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undefined Someday I will edit my page, and it will be good...

Bow down before your master, Snuggies.


Don't go to this dumb chat room. It sucks. How good can plain HTML chat get?? Why don't you do something constructive and give money or something??

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Click for KoRn Hompage.

This is a KoRn CD I scanned so don't sue you corporate mofo mutha's wit junk on 'em.

"Justin Dean is infinetly more powerful than I"

Quoted by Justin Dean

The most useless link

Email me: justin_dean@hotmail.com

Built and maintained by Justin "GOD" Dean. Updated 5/22/98 (6 month intervals are frequent enough updates, if you ask me.)

All materials © Justin Dean (especially custom made 'poop' gif's) KoRn CD has somthin to do with KoRn...not sure how how legal that is.