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The HARDWAYS featuring George Carlin

GIG GUIDE (regularly updated)
Before I go any further, I'll just add this in. THE HARDWAYS, everyone's favourite real rock band is working on new stuff. Keep your ears peeled for a new album soon. Now, back to the old page......Yes, you heard correctly, that comedy legend you see above with Bill and Ted is The Hardways' best pal, George Carlin, who makes a special guest appearance on The Hardways' new album, Coming Out.(Link to George Carlin's home page is below). It's still not quite decided whether rock n roll still can make it in the rock industry, but let's keep our fingers crossed. Email me today to get a copy of this REAL rock album.
Gentlemen, we're History
Well, The Hardways are a group of casino employees from Brisbane, Queensland, Australia's Treasury Casino. We hooked up for a Christmas party for the casino staff, it worked out well and the rest is history. Recently seen on Brisbane Extra, a current affairs type show and playing gigs in and around Brisbane, it seems we are set for world domination say our peers, and who are we to argue. Decide for yourself.
You can download Bring on the Night and Keeping the Dream Alive for free below.

Track List and synopsis- 1.Coming Out - Intro featuring George Carlin and Pink Floyd like instrumental.
2.Kind o' Woman - Chunky rock tune. Great opener.
3.Lightning Strikes - AC/DC never had it so riffy. Quick paced, rocky riffy track.
4.C'mon - As seen on Brisbane Extra, a tune written about a patron of the casino, with him on guest vocals.
5.Bring on the Night - Is this the best track on the album, hmm, close. A simple straight ahead rock tune(that kicks butt live!) And a bit of trivia, the guitar used on the guitar solo is THE guitar used for Daddy Cool's Eagle Rock. A Maton Hollowbody Les Paul type thing loaned to us by Col Lindorff.
Download Bring on the Night (requires real player, approx 2.5 meg, but worth it).
6.Keeping the Dream Alive - Most of the people who've heard this one vote it the #1 track on the album. Starts off a melodic piano piece, turns into a big guitar ballad and finishes off as it started, ala Bon Jovi or even November Rain.
Download 'Keeping the Dream Alive' on mp3 here!
7.Time Flies - Matty's autobiography, done with a nice happy little, Milo written, hook.
8.The Procedure Song - First single we released and sold 200 copies to casino workers to raise funds for the RSL. Much loved rock tune as seen on TV.
9.Latin Love Cocktail - Al on vox and I guess Lorraine, his gal, would be happy with this tune. Hear to believe. Join Al's world.
10.The Great Man - A tribute to a few people we consider great. Includes a verse dedicated to The Great Man himself, Eddie Van Halen. And this song was sooo close to having guitar legend, Steve Lukather from Toto playing on it. He has it in his studio in LA but the Toto re-union concert series got in the way, darn it. Next album Luke!
11.This Place Shags - Sean Webdale said in response to The Procedure Song, "Why not write a song that goes 'This Place Shags ' instead?" so.......... (guest starring..well you'll just have to hear it.)
12.Please Love Me - Described by Matt, "Would make Michael Bolton stick his fingers down his throat and complain 'It's too soppy!'" The girls love it, a pure love ballad from Al's world.
13.Catch me a Butterfly - Matt's way of saying please love me, a little different from the previous track. A big rock love song that we actually sent to Steve Tyler from Aerosmith to see of he wanted to do it. We never heard back so we'll keep it.
Pop me a mail and I'll send you a copy of the album at cost, $10 plus a few bucks postage depending on where you are. I guarantee, you'll like it. (Well I hope so!!) Alternatively, the album is available but only in a few local Brisbane record stores. Rocking Horse Records, Skinny's and Cosmic Music.
The Hardways are - Glenn 'Homer' Twiddle, Matt 'Yoda' Farthing, Allen 'Al' Greenaway, Steve ' Milo' Kelly, and Stuart ' Stuey' Thomson. Milo left us to go and chase European and USA girls around for a while. Dunno what his plans are so Stuey is the new kid on the block. Well, there you go, a fun rock album made by some clowns in a basement recording studio, that happened to get the attention of one of the biggest legends of comedy in history, George Carlin. Check it out today by popping an email in the old outbox. Chat to ya soon,
Glenn 'Homer' Twiddle

Check out Radio Raw, we are on it from time to time.
George Carlin's official site. Don't go here if rational questioning of everything offends!
The Pushworth Group. Management team extraordinaire!
Nik Phillips,one of the best soloists in Queensland and pal of The Hardways!
Owen Gray, the man responsible for Homer starting to play, pianist, vocalist, guitarist, drummer, and who knows what else, extraordinaire!

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