ’92… a leap year baby!) And I know she’s only in the ‘some things I like’ section, but I wanted her to be first! (Assume that I like her more than Marmalade)

Politeness from people

Therapy (everyone should get a good therapist and the world would be a happier place!)

Dogs (I don't have one but I really like them. Beany says we have to wait ‘till the cats go to cat nirvana, then we can get one!) ***NEWSFLASH*** We have a dog!!! She is a pug and her name is Missy Tim Tam. We love her to bits! Born on 30.11.00

Trains. Just the sleeper type, and only if I can have one of those private sleeping cabin things

Sleeping. I love the escapism that it sometimes provides

Sweet Orange Marmalade- the kind with the big chunks of orange peel

Stationery. Pens, pencils, paper, give me any of that stuff for a present and I’m a happy camper!

Discovering that I *love* a new author that I hadn’t even heard of before!

Chili Sauce that makes my eyes water and my nose run

School holidays. (It just makes it all worthwhile!)

Going to Mardi Gras and being overwhelmed by just how many of us are OUT there!!!

Singing really loudly in my car (never in company either!)

Yum Cha (I am indebted to my sister, Sandra, for introducing me to it…)