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undefined Welcome to the Queer Wedding Webring Homepage
The Queer Wedding Webring Homepage

The Queer Wedding Webring was created to celebrate the Weddings, Unions and Commitment Ceremonies of Lesbian and Gay couples.

It began when a lesbian couple were searching the net for ideas and information when planning their own wedding... They came across many wonderful sites, but found they were scattered everywhere and difficult to find. That's how the idea of our own queer wedding webring came about.

Some sites contain a couple's perspective on their special day, and are wonderfully uplifting. These are a valuable resource for those planning their own ceremonies. By joining our sites together we can express our pride and show that true love occurs all over this planet, without regard to gender or current laws.

Other sites are commercial businesses that are *exclusively* for or about gay and lesbian weddings. These businesses are there to help you make your wedding day as fabulous as possible.

Take a look at the Index of sites for the ring if you're just visiting or curious.
Would you like to join the queer wedding webring? There are certain restrictions for pages in the ring:

  • The page MUST contain information about Weddings, Unions and Commitment Ceremonies of Lesbian or Gay identified couples.
  • Pages promoting hatred or uneasiness against gays and lesbians are not welcome. If you encounter such a page, do not hesitate to report it to the Ringmistress immediately.
  • Not everybody has as fast a connection, so avoiding huge tables and putting in the dimensions of graphics is a very good idea. And because some people do not view graphics when they surf, accomodating for that is good practice too. (If you're not sure how, ask melbent)

There are only Two easy steps to joining the webring. All the information that you need can be found here.

A word of thanks...
bentgrrrl would like to thank Beverly for the wonderful graphics she designed for the ring. Without her vital encouragement and support this ring may have remained an idea only. Thanks for your mentorship online and being such a fabulous dykon for us baby-net-dykes to aspire to.

The Queer Wedding
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This Queer Wedding Webring site is owned by melbent.
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this page last updated 1/03/2003   content and design © bentgrrrl