The Darkness Breathes...

Welcome to the darkness. We think you'll be very happy here...


Ok, down to business this is the new look I promised for the site... There are still more little things I want to add but this is the best I can do with the poor grphics skills that I have and with HyperionAngel away for the summer. With all this busy work I have still had time to put togethor another update which will be up shortlty when I find the time during my summer (which is hectic as it is). I promise I will have it up as soon as possible and then my next task will be to bring my update list back to life and have more traffic to the site. Hopefully this little project (which has taken me about three years) will be where I want it to be by the end of August. Cross your fingers!

ARCHIVE UPDATED: October 21, 2000

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