Monday 4th August 1997

Bianca is about to put her plan into action. She's offhand to Ricky as he leaves, and even Ricky notices it. She follows him as soon as he leaves, but she bumps into Annie as she's hurrying across the square after him and he turns the corner to the Arches. Lenny walks over to the shop and sees Bianca coming, and rushes back to warn them, so Mark and Ricky quickly shut the doors. Bianca sees the empty road and goes off to whine to Tiffany about it. Tiffany concludes that Ricky was picked up by the woman in a car, so she must be a rich cow. Annie is annoyed with George because she has a discrepancy with her accounts, and she asks him outright if the £7,000 that is missing is anything to do with the licence of the Vic. George says it could be, but he bets she had an excellent night last night - and that Dixon was in spending freely. Annie agrees, and George says it's not such bad business after all then, as they get it back, as well as the favours. Annie's not at all keen on the afternoon entertainment - family Sunday dinner in the square. Peggy thinks that it'll be nice to have lunch outside in the centre of Albert Square. She has set up tables there and the family all arrive and say it'll be a "nice change." Bianca gets all tearful in the Vic, and goes home to pack Ricky's suitcase. Ruth is in for a drink as she's got nothing else to do, and she sees the exchange between Tiffany and Bianca and asks Tiffany at the bar why Bianca left so upset. Tiffany tells her that Ricky's playing around, and Ruth goes over to see Bianca and tell her the real reason. Bianca doesn't believe her at first, but Ruth persuades her to come to the speedway with her. They watch and cheer Ricky on as he wins his first race. Afterwards Bianca goes over and tells him that the race was exciting and he "was so....sexy." She immediately decides that she will be his manager and that he could even make some money out of it if they are organised. Ricky protests that Lenny is his manager, and Bianca says he's sacked now. Peggy's dinner in the square doesn't go smoothly - Phil is annoyed every time someone makes a big fuss about getting him something non-alcoholic to drink instead of the wine, and Kathy is annoyed because he's irritable. Tiffany rambles on very boringly about her marriage blessing and Grant takes no part in it. Grant sits opposite Annie and they talk about George's announcement that the Vic licence is going to be fine. Annie doesn't reveal much. In the middle of the dinner, Sam phones from Spain and Peggy decides to visit her as soon as she's had the check-up from the hospital. George assumes that he will accompany Peggy, but she has not intended this. In the Vic, Annie and Grant continue chatting, and joke about meeting in Annie's flat to say what they really think of each other's parent. After dinner, Phil leaves early for the Sunday "meeting". He goes to the café and meets the alcoholic woman, Lorna, again and she invites him round to hers for coffee after they've chatted at length about falling off the wagon and how no-one except an alcoholic jokes about it with them. They also mention children - Lorna has lost hers to their father because she turned up in court drunk, and Phil says he nearly lost his wife and kid too. Lorna asks him if he wants a drink, and Phil hesitates before he refuses, and she says that he wants one though, doesn't he. Lorna sits beside him cosily and says that it's important to admit that you want something, even if you can't have it, ...especially if you can't have it. Phil responds by kissing her. Phil says he has to go, and walks out of her house. Showing the sort of willpower which made him alcoholic, he then goes straight back.

Tuesday 5th August 1997

Phil is late home from his "meeting" and he tells Kathy he's going again today to do a job on a car for one of the blokes there. He gets a cab to Lorna's and she isn't very welcoming. Then a child shouts Mummy, and Lorna says it's one of the very rare times she's allowed to see them, so it's not a good time. Phil says he'll go but arranges to return tomorrow. Sarah writes to her mother about Ted taking her to Dubai, although Tony discourages her, saying that she just left them and never bothered to get in touch, and doesn't Sarah remember how often she cried about that. Simon suggests that he and Tony move into Ted's house to look after Sarah there. He thinks maybe, Ted will allow her to stay if she has someone to keep an eye on her. Tony isn't optimistic but agrees to ask. Sarah discusses it with Joe and he says she should try to find her mother because there's nothing worse than not knowing, and he's never regretted coming here to look for his father. Lorraine appears and tells Joe to disappear for a while because she wants to talk to Sarah. They, with Nigel, arrange Joe's birthday party, which is to be a sad little affair with the four of them in the café. Peggy gets her results, which are clear, and goes off to Spain alone, telling George that she wants some time to themselves for her and Sam. Sanjay's mother has got the shop, so he and Gita decide to postpone another attempt at IVF because they won't have the money available. Tony and Ted have a chat about Sarah. Tony tries to argue that Sarah is adult, and what could possibly happen to her? Ted says that she could get knocked up and on drugs or something, and when Tony puts forward Simon's suggestion, Ted shouts that he wants her looked after, not shacked up with a couple of queers and they might drag her down to their level. Tony is a bit miffed and says that he knew Ted's supposed liberal attitude was only a front and thanks for telling him what he really thinks of him, and he's glad Ted's going to Dubai as he can now be shot of him at last.

Thursday 7th August 1997

Tony is in the square chatting to Simon and Ted comes over to ask for a word. Tony refuses, and as he walks away Simon says to Ted "What did you expect?" Tony tells Sarah about his disastrous visit to Ted's, and he's upset about what Ted said to him. Ruth tells Gita that Mark is feeling off colour from the drugs. It's the day of Pat's dinner party for Roy's business acquaintances, including Barry and Vanessa. Pat gets very nervous about it, and decides on a menu of mushroom soup and roast dinner. Roy comes in while she is stirring the soup in a large cauldron and he looks incredibly doubtful about the outcome. He asks what's for dinner and she tells him and he says "It's a bit...simple, isn't it?" Pat is furious as she is feeling pressured already and tells him to leave the kitchen immediately. Phil says he might not go to the meeting after all, and Kathy is ignoring him and moaning on about Ben being retarded, and he should have walked by now. Phil tries to talk to her but she is too busy playing with Ben and says something non-committal. Since Kathy doesn't care what he does, Phil decides that he will go after all, and he goes off to Lorna's again. He tells her that he shouldn't be doing this, and she says it's just that he feels guilty, and men are all the same - they don't think about it before they do it, but do it and then think afterwards and feel guilty. She says it's OK it's not the first time she's been turned down, and he might as well leave then. Phil doesn't want to, and suggests she could make him coffee instead. She teases him, saying obviously Kathy thinks he's at a meeting so he can't go home now, and he has a couple of hours to waste. Phil admits this is true and she makes him coffee, and then he changes his mind again and stays for sex. When he gets home, Kathy tells him that while he was out Ben took his first steps. Phil feels really guilty then and says he should have been here to see it, and Kathy says the meeting was important too, and he did the right thing. In the café Joe has his 17th birthday party, of him and Sarah and Lorraine and Nigel, with Mick presenting the cake complete with candles. Lorraine tells Nigel it's a double celebration as she has got a job too. Joe gets a snooker cue as his present. Pat has a disaster and gets Ian to bring over some vol-au-vents as she burns hers. It’s finally all sorted and Vanessa and Barry turn up along with some rather "posh" guests, the women discussing some chunky emerald jewellery and one of them saying it might be rather vulgar to wear the matching earrings. Pat is standing behind them with her huge ones. The last guest is a little late and Vanessa is coming downstairs as Pat opens the door. He is obviously an old "friend" of Pat's and can't believe it's Pat Wicks. She tells him it's Pat Evans, and he is amazed and disappointed that she's married to Roy. She hisses that he doesn't know her, and Vanessa overhears. The dinner goes remarkably well, and Roy comments how he was worried about the soup when she was making it, but it's wonderful. The old flame says "Well Pat, as good in the kitchen as...err". Pat chokes on her soup and Vanessa jumps in to rescue Pat and says it's just the same with me, people think just because I'm brilliant at options trading, they think I can't do anything else. Later in the dinner one of the women asks the old flame if he's still single, and not met Miss Right yet. He says he did meet her, but he let her get away but maybe he'll meet her again. Pat coughs and looks most uncomfortable, although none of the others find it suspicious. Finally he leaves, after hanging around until the last minute, and definitely rather drunk, so Pat is on tenterhooks the entire time. Roy comments that he seemed to take quite a shine to Pat, and she pretends she didn't notice. Sarah talks to Ted yet again, and as Alex suggests, she listens to his side of the story. Ted comes up with some self-pitying tripe about Sarah being the only thing he has but she'll be better off without poor old him, and she gives in and says she wants to go to Dubai with him.

Monday 11th August 1997

Lorraine sets off a car alarm and can't stop it. Grant comes out and helps her by taking the control and pressing the button. He asks about the car and she says it is her new company car, and she is off to her new job today. Kathy suggests to Phil that they could go away on holiday to get away from their troubles, and Phil gets angry and says he can't now, maybe in a few months time. Kathy says she understands that the counselling is important and that must take priority. Sanjay's mother confirms that they will have the corner shop by next week, and could open on Monday. Gita asks what Carol thinks and she says that she hasn't made any decision about staff yet. Gita says to Sanjay that this doesn't sound good for Carol. Bianca is going mad about the speedway and how wonderful Ricky will be. She has ordered a set of leathers with advertising on, which arrives later. She also asks Ricky if they could go on holiday and says she's off to the building Society to get some money out for some exotic beach holiday. Ricky says they are supposed to be saving up and why not go to Paris instead to visit Diane as that will be a lot cheaper. Bianca isn't impressed, but Ricky says it will be romantic. Bianca has been chatting to Tiffany about it, as she's trying to persuade Grant to go on holiday too, so Bianca suggests they all go. She tells Ricky, who is horrified about the prospect of going on holiday with Tiffany and Grant. Tiffany gets a letter from her father, which she postpones opening as long as possible, but Grant persuades her to. He asks what it was about and she says he was telling her he's coming out of hospital and asking her to visit. She says she doesn't want to, after last time she is afraid to take her baby near him, for instance. She asks Grant what she should do, and he says if she doesn't want to see him, just ignore it. He screws up the letter and throws it away. Kathy sees Sarah in the café and Sarah tells her about her decision to go to Dubai because Ted needs her. Kathy is worried and says she hopes it's for the right reasons. Kathy goes off to see Ted and berate him for pressuring Sarah and not thinking of what's best for her. Joe comes round to Ted's while Sarah is out and tells Ted he wants to ask her out tomorrow night. Ted says she will be busy but doesn't mention she will be on a plane to Dubai. Alex also sees Sarah in the café and gives her the same warning as Kathy - saying he is surprised she has changed her mind and she should do what is right for her, and she's not abandoning her father just by not going with him. He says they will miss her at the refuge and asks her to write. Sarah then sees Tony and tells him. Tony asks how Ted persuaded her - did he cry and say how much he had done for them and all the sacrifices he made during their childhood? Sarah looks a bit taken aback at this cynical interpretation and very accurate prediction of Ted's little speech to her. Tony says he's sorry and it's good for her that she's sorted out her relationship with Ted, where he can't. Sarah says her mother never bothered to phone her although she gave her the number. Vanessa and Barry are arranging the wedding. Barry suggests April, so they have time to arrange a huge do and all the trimmings. Vanessa says she can't wait that long and "wants to be with him" as soon as possible, so she is willing to give up the big dress, and party and all that just to be with him sooner. Barry is also keen for sex, so he says OK, get your diary out. Roy and Pat arrive in the Vic and they announce that they have decided on the 1st of November for their wedding. Roy is very dubious and keeps on saying it's a bit of a rush, but Pat says congratulations to Barry, and there's a lot to be said for a strong woman, so good luck - you'll need it! At this point Ian comes into the Vic and Pat rushes out to hide because she's the ASRA secretary but hasn't done the newsletter yet. She goes to hide in the café, but Ian sees her just leaving the Vic and looks for her. She tells him she will sort it out, and Mick and Clare laugh at her attempts to evade Ian. She says she hasn't even got a typewriter. Clare offers her the use of her computer and Pat says she wouldn't know how, so Clare offers to help her, saying it will be fun. Annie is chatting to Grant in the Vic and they get on very well. She says she's heard he's pretty good at sorting things out himself, and that he has a colourful past too. She asks what he was in prison for and also about the recent shooting in the square. Grant tells her that he and Phil found the culprit, and he was being paid by Ian's wife, but the police couldn't find enough evidence so dropped it. Annie is apparently impressed. Grant asks her what she's doing here - he says he went to Fiji so he saw the operation there and that the motors were obviously dodgy, so what is she doing running a poxy little club back here? He adds, unless the club isn't quite all it seems. Annie doesn't deny anything, but tells him that he's putting 2&2 together and making more than 4. George arrives and asks Annie what's going on between her and Grant. She says he could be useful, and George says it looked like rather more than that. They carry on the conversation back at home - which is a very opulent and tastefully decorated house. Annie says if he marries Peggy then Grant will be family. George says he doesn't want Peggy involved in the business at all. Annie tells him that Grant seems to have worked out quite a lot about the business already and he could be useful. Kathy comes into the Vic and whinges to Grant that Phil is being negative - just like when he was drinking again, so Grant calls him and gets him to come over to the Vic for a cup of tea. When he arrives Grant gives him the third degree about whether he is drinking. Phil says he's not, but has to explain so tells Grant about Lorna. He says she's understanding, and doesn't keep watching him waiting for him to make a mistake, like Kathy does. Grant tells him he's being stupid and will lose Kathy and his kid if he carries on and she finds out. Phil says he knows and he will finish it with Lorna soon - he is seeing her on Wednesday. Alex bumps into Joe and asks him if he is OK about Sarah going to Dubai, so Joe is shocked and upset. He goes home to find Sarah waiting there to tell him, so he gets angry and asks why he is the last to know that she is leaving and he thought their relationship was more important. She just stands there whining a bit, and says it's too late now, she has decided. Joe says he loves her and he thought she felt the same way, and walks off in annoyance. Sarah snivels a bit.

Tuesday 12th August 1997

Tiffany starts nagging Grant about going on holiday after she's agreed they'll go with Bianca and Ricky. With this and the blessing, and seeing Lorraine in the square, Grant is getting thoroughly fed up. Tiffany asks if he's having second thoughts about the blessing, and he says of course not. She tells Simon about her father's letter, and he almost starts to feel sorry for him until Tiffany reminds him of various evil deeds. Joe is sulking and Lorraine is fussing over him, which is making him even more annoyed. Sarah is packing and Ted says she will make lots more new friends over there and should play the field a bit at her age. Sarah says if he's trying to pretend that she's not serious about Joe, then he's wrong. Their relationship is serious and should be strong enough to withstand a short period apart. She admits that Joe doesn't quite see it like that at the moment though. Ted tells her she'd better say her goodbyes, and she reminds him that he also has to make his peace with Tony. Ted goes out to do this, and talks to Tony in the Vic. He apologises unreservedly, and Tony has another go at him, saying he's not sincere in saying he is doing what's best for them, as taking Sarah is clearly doing what he wants with no regard for what is best for Sarah at all. He walks out and Ted wanders out to the square where he sees Sarah and Joe having a cosy chat. Lorraine passes and Ted tells her that at their age they should be playing the field and it will all be forgotten in a month. Lorraine says that Joe will take much longer than that, and he hasn't actually got lots of girls chasing him. She says that it is sad to split up a relationship which might have worked, when so many people don't manage one that works out. She adds "I haven't had one which worked out, have you?" Simon has a go at Tony in the Vic, saying that he will have to go and say goodbye properly. Tony says he hates Ted, but Simon says it's not for him, "It's for my benefit, you're a pain to live with in this mood and you will be even worse if you let him go without saying goodbye." Blossom sends a postcard saying she's staying longer in Israel. Carol whinges on about the sale of the shop in front of Gita and finally, at the ladies darts practice later, Gita tells Carol that her mother-in-law will probably be the new owner, but it's not completed yet. Carol asks about hours of work but Gita says she knows nothing at all about Neelam's plans, although she guesses that Neelam wants to get rid of Carol. Roy quizzes Vanessa about herself, and she turns the questions back on Roy, asking him flatteringly how he managed to make his business empire and saying that she hasn't much time for socialising because she's too busy trying to get ahead in business. She says perhaps he could show her his business and how he did it. He agrees, because his questions aren't getting very far and he hopes to find out more about her if he has more time, as he explains to Pat later. Annie invites Grant back to the club and he walks in to the quiet and deserted bar and recognises the DS of Walford nick. He asks what all these people with serious money are doing here and how she can make any real money out of a small club like this. She tries "Have you seen our prices?" and Grant says he doesn't believe they're just here for a booze-up. Annie says OK, and takes him to a back room where there is a gambling table. One of the guests starts making a fuss, and the croupier is firm. Annie excuses herself from Grant and asks what the problem is, "Mr Dixon." He complains that he's not being allowed to bet, and Annie says that's because his credit limit has been reached, and the croupier is quite correct. Dixon says he knows her father and patronises her with various "little girl" remarks, so Annie says she is running the club, not her father, and could he please leave. He starts to shout and Grant goes over and stands in front of him, saying quietly, "Is there something wrong with your hearing? She asked you to go." Dixon does so, and Annie says, slightly sarcastically, "My hero..". Grant says sorry, and Annie smiles and says don't be, you were rather good. They then go back to her flat. Sarah and Joe have a fond farewell hug and snog right outside Ted's window and he happens to be looking out. He makes a phone call to book a taxi for half an hour earlier than he had previously arranged. Sarah goes home and Ted tells her in typically tactful and endearing fashion that she's not going to Dubai after all. He says that's his taxi now. She is all confused and yet again starts snivelling. Ted explains that they are all right and he didn't want her to go for her own good, it was just so he wouldn't be all alone out there. Sarah says she doesn't want to stay on her own either, but Ted says she's old enough now, and he has just realised that, and she'll be able to cope perfectly well on her own, and she can come out for a holiday as soon as she wants to. Ted says he has already signed the house over to Tony so she will be able to carry on living there, and as they are having this fraught conversation, Tony arrives. Ted says Sarah isn't going to Dubai, you will look after her won't you? Tony is stunned and Ted says sheepishly "I know it takes a while but things do finally get through." Tony shakes his hand and Ted dashes off, giving Sarah a final hug and telling her he loves her. Grant and Annie are sitting on her expensive sofa having a brandy and she's telling him how well he handled himself, and Grant says he can handle most things, but not this. Annie says that's not the impression she had, and Grant says she's wrong, he is working things out with Tiffany and that is what he wants - Tiffany and Courtney, not this. Annie looks sour as he walks out.

Thursday 14th August 1997

Simon and Tony move into Ted's house, and Simon is keen to have a big housewarming party, inviting all his mates from the "club scene." Tony is reluctant, saying that Sarah has only just accepted them being together and he'd rather not subject her to that immediately. Simon gets sulky about having Sarah live with them. Tony says let it settle down for a week or so before they do anything. Tiffany tells Bianca that Grant was fine about their holiday, just as she had planned, when he returned from the club he was in no mood to argue, and happy to go along with what she'd arranged. However, she wonders whether it will be difficult to find accommodation in Paris in August. Bianca says that she and Ricky could stay with Diane, and Tiffany is annoyed that Bianca obviously planned it so she and Ricky could have a cheap holiday without thinking of her and Grant. Bianca doesn't care and tells Michael that she'll be away the last week in August. Mark and Ruth discuss the speedway plans and Ruth says maybe, they could make a real Bank Holiday of it. Mark says Ricky has to get through team trials yet, but if he does then it'll all be happening on the Bank Holiday Monday. Neelam tells Carol that she won't be required after Monday, but agrees to pay her a week's money in lieu of notice when Carol complains about the short notice. Carol is annoyed that Gita didn't tell her the full story and Gita apologises. Grant has a word with Phil, telling him make sure he does finish with Lorna today. Phil sees her and she takes it quite well, while still letting Phil know that she would have been keen on a serious relationship, and she tells him he's the best thing that has happened to her for a long time. He apologises profusely and she kisses him goodbye. She walks out and he has a change of heart and stops her and follows her out. Councillor Dixon comes to the club and apologises to Annie who accepts ungraciously, and asks to speak to George in private. He begs George for money, saying he has a lot of information about him. George says he doesn't react well to threats, and Dixon is implicated in everything too. Dixon says it doesn't matter, as he is so far in he will go down for it anyway, and he will take everyone who has also made money out of it with him. George finishes the meeting and Annie asks what went on - should she accept his credit in the club, etc? George says he gave Dixon a once and for all golden handshake and won't be dealing with him again. Annie says that's ridiculous and he'll be back for more as soon as he gets through that lot. Tiffany’s father, Terry, turns up at the Vic when neither Grant nor Tiffany are serving. He gets an orange juice and chats to Roy at the bar, wondering where they are. Roy says they're off to the church probably. Terry says he didn't think Tiffany was the religious type. Roy says he doesn't expect they will go anywhere near a church once the blessing is over at All Saints' next Thursday. Terry says err oh yes that, of course. Roy is having a drink with Vanessa and she demonstrates that she's got a good insight into Barry's character. She makes some astute remarks and impresses Roy. She tells him that she is also surprised at the speed with which Barry wants to get married, and she thinks it's a deeper problem, of him proving himself adult in Roy's eyes. She points out that although Roy is "retired" he still has the final say about all Manor Wood dealings, and Barry thinks he isn't trusted. Roy agrees, although a little offended. Vanessa charmingly apologises and says she did ask him to tell her if she was talking out of turn and she's said the wrong thing now so she won't go on. Roy tells her to carry on. Vanessa says it's catch-22 - Barry can't be trusted until he's proved himself but he can't prove himself while Roy is still in charge. Grant goes to see Annie to clear up the previous evening. Annie says he's making a mountain out of a molehill, and he's obviously the family man now, and it's very sweet. She says considering the grief it seems to be causing him, it would probably be best if they forgot it ever happened. Terry waits around and orders another OJ, when a middle-aged woman comes to the bar and asks him for a light. He gives her one and she says she's glad to see he has some vices then, she thought she was standing next to a saint, drinking OJ. He says doctor's orders. She says so is he in here then, your doctor? He says what? No. She says well then, what the eye doesn't see... Terry is easily persuaded and asks for a vodka in his OJ. He introduces himself saying he's Terry Raymond, here to see his kids. She says she's the genie of the lamp. He asks if she has any kids. She says yes, but they're grown-up now. They flirt a lot and are getting on incredibly well when Simon walks in. Terry looks shocked, and she asks if his doctor just walked in. He says no, my son, and Simon gives him an earful telling him to go away and it's typical he's come back, supposedly having changed, and he's already boozing and brought an old slapper with him. Irene is annoyed and interrupts asking what did he call her, but Terry moves away and tells her to keep out of it. Simon tells him to leave, and says he will make him. Grant hears from Barry that Terry’s back, and rushes back to the Vic to reinforce the point. He shows him the door and Terry can't really do anything. Grant chats to Simon, saying that they shouldn't tell Tiffany that he arrived, as she was upset enough just from the letter. Simon says it's amazing, they both agree on something. Annie is waiting at the bar, and Lorraine arrives and walks up next to Simon. Grant turns to her immediately and asks what she wants. Annie is annoyed and glares at Lorraine and says "what do you have to do to get a drink around here - sleep with the barstaff?" Grant says sorry, and serves her. Lorraine looks uncomfortable! Simon goes home and whinges to Tony about Terry. Tony says it's ironic that a couple of days ago Simon was advising him to make up with his father, and now he is insisting that his own father is practically the devil incarnate. Simon says Tony doesn't know him, and it's totally different, so he doesn't know what he is talking about. Tony says people can surprise you, and he thought his father wasn't human until a couple of days ago and now he's sorry he wasn't a bit nicer to him. The doorbell rings and Sarah rushes to get it saying it'll probably be Joe. She returns and silently shows in the same middle-aged woman who was with Terry before. Simon immediately starts shouting that "he" sent her didn't he, and just get out you old slapper, while Tony just says "Mum!" Simon is stunned and can't believe it.

Monday 18th August 1997

The shop formerly belonging to Mrs Andreas opens under new management. Sanjay is still working the stall but Gita and Neelam have got the cushy number indoors, although the first day proves to be very quiet indeed. Lenny is on his uppers and in desperate need for cash, he is behind in his rent and although Ruth and Mark won't turf him out he is two weeks in arrears and he is desperate to get financially stable again. In desperation he goes to Bianca who promises he will be reimbursed after they returned from their trip to Paris. Lorna plays a dangerous game meeting up with Phil at the arches under the pretence of being a customer. After getting rid of Ricky, Phil promises to meet her that night although his conscience is still pricking him vis-a-vis Kathy. To make matters worse Grant jumps on his case about playing the family man and sticking with where his responsibilities lie. Sarah and Tony's mother Irene is still in the flat. Irene promises to make a family meal for the three of them tonight but Simon is not invited. Simon agrees to make allowances for the Hills family, as the current arrangements are only short term. That is the case until Sarah stirs things a little by insisting her mother stay a while longer. Irene agrees to put her life on hold for her children, although this is apparently something she had been a stranger to in years gone by. This makes life very awkward for Simon and Tony as they haven't told her they are a couple. Tiffany receives some flowers from her drunken reprobate father, although she immediately throws them away in the hope Grant won't find out. This upsets her a little for the rest of the day and she eventually tells Grant what has happened and he swears that if his father in law comes within five miles of the Square he will be leaving in a pine box. A combination of people including Robbie and a very on form Sonia are trying to manoeuver the warring Huw and Lenny back towards the calmer waters of friendship tonight. It seems to have some effect with Huw making the first move by handing Lenny a nice cushy job that afternoon on the taxi's. Michael Rose receives a visit from his brother Colin who tells him his mother is expecting him in the next day or so. This fills Michael with dread on account of his poor family relations. He confides in Carol later that he has seen little of his family including his ex wife and his son Matthew. He hads always thought it for the best but now he is not so sure of how the land lies. Ian and Pauline have a good old natter over the table about all things family related. It seems Mark has forgotten his late father's birthday and but Ian hasn't and has brought round some flowers. Pauline also reveals the story about the half sister she has recently discovered she has, much to Ian's surprise. Phil finishes with Lorna again. This time the temptress seems to be genuinely brushed off by him. She reckons he will be back but instead Phil wanders back to the Vic and tells Grant what has happened. He is pleased for his brother and offers him the chance to rediscover some romance with Kathy in Paris on holiday with him and Tiff and Ricky and Bianca. Tony breaks the news to Simon about Irene stopping a while longer. Simon is justified in being livid as he is having to hand out his bed to someone who he doesn't like at all. He gives Tony an ultimatum, explain the truth to Irene or he moves out. Lenny and Huw make up. They get plastered together before being turfed out of the Vic. A drunken Lenny looks like he is about to make a pass at Bianca. She shrugs him off just before Ricky turns up to make the situation potentially nasty. Lenny looks shocked at what he has done.

Tuesday 19th August 1997

Peggy is stuck in Spain due to the air traffic control strike there, and Tiffany panics about the blessing as Peggy has made the arrangements. Huw and Lenny decide to squat in Tony and Simon's old flat. Irene asks Sarah what she's doing and Sarah says she is going out with Joe that evening. Irene's immediate reaction is that she hopes Sarah uses condoms. Sarah is embarrassed and flustered and says they don't do that, and she believes that she should wait until marriage. Irene asks where she got that idea from and Sarah says the church. Irene is horrified that Sarah has been brainwashed by religion. She confides to Tony that she hopes it's not one of those cults. Tony reassures her but then she asks him about his girlfriends. He says it's not that simple, but bottles out of telling her at the last minute. He goes out and Simon gives him an ultimatum - that he is serious about moving out. Tony goes home and tells Irene that Simon is not just a friend, and he loves him, and they are gay. Irene is horrified again, and says it's a nightmare, she leaves them to Ted and look what happens - he's turned gay. Michael visits his mother and is told off yet again about his ex-wife and son. He says that it was her fault as she is the one who had the affair and it was simpler for the boy not to be confused if he left them alone. His mother tells him his ex-wife is ill and her brother is looking after Michael's son, so perhaps he should make an effort to contact them. Ian goes to the market and mentions in passing that Mark is obviously busy, because of the day being Arthur's birthday. Mark had forgotten, so he hastily visits the allotment to find Pauline there and apologises for refusing to come to dinner that night, but they are busy with a foster meeting and also a speedway meeting. They visit the grave. Tiffany and Simon discuss their father after the flowers Tiffany has received from him. Simon lets slip that he's still a drunk and Tiffany asks how he knows, and Simon has to admit that he visited and they hadn't told her. Grant tells Kathy about Paris and she asks Phil why he didn't tell her. He says he hadn't finalised the arrangements yet. Tiffany confronts Grant about not telling her about her father, and she says she's quite capable of handling it, their family have always had to look after themselves. Grant tells her that's his job now, so she doesn't need to any more. Phil and Grant argue about Phil not telling Kathy that they are joining Tiffany & Grant in Paris, then Phil asks what Tiffany thinks and Grant admits he hasn't told her yet either. Mark arranges to meet Ricky at the speedway at 7 but Ruth says it will be a rush after the foster meeting. Later Mark feels ill and cries off the foster parent meeting. Ricky comes round to his house at 7 and wakes him up, so Mark can't really refuse to go with him, and Ruth turns up at the speedway later with a bitchy remark about Mark suddenly feeling better, but he hadn't thought the foster meeting was important enough to bother with. Huw and Lenny are there, and Lenny is still lusting after Bianca, while pestering her for his money back as well. Tony goes home and Irene apologises to him for her reaction about him being gay. She then makes it worse by saying it's just a phase and she's his mother, she knows he's not gay. They argue yet again. The ASRA meeting is held and Pat gets roped into following up the newsletters and asking the various bodies they sent it to for reactions.

Thursday 21st August 1997

It's the day of the blessing and Peggy still hasn't returned. Aunt Sal appears as a stand-in, and criticises all the arrangements. Sarah gets her GCSE's and is pleased with her results. She asks Tony whether their mother might be able to come to the wedding since everyone else is going and she will be left out. Tony reluctantly asks Simon, who phones Tiffany to check, and then invites Irene, to score a few brownie points with her at least. She's not keen and moans a bit, but does go to the ceremony. Ricky is supposed to be paying off Lenny for Bianca but puts him off again. Phil mentions he's coming to Paris and Ricky tells Bianca who is amazed and says Tiffany will be annoyed as she wanted it to be like a honeymoon. Grant has booked the hotel for the four of them, and it's the same one he went to with Sharon before. Bianca is too busy throwing up to take much notice of Tiffany, and Tiffany asks her if she's just got a hangover or is pregnant. Bianca says she can't be pregnant as she's always careful, but she admits to being a few days late, and goes off to buy a testing kit. The wedding party all get in the cars to go to the church and Grant finally tells Tiffany that Phil and Kathy are coming with them to Paris. She's furious and makes him stop the car to argue about it. At the church Bianca guesses this is the reason they are late and Phil jokes that it could be the first time that both parties don't turn up for the wedding. However, someone else turns up - Tiffany's father. He looks like a tramp, and is unshaven and dirty and drunk. She tells him he wasn't invited and he tells her she's an ungrateful little slapper. Grant tells him threateningly to stay away, so he staggers around outside for a while. As they walk down the aisle, Peggy turns up with all her suitcases and tells Phil to pay the taxi driver as she is £20 short. After a brief delay, the ceremony continues without further ado. Irene walks out during the service for a fag, and meets Tiffany's father. He drapes himself over her, slurring his words and generally being a boring drunk, but she doesn't seem to mind and they chat pleasantly for a while. They all go back to the Vic after the service, and have a party. Meanwhile, Lorna turns up and Phil happens to see her as she walks in and he ushers her out immediately. Tiffany tells Bianca to do the test to put her mind at rest, so Bianca goes into the toilets and is there for ages. The pregnancy test is positive.

Monday 25th August 1997

Bianca is worried about being pregnant and Ricky thinks he's done something wrong. Tiffany goes to see her and she's booked a different, very expensive, Paris hotel for their trip. Meanwhile, Ricky adjusts the bike to go slower, and Mark sees him and realises he's lost his bottle. He also knows that the game is up as Bianca is asking for the building society card to take money out for a house. However, for now they can't find the card. Phil phones Lorna and manages to wangle half an hour to see her later. However, his car won't start and he asks to borrow Grant's. Grant realises why he needs it and tells him again to finish with her. Lorna is a bit loony and she burns a hole in Phil's shirt with her cigarette. He explains he has to go to Paris, and later that evening, Kathy gets a mysterious phone call from a "travel agent" who asks her the address of her hotel in Paris, as "their computer isn't working". Kathy tells her and puts the phone down saying to Phil, it was a really weird woman she almost sounded drunk. Later that day, a gift arrives -a bottle of non-alcoholic champagne, with a card from "L". Phil is now totally paranoid and wonders what on earth loony Lorna will do next! He tries to explain it away saying unconvincingly that it was from one of the alcoholic group who's thanking him for some help. Kathy is not fooled. Michael goes to visit his wife in hospital and they have an acrimonious reunion. He calls her brother a "psycho" and says he doesn't want his son living with him. At the speedway track, Ricky doesn't turn up, and everyone is worried about him. Lenny is the only person bright enough to guess where Ricky might be, and goes to a practice track and finds him there. Ricky says Bianca will be annoyed with him about the money going missing, but Lenny persuades him she'll be even more annoyed if he doesn't turn up for the trials. The trials go ahead and Ricky is second despite sabotaging his bike, and everyone congratulates him. Phil gives Lenny the money Ricky owes him, and also tells Ricky he's borrowed Ricky's building society card and put the rest of the money in their account, so Bianca won't find out. Ricky is eternally grateful. Afterwards he tells Bianca that he's not cut out for speedway, and he's worried that she'll be disappointed in him, but he wants to give up.

Tuesday 26th August 1997

Bianca is getting morning sickness and doesn't turn up to open her stall, so Michael tells her off when he sees her. She discusses it with Tiffany who encourages her to keep the baby, and says they can go to mother and toddler groups together, and although it's never convenient to have a child, she'll love it when she has it. Bianca is reluctant, still leaning towards her immediate reaction to have an abortion as the pregnancy was unwanted and tells Tiffany to spare her the nauseating "tiny little fingers" routine, thanks very much. Kathy nags Phil again about the champagne, and he tells her another story about having a cup of tea with Lorna, but that she's reading more into it than there is. Phil phones Lorna to tell her to stop it. Kathy phones Grant on a pretext to get him to visit. When he arrives, she quizzes him about Phil's other woman. Grant denies everything and Kathy eventually comes to the conclusion she's being paranoid and decides to apologise and makes Phil a romantic candlelit dinner. Grant immediately has a go at Phil about having to lie for him. Phil tells him about Lorna's weird stunts, and that she is crazy and he can't imagine what she'll do next, also that she knows the address of the hotel they are staying at in Paris. Grant says in that case he will probably have to tell Kathy about it before she finds out, and he's just a coward. Phil agrees that he will tell Kathy. Tiffany overhears part of the conversation but Grant won't tell her any more. Ian comes to see Kathy and asks about her going to Paris, if she'll look out for Cindy, however unlikely it might sound. Kathy tries to tell him to forget her and move on. George tells Annie and Peggy tells Tiff that George has asked her to move in with him. Peggy isn't keen, saying that men don't treat you half as well once you've moved in and she likes it as it is. Annie thinks that Peggy is leading George on as she's refused to move in but is still keeping him around. Michael meets his son, and they have a difficult conversation, with Matthew being awkward and rude and Michael getting more and more exasperated as it is clear Matthew won't make any effort to get on at all and is being deliberately obnoxious. He calls a truce and Matthew does eventually become a little more amenable and they have an intelligent discussion about the self-regulating market. Phil goes home to find the special dinner ready and Kathy opens the champagne Lorna sent to finish off the occasion. Kathy says she'll forget all about her previous suspicions, and it's not worth arguing about, so Phil can't bring himself to admit to it now!

Wednesday 27th August 1997

Ricky, Bianca, Grant, Tiffany, Phil and Kathy arrive in Paris. Bianca and Ricky get the train to Diane's and manage not to find it easily. When they do it is a filthy, squalid little squat in a tower block. Bianca is horrified at the thought of having to stay there for several days - all the more so when she wants to vomit yet again, and discovers that the toilet has no flush and is several floors up and shared with approximately 15 other families. As they arrive an ugly black man is shouting at Diane and then storms out of the flat. Diane welcomes them after throwing out her lover, and apologises for the filthy state of the flat and the mad lover. Ricky goes out and Diane and Bianca discuss Jacques and Diane goes on about the horrific time she had giving birth and the inconvenience of having a baby. Meanwhile the Mitchell brothers and wives find their incredibly expensive hotel is miles out of town but in an idyllic setting. They arrive to find a letter to Phil already there. Kathy and Phil argue again about the letter, as Kathy is naturally suspicious again. Grant whinges about the cost continually and Tiffany insists that he tell her what's going on with Phil, so he eventually gives in, and says it's another affair. After the argument, Phil sees Grant and tells him what was in the letter - Lorna telling him that she might kill herself and it would all be his fault, as well as a few bitter comments about Phil, and how he was crap in bed. Phil goes back to own up to Kathy, and Grant and Tiffany discuss it. Tiffany says that Kathy may forgive him as ... Tiffany tails off and Grant says you mean about Sharon? Tiffany says yes, and she never understood what they both saw in her, she was rather fat. Phil takes Kathy to the place in Paris they first kissed and then admits to lying and cheating on her. Kathy wonders angrily whether the thought that bringing her there would make it any better, and says it doesn't and she's fed up with him - never again. She takes off her wedding ring and throws it in the Seine.

Thursday 28th August 1997

Kathy gets her breakfast in bed, complete with a red rose that Phil had ordered when they arrived at the chateau. Emil the waiter is charming and speaks excellent English. Kathy asks him how he learnt and he says he used to work at Grosvenor House Hotel for a while, and he likes English women. Kathy is obvious about her husband not being there and Emil is sympathetic and tells her to ask for him if she needs anything else. Phil has disappeared and Grant and Tiffany wonder where he's gone. Grant goes to see Kathy and she accuses him of lying to cover for Phil, and says she'll never trust him again. He says he tried to get Phil to stop it and he thought that he had succeeded. Kathy sulks in her room all day and orders room service for lunch - a ham baguette and asks for Emil to bring it up. He flirts with Kathy and she's flattered and enjoys herself. He jokes that he is a good catholic boy and whenever he breaks a commandment he makes sure to feel very guilty about it. When she asks for advice on a good restaurant to eat at, he offers to take her out tomorrow to a restaurant owned by his brother. After a brief hesitation, Kathy declines the offer. However, she offers him a drink from the mini-bar and Emil says it's cheaper at the bar, and she replies she can't go there alone. Emil says she wouldn't be alone for long. They flirt some more. Meanwhile, Tiffany and Grant read about Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette and have a romantic day. Tiffany says they should play Kings and Queens, and she always used to play with Simon when she was a child. Grant jokes that he won't ask who was queen! Diane arranges to spend some time with Bianca alone, and apologises for saying all those dramatic horror stories about kids, as it's obvious Bianca has morning sickness. Ricky has a hard time with Diane's bloke, since all he knows about the Cameroon is their famous World Cup success, and the Frenchman isn't interested in football. Ricky offers to take Jacques out for the day so Diane can make up with Thomas, her Cameroonian lover. Bianca is not at all happy that their trip to Paris is to be ruined by having Jacques tag along, and she soon gets bored and goes off shopping by herself, leaving Ricky to look after the kid.

Friday 29th August 1997

Phil wakes up in the gutter, while Kathy, Grant and Tiffany have breakfast. Kathy tells Grant & Tiffany that she wants to remain friends with them after the divorce. They're both shocked that it has gone that far, and hope that she will change her mind later. She declines to joint them in their sight-seeing, and mopes around all day. Bianca has now decided to keep the baby after her little chat with Diane, and have a chat while and Ricky and Thomas go for a coffee. Diane produces all her old baby clothes which she puts into a large holdall and gives to Bianca. Bianca tells her that she will tell Ricky over a romantic lunch before they go home, and she and Diane go out to celebrate. Meanwhile, Thomas tells Ricky that he is off to tour with his band and his relationship with Diane might be over if he leaves her behind, but she can't take Jacques. In his native tribe the women's family would look after her children, so perhaps Ricky and Bianca could look after Jacques for a few months. Ricky is naturally horrified at the suggestion and refuses. Thomas goes home in a sulk and throws all the baby clothes out of the holdall and packs his things and leaves. Diane returns home after her trip with Bianca and finds the mess and starts to cry a bit. Tiffany and Grant have an agreement that they will tour the Bastille, which is Grant's idea of fun, and then they will go shopping, which is Tiffany's choice. When they arrive at the Bastille metro stop they get out and Grant is disappointed to find no prison with torture chambers. Tiffany reads the guide book and says that apparently the Bastille was razed to the ground after the revolution and all that remains is a row of stones. They look at the boring little marks on the pavement, and Tiffany says, right, now we go shopping, we've done your sight-seeing! After an expensive day, they return to the hotel and Grant whinges about the expense. Tiffany says he's very generous and gives him a snog, and generally acts in the mood, but as they are both ready for some sexy fun, the phone rings and it's Bianca. She's calling to gossip with Tiffany, so Grant says he's off to have a cold shower and he leaves them chatting. Bianca then goes to meet Ricky and tell him her news. Ricky gets in first with an apology about ignoring her and taking Jacques off, and a confession that he didn't really like looking after Jacques, and he only did it because she was so reluctant, he wanted to show her that he could manage. However, he isn't really keen on children at all, and he hated it. Bianca changes her mind about telling him he's about to have one of his own. Ricky also tells Bianca about Thomas' incredible request, and she reassures him that it is totally impossible for them to look after him, and a ridiculous request. Kathy goes shopping and ends up chatting to an English woman in a café who advises her to get a good lawyer for her divorce, and suggests one she used. When she returns, the hotel room is trashed, and Phil has returned. In the hotel bar, Phil appears as Tiffany is waiting for Grant and Kathy, and he is totally drunk and hardly able to stand up. He starts having a go at her, saying she's pretty but no Sharon, and Grant will never get over her, and Tiffany is a poor substitute. Grant appears and Phil starts on him, saying that he is a hypocrite for blaming him for having an affair when he went off with Lorraine. Tiffany runs off crying. Phil and Grant continue the slagging, Phil saying that Grant deliberately told him to tell Kathy just to split them up. Grant is furious and Phil says he supposes that Grant wishes now that when they had the fight in the Arches and he nearly killed Phil, that he had done? Phil adds "Well, I wish you had too." Kathy appears and looks disapprovingly at Phil. Phil turns around, and says ah, here she is. Doesn't she look great, come and give me a great big cuddle. Kathy looks horrified, and Phil says to no-one in particular, she knocking on a bit but she's still OK, isn't she - I call her an OBG, oldie-but-goodie. Of course, it's a bit of a disappointment when she gets her kit off, you can see the tell tale signs then. He continues his tirade with a comment he must have learnt in "counselling" "It's not my fault, I'm an alcoholic". He adds that it's Kathy who drove him to it and she should consider her past - Richard Cole for instance, and Wilmott-Brown, she seems to attract trouble for all the men she meets, and second hand goods are always more trouble than they're worth. Grant is furious, and the three of them decide to go home and leave Phil to his own devices. Grant hands him his ticket and tells him they are leaving. Phil follows them out to the taxi and attacks Grant who sidesteps and Phil falls over.