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The Single's Webring Homepage

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< font size="7">The Single's Webring would like to wish everyone & announce the new Advice Page.

Welcome to The Single's Webring Homepage. This webring is for anyone looking to meet a friend to a lover. No more paying memberships and ending up with less money and no mate. Yes it is a webring but it is not a pointless one. It is just like a matchmaker service only each ad/home page is created by the individual. So the real you can shine...

Who can join?

The only requierments are:

1)A person who is looking to meet someone. No restrictions here just as long as it is not against the law.

2) Have a personal home/ad page with information about yourself and what your looking for.

That's It!

T here is also a Search Page where you can search all the webring members in Six Diffrent Categories

They are:

Woman looking for Men

Men looking for Woman

Woman looking for Woman

Men looking for Men

Just Friends



"Members of the Month"

Woman looking for Men

Men looking for Woman

Woman looking for Woman

Men looking for Men

Just Friends


Will it be you next month? Join Now!

This ring started with one mission in mind, and here is the story behind it. I wanted to join a webring and maybe meet someone. I went to a bunch, but they were all the same. They all had very strict requierments/limitations and yes I did fit in a few and I even join a couple. Then I started thinking, I wanted to join a ring that anybody else could join. I don't want to feel traped in a ring with so many rules. Then I looked to see if there were any like that and there was none, well until now.

It is very easy to join just go to the Sumbit page and fill out the small form. Once you do that you will receive a E-mail with the HTML fragment and your ring information. You can Cut & Paste that on to your page. If you are not able to cut & paste all you need to do is copy down(exactly the same)the HTML fragment and then write that in you text area. Make sure you change all the --name--,--id--,--mail--, to your own info you receive in the E-mail. You have 6 days to do this before your ring info goes void(You will receive a E-mail if this happens). All you need to do to re-apply is fill out the Submit Form and change the --name--,--id--,--mail--, to your own information in the HTML fragment.

Once the HTML fragment is on your page I will visit it and most likely approve it for the ring. Once I approve it you will receive another E-mail letting you know. If you have any questions about anything send me a E-mail.

Once your part of the ring you can Edit your information about your site at the Edit Page.

Another great thing about The Single's Webring is every month I will pick the best ad/home page from each category. It will be anounced with a link on The Singles Homepage for even more people to notice it.

Will it be you?



Kiss me for the Single's Webring Homepage. This Single's site owned by Jessica T. Brain. [ Previous 5 Sites | Skip Previous | Previous | Next | Skip Next | Next 5 Sites | Random Site | List Sites ]



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