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I know some oh you know me as Islandgirl_96707, but Localgirl II was my orginal name...
Also an update started my own business, part-time from the full-time job. Craft and Food Products, have been participating in various Fairs and Festivals....

Hey Mahaloz for stopping by. Well anyways I'm living on Oahu now. Have left

Friendly Isle of Moloka'i

To pursue more in life at the moment.

Most of you see me in now Yahoo Chat -Hawaii Room and in H.C.U.

So know YOU can stop wondering what ever happened to me.....Hehehehehe

Let me tell you a little about myself.......I'm currently on the West Side of Oahu...."KAPOLEI"

I'm no longer in the late 20'. I hate to say it I'm the "BIG 30" , but I feel like I'm still in my 20's.*S*

I'm of Hawaiian, Japanese, Chinese, Filipino, German, and Irish decent (Chop Suey, Poi Dog, Mix Plate...whatevers you like call em)
Am 5'7" have brn. eyes and dark brn. wavey hair to about the middle of my back.

My interest include diving, fishing, going to the beach, and MOST of ALL spending quality time with my son...*S*

I have 4 , they are Pono a Red Nose Pitt, Ke'o Ke'o & Mousey who are a Yo Quero Taco Bell (Chichuahua), and NaheNahe a Bull Mastiff-American Bull-Blue Nose Pitt, she's a new breed they call the Ban-Dog.

Wanna take a "SHOUT" out to the following:

Go and Check Out Some of My Friends HomePages.....

Haw'nLocalGirl...YES your finally here on Oahu too.
hawaiian BiLlIbOnG...Still surfing those waves braddah???
kamaaina'ole...When you coming home cuz???
KaHaLaGuY...Mahalo for the awesome graphics. ya doing sis??? Booging on the dance floor.
Flame Slayer...Putting out those fires, Good J*O*B.
Sleepless in Pearl City...Hey you better be getting back to work.hehehe
PillsburyDoughBoy...Wassup Little bro.???
O.o'Hawaiian Diver'o.O...How you doing Neva see you in aaaaa lllooonnggg time.
keonimana...STOP falling to hard and fast.
Chey 1...Hey sis, where ya been?
ypoboy...Don't let those kids break ya.
imua...So have you heard from Noe yet???
SiStA iNu iNuE...Hey and where have you been too.
keki...hey there sis, we learn alot from all those JERKS in the world.
=C.Rockza=...So when you going meet Mary???
m@c@d@mi@...Hey you one real cool dude.
bigboy38...Hey little cuz, still MACKING.*S*
COOLWATER808...Don't be so whipped and yea I'll invite you to the wedding.
T*E*A*R*Z(M)...Always unda cova.hehehehe.
~*angelic eyes*~...How's the Garden Isle girl???
babytaz...So you when take Sean to the Movies yet???
hulaboy56...Keep up the good work and listen to Dad HUH???
Sandys Cruiser...Just kicking it always.
LoCaL MoTiOn...A Hui hou maybe someday.

Kanaka99723...Keep warm in the Cold Alaska Air
LocalHawaiianKane...Mahalo for the talks and keep it up with the keiki's
Moekolo...Almost there
JrHaynpride...Hey oneday
Hoolehua80...Girl you the "BEST"
MagicMike74...Watch out oneday I going surprise you
I_AM_HAYN...We "lucky" we get one of the best occupations...*LOL*
Sweet_n_Sassy...Tell em girl "we no talk to stranger"!
Misaloha...How is Moloka'i?

I know There are many more, E Kala Mai if I forgot.......... Wanna Leave me A VOICE MAIL, go ahead and do so.
Click to call me

PLEASEZ don't forget to sign my book before leaving........MAHALO

CHAT WITH YOU LATERZ... A Hui Hou Malama Pono

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Updated since October 06, 2000
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