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Positive Power! The power of positive thinking

Positive Power!

The world is a reflection of ourselves. When we love being who we are, the rest of the world is wonderful.

Accept Compliments

Give compliments

Always speak well of yourself

Praise Yourself!

Separate your behaviour from yourself. (Instead of saying ‘I’m so clumsy!’ when you drop something, think ‘That was a clumsy thing to do!’)

Treat your body well

Let people know how you expect to be treated

Get around good people! (If you want to soar with the eagles- don’t gobble with the turkeys!)

Work at having pleasure without guilt

Picture how you want to be. Gravitate toward your dominant thoughts

Substitute the word ‘will’ for the word ‘try’ (I will ‘try to ……’ is not as powerful as ‘I will…..’)

Open your mouth only when you have something positive and constructive to say!

Use Affirmations (They are not some scary spiritual ritual- just a positive thought that you repeat to yourself!!)

Live with an ‘Attitude of Gratitude’ (ie: be thankful for the stuff you already have!)

Write down your goals!!! (Even if they are a simple as ‘Today I will get out of bed’!)

We reach our goals by continually correcting. Off course? Correct yourself to get back on course! Off again? Correct again! (Kinda like sailing a yacht I guess!)

Whether you think you will succeed or not, you are right! (Henry Ford)

Throw out the labels we hang on ourselves!

We are continually faced by great opportunities brilliantly disguised as insoluble problems

Practise the “Golden Rule” (Do Unto Others….)

Here’s how to get whatever you want: Do whatever it takes!

The reward of a thing well done is to have done it!

Decide to work for the love of working!

The secret of being happy is not in doing what one likes but in liking what one does

Unless you change how you are you will always have what you’ve got!

It is always darkest & coldest just before dawn! (just when you think it can’t get any worse something good is around the corner!)

Persistence is the Name of the Game!

ASK for what you want!

Reality is created by the mind. We can change reality by changing our minds. (Plato)

Most of the ideas on this page are inspired by a book by Andrew Matthews called “Being Happy”. Although it was written a while ago- it’s still relevant and I recommend it. It is fun & easy to read!