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Ob-Gyn WebSites
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Ob-Gyn's Odyssey in CyberSpace

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Digital Libraries
Medical Schools


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  1. Breast
  2. Contraception
  3. Education Resources
  4. Endometriosis
  5. Endoscopy
  6. Gynecology
  7. Health industry
  8. Ob + Gyn
  9. Obstetrics
  10. Oncology
  11. Osteoporosis
  12. Other Specialities
  13. Pharmaceutical Industries
  14. Polycystic Ovary Syndrome
  15. Pregnancy Complications
  16. Reproduction
  17. Ultrasonography
  18. Videos


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  1. Breast Cancer Action Nova Scotia
  2. Breast Cancer Action, Ottawa
  3. Breast Cancer Answers
  4. Breast Cancer Answers Project
  5. Breast Cancer Awareness Campaign
  6. Breast Cancer For Patients
  7. Breast Cancer Guide, Beth Israel Health Care System
  8. Breast Cancer Lighthouse
  9. Breast Cancer Patient Resources, EduCare
  10. Breast Cancer Roundtable Table
  11. Breast Cancer, Better Health Profiles
  12. Breast Cancer, EduCare, Inc.
  13. Breast CancerInfo.Com
  14. Breast Diseases
  15. Breast Reconstruction After Mastectomy, Patrick Hudson, M.D.
  16. Breast Self-Exam (BSE)
  17. CancerLynx




  1. Advances in Contraception
  2. Emergency Contraception Website
  3. JAMA Women's Health Info Center - Contraception




Education Resources

  1. BMA Library
  2. CME search
  3. Cochrane Library ~ The
  4. Embase / Excerpta Medica
  5. Evidence Based Medicine on the Internet
  6. German National Library of Medicine
  7. Gold Standard Multimedia
  9. HealthNet
  10. Health Science
  11. Index Medicus
  12. Institute for Scientific Information
  13. MD Consult
  14. Medical Matrix
  16. Medical Online
  17. Medline
  18. Medline plus
  19. Medscape
  20. National Library of Medicine
  21. Ovid
  22. PharmInfoNet
  23. Physicians Online
  24. Reference Update
  25. Science Citation Index
  26. West Australian Obstetrics and Gynaecology Learning Resources
  27. Virtual Library of Medicine



  1. About Endometriosis - extract from a Gynecologist's 2nd Opinion
  2. Dr. Cook's, Endometriosis and Pelvic Pain Information Center
  3. Endometriosis - The Beach Center, VA (US)
  4. Endometriosis can be difficult to deal with
  5. Endometriosis Information and Links, Amanda Hargis
  6. Endometriosis Research Center
  7. Endometriosis Resources
  8. Endometriosis Web Ring
  9. Endometriosis zone
  10. Endometriosis: Pathophysiology, Diagnosis and Treatment
  11. Oxegene - Endometriosis Gene Study
  12. Oxford Endometriosis Gene Study
  13. Treatment of Endometriosis





  1. Endoscopic Access to the Fetoplacental Unit
  2. Gasless Laparoscopy in Gynaecology
  3. Gynecologic Endoscopic Atlas
  4. Hysteroscopy
  5. InnerDyne
  6. Laparoscopic Images
  8. Office Hysteroscopy
  9. Telemanipulation for Minimally Invasive Surgery





  1. A Woman's View
  2. Abortion Clinics On-Line
  3. AIDS
  4. Aids Patient Care and STDs
  5. Andrology
  6. Ann Rose's Ultimate birth control links page...
  7. Colposcopy Atlas
  8. DES Action
  9. Family Planning
  10. Female genital tract (CHORUS)
  11. Female Reproductive System, Berkeley HighSchool
  12. FIGO staging
  13. Helena Women's Health
  14. JAMA Women's Health Info - STDs Info
  15. Menopause Online
  16. Papanicolaou Smear ~ The
  17. PMS Research Laboratory
  18. Premenstrual Syndrome Research Laboratory
  19. Sexually Transmitted Diseases, Cornell University




Health Industry

  1. Acuson
  2. Aesculap
  3. Agilent Technologies
  4. Aloka
  5. Apple Medical Corporation
  6. Astra Zeneca
  7. ATL
  8. Carl Zeiss
  9. Circon
  10. ConMed
  11. Cook
  12. Encision, Inc.
  13. Ethicon
  14. Everest Medical
  15. Georgia Biomedical Inc.
  16. Gynecare
  17. Inlet Medical, Inc.
  18. Kretz
  19. Medison
  20. Microsulis
  21. Olympus
  22. Schering
  23. Siemens
  24. Storz
  25. Toshiba
  26. U.S. Surgical
  27. Valleylab
  28. Wisap
  29. Wolf
  30. Zimmer



Ob + Gyn

  1. Congress Resource Centre
  2. OB/GYN Jobs
  4. Surgical Photos of Ob/Gyn Conditions





  1. Amnionet
  2. Childbirth.Org
  3. Down syndrome
  4. Embryo Mail Website
  5. Fetus ~ The
  6. Home birth
  7. Human Embryology Website ~ The
  8. Midwifery Today
  9. Pregnancy Calendar
  10. Pregnancy / Fetus, CHORUS
  11. Prenatal and Neonatal Medicine
  12. Prenatal Diagnosis
  13. Prenatal Diagnosis of Congenital Malformation
  14. Reproductive and Placental Research Unit, Yale University
  15. Resources for Prenatal Diagnosis
  16. Trisomy





  1. CancerNet
  2. Gynecologic Oncology
  3. Gynecologic Oncology Tutorials, University of Washington





  1. National Osteoporosis Foundation
  2. Osteoporosis and Related Bone Diseases
  3. Osteovision



Other Specialities

  1. Doctor's Guide
  2. International Museum of Surgical Science
  3. Internet Pathology Laboratory for Medical Education
  4. Medical Student Resource Guide
  5. RxList-The Internet Drug Index
  6. Three Dimensional Medical Reconstruction
  7. Virology on the WWW
  8. Visible Embryo
  9. Visible Man
  10. Visible Woman
  11. Women in Endocrinology



Pharmaceutical Industries

  1. Bristol-Myers Squibb
  2. Drug Infonet
  3. Eli Lilly and Company
  4. Elmed Electrosurgery
  5. Glaxo Wellcome Web Gateway
  6. Novartis
  7. Pharmaceutical Information Network Home Page
  8. RxList-The Internet Drug Index
  9. "Virtual" Pharmacy Center - Martindale's Health Science Guide



Polycystic Ovary Syndrome

  1. Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome Information
  2. Polycystic Ovary Syndrome
  3. Polycystic Ovary Syndrome Web Ring



Pregnancy Complications

  1. About Cocaine Use During Pregnancy
  2. About Vitamin A Intake During Pregnancy
  3. Anesthesia for the Pregnant Patient
  4. Brief Note about Epidural Anesthesia for Labor
    Clinical Teratology Web
  5. DES (diethylstilbestrol) Action
  6. DES Daughters Online Support Group
  7. Diabetes in Pregnancy
  8. Diseases That Can Complicate Pregnancies - Merck Manual
  9. Ectopic Pregnancy, Medicine Net
  10. FAQs and Comments about Epidural
    Fetal Alcohol Syndrome Branch
  11. Folic Acid and Birth Defects Prevention
    Folic Acid: The Vitamin That Prevents Birth Defects
  12. Healthy Eating During Pregnancy
  13. Home Birth Issues
  14. Later-age pregnancy
  15. Life before birth
  16. Midwifery, Pregnancy, and Birth Related Information
  17. MotheRisk - Toronto (CA)
  18. Obstetrics - The Family Practice Handbook, University of Iowa (US)
  19. Pregnancy After Age 35
  20. Pregnancy and Cancer
  21. Pregnancy and Lupus
  22. Pregnancy Calendar
  23. Pregnancy Complications
  24. Pregnancy related fact sheets about Chicken Pox, Fifth Disease, Hyperthermia, Prozac, Toxoplasmosis
  25. Premature Labor & Other Complications of Pregnancy
  26. Problems in Pregnancy and Labor ...
  27. Sidelines (US) Nat'l Support Network for women with complicated pregnancies
  28. Traveling While Pregnant




  1. About Female Infertility
  2. Alpha, Scientists in Reproduction
  3. Biology Project ~ The
  4. Conceptions
  5. Cook IVF Australia
  6. Fertilitext
  7. Fertility Network
  8. Immune Group's Collective Guide to Heparin Injections
  9. Infertility FAQs and Info
  10. Infertility Resources - Internet Health Resources Company (US)
  12. Ovulation induction with Gonadotrophins - Ohio Reproductive Medicine (US)
  13. Reproductive and Placental Research Unit, Yale University
  14. Reproductive Health (articles)
  16. Sympto-Thermal Chart
  17. The Berlex Foundation
  18. Worldwide Fertility Network




  1. History of Ultrasound in Ob/Gyn
  2. Diagnostic Ultrasound
  3. Fetal Echocardiography
  4. Fetus ~ The
  5. Institute for Advanced Medical Education
  6. Ultrasound
  7. Ob-Gyn Ultrasound Online
  8. Obstetric Radiology
  9. Obstetric Ultrasound
  10. Obstetrical Ultrasound and Prenatal Diagnosis
  11. Sydney Obstetric & Gynaecology Ultrasound
  12. Three Dimensional Ultrasound Imaging Group
  13. Ultrasound and other Prenatal Diagnostic Tests
  14. Ultrasound Educational Press
  15. Ultrasound Practice Accreditation




  1. Circon
  2. Cook
  3. Microsulis
  4. Siemens
  5. Wolf


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