Monday 20th April 1998

It is Mark and Ruth's 3rd Wedding Anniversary. Mark doesn't have a gift for Ruth but is forced into giving her some flowers. Mark visits Arthur's grave and eventually gets home shocked to find Ruth and Conor sharing an intimate candle-lit meal for two. Ricky and Bianca are also at the graveyard. It would have been the day that their daughter Natasha was born. Although they are sad they realise they still have each other. Everyone has been talking about Polly and Tony's front page story - the battered wife who was let off despite murdering her husband. Terry is reminded by Simon of his past. Tiffany is made to think. Tony is celebrating and chatting up Teresa. Final preparations are made for the opening night of Guiseppe's Restaurant. During the day the lights fuse but Conor comes to the rescue. When at last they open no-one arrives. They wait and wait. At last their first customers arrive for their free drink - Irene and Terry! No-one has heard from George, he should have turned up at the Restaurant. Annie can't reach him. Nigel has spent the day helping Dot with the final touches on her flat. At last Dot is alone when she is shocked to find that she already has an uninvited guest - Nick.

Tuesday 21st April 1998

Dot has tried to get Nick to leave but then he tells her that he has AIDS. She is suspicious at first. He tells her that he needs money for the right drugs which he can't get in prison. He says he is planning an armed robbery. Finally Dot relents and tells him he can stay for a few days. Dot discovers from Nick that Nigel knew that he was around and feels betrayed. Mark goes to Pauline's to stay the night. He refuses to tell her what is wrong between him and Ruth. Ruth continues drinking and propositions Conor. He turns her down and tells her it is because Mark is HIV positive. Alex finds Lorna outside Guiseppe's and takes her to the café. Lorna tells of her relationship with Phil - Alex reckons she could do a lot better than Phil. Alex later warns Phil to keep away from Lorna. George finally arrives at Guiseppe's to support Rosa. Later George tells Annie that she is to blame for the rift between himself and Peggy. He doesn't want a daughter like Annie. Annie, upset after talking to George, is found by Phil. He comforts her and they kiss. Everyone arrives at the restaurant. Terry asks Grant to be his Best Man. Grant refuses at first but gives in under the threat of having to get to know Terry better if he doesn't. Chris shocks Bruno by kissing Simon when he arrives. Tony and Teresa get on very well, and Barry makes an idiot of himself by falling over with his third plate of food. Grant gets jealous over Beppe's attentions to Tiffany and hauls her out of the restaurant. They have a row on the way home and Tiffany warns Grant never to touch her again!

< font size=+2>Thursday 23rd April 1998

Dot has Nick staying with her. Claire calls but Dot won't let her call round. Nigel and Claire knock on the door but Dot still won't let them in. Mark still won't tell Pauline what has happened. Pauline tries Ruth but no luck. Ruth tells Mark what has happened with Conor. Mark is unimpressed by Ruth's rejection and calls round later to collect his things. Roy finds Barry in a drunken state. Robbie is keeping fit and Barry is keeping a bottle. Ian agrees to sell his 1/3 share of the restaurant to George, who warns him off Annie. Annie finds out from Polly that Ian has stepped down from the elections. George won't talk to Annie, but tells Peggy he is off to New Zealand indefinitely. Grant and Tiffany have another row. Tiffany is still blaming Sharon. Grant grabs Tiffany but Peggy intervenes. Grant and Peggy talk about George and what happened on Boxing Day. Peggy already knows all about it, Grant loses control and slaps Peggy. Tiffany watches helpless. Peggy finishes up by saying to Grant: "Get out!"

Monday 27th April 1998

Nigel leaves Robbie in charge when the area manager of the video shop arrives. Robbie gets the job of acting manager. Tiffany tells Bianca that Grant has walked out but she doesn't want to talk about it further. Ricky suggests to Bianca that they try for another baby; Bianca is happy. Ruth goes to an HIV clinic for an AIDS test. The counsellor asks Ruth if she is sure. The results will come out tomorrow. Ruth meets up with Mark later, they agree to be friends. Pauline and Nigel are worried about Dot. Nigel visits Dot but she doesn't want visitors. Nigel tries to reason with her - "You've been like a mother to me". Still she ushers Nigel out. Grant tells Nigel he's going to Cyprus and persuades him to go to the Vic to collect some of Grant's stuff - Peggy catches Nigel in the act. She says, "You can tell him he needn't bother coming back unless he's learnt how to behave." Tiffany goes to see Grant - he doesn't want to talk with her. He has talked to Kathy in ways he never could with Tiffany. "I'm doing this for us, for mum and for Courtney".

Tuesday 28th April 1998

Ruth gets her HIV test result ands Conor that she is negative. Conor makes a pass at Ruth but she turns him down. "I still love Mark". Bianca tells Tiffany of her dilemma. A permanent market pitch has become available but she and Ricky have just decided to try for another baby. Tiffany is upset as she tells Bianca that Grant has gone to Cyprus. Peggy is furious when she finds out about Grant. Phil tells her to "loosen the leash" . Barry offers his services to be a Barman at the Vic. Tony is persuaded to take Grant's place as Best Man at Terry & Irene's wedding. Lenny has a drink with Lola and tells Huw that she is after him, his best mate's girl. Teresa finds out that Tony used to be more than just friends with Simon. Has Tony blown it? Dot goes to the Post Office to collect the £9000 for Nick's pill. She turns detective to find out more about the pills. Eventually she tries Claire's computer on the internet. Nigel catches her but she hurries away. Dot makes a mysterious phone call and goes home to confront Nick. She throws the money round the flat when she realises at last that Nick is thoroughly uncaring. The police arrive and take Nick away. Nigel appears. Dot refuses to talk to him - she tells him that he lied to her. "I ain't got no friends, I ain't got no son, I ain't got nothing."

Thursday 30th April 1998

Terry's pal Larry arrives and tries to persuade Tony to organise a stag night in Soho. Lenny finds out from Mick that Lola was just trying to be friendly and that not every girl he meets wants to sleep with him. A strange woman who has been looking for Lenny tells Huw she will come back later. There are workmen in the Vic sorting out the leaks. Peggy is still upset over Grant, and Phil is shocked to discover that Grant hit his mother. Tiffany overhears them talking about her marriage. Peggy says that Grant should have tried harder - Phil replies "maybe he didn't want to?" It is Nigel's last day in Albert Square. He visits Dot who reluctantly lets him in. They talk about the past and of the baby Dot had aborted. Nigel asks Dot to come to Scotland. She refuses "We've always been there for each other Nigel but now it's time to let go". Nigel, depressed, wanders round the square with his plate of sandwiches to go with his farewell drink but everyone seems too busy. Back at his flat for the last time he collects Julie, Josh, Claire and Sonia and goes to the Vic for a quick drink. SURPRISE! At the Party Barry works behind the bar but is useless. Claire shows Nigel the new rosebush she and Sonia have planted in the square in memory of Debbie. Tony drops out of being Best Man and tells Irene she is making a terrible mistake. Larry picks a fight with Tony and Barry intervenes. Barry gets punched and thrown out by Peggy. Sarah tells Matthew she will sleep with him if they get engaged. They kiss. Ruth tells Mark she wants to try again. Mark says no. Nigel finds Tiffany upstairs and tries to comfort her about Grant. Dot arrives as Nigel is leaving and makes her peace with him. Nigel finally leaves, as everyone bids him “Goodbye Nigel, Good luck!”

Monday 4th May 1998

Bianca has been given a permanent pitch on the market. She has to sign the agreement before discussing it with Ricky. Ricky is getting excited about the prospect of a baby and pours over colour charts for the Nursery. Bianca later tells Ricky, who is hurt and angry that she didn't talk to him about it, about the stall - what about a new baby? Bianca manages to talk Ricky round - they decide not to rush into a new baby. Pauline tackles Ruth about patching things up with Mark. Ruth tells her that she has asked him to come back but he won't. Pauline hears from Mark about Ruth and Conor. He tells her that he is not sure if he wants to fight for Ruth anymore. Sarah asks Bianca about her thoughts on marriage. Matthew tells Gianni about Sarah's proposal. He advises him to accept and then call it off after a few months. Matthew later tells Sarah that he thinks getting engaged is a great idea. Terry asks Barry to be his Best Man. Barry refuses. Egged on by Roy, Robbie offers Barry a job in the video shop - Barry says "Keep your favours, they're an insult"! Susan goes with Michael to see the consultant at the hospital. When they arrive they discover that her consultant is off sick. Susan sees a replacement who can't give her any information. Susan gets upset and storms out. The mysterious Alice is still looking for Lenny. Eventually she tracks him down and has a serious talk with him. She tells him that she has Hepatitis B and that Lenny might have it too as they once slept together. Lenny panicks thinking only of himself. She tells him that he must get himself tested. If he is positive then he must find every sexual partner he has ever had as they may be infected. Lenny looks across the square to see Bianca walking home.......

Tuesday 5th May 1998

Phil and Conor pay a visit to one of their 'clients' early in the day. The door is opened by a small boy. Mrs Rogers, the mother, lets them in and tells them that her husband is in hospital, and that she has no money to give. There is nothing in the till and Phil and Conor leave empty-handed to give her some more time. Annie is furious when she discovers what Phil and Conor have done. She tells Phil to either sort it out or he could forget their relationship. Simon asks Chris to move in with him. Chris tells him that he wants the freedom to see other people, it seems Simon will have to accept an 'open relationship'. Matthew borrows a cheap engagement ring from Gianni. Sarah is delighted. Matthew persuades her that perhaps it would be better to keep their engagement secret for the time being. Ruth gets a surprise visit from Jessie and her mother Nicole. Unfortunately Mark is unable to be there. Ruth confides in Nicole about her split from Mark, having Jessie had only delayed the inevitable. Huw and Lenny don't want Barry at the squat anymore, not unless he earns some money. Robbie tries to help by offering Barry the job at the video shop again - the answer is the same "stuff it". Barry returns to the squat to find all his belongings in the hall- Huw tells him -"Get yourself some employment or …."Lenny has been acting strangely. He avoids his friends. He tries to talk to Bianca but can't. Alice comes back to talk to Lenny, she feels bad about the way she treated him yesterday. Robbie overhears part of their conversation and tells Bianca what he heard - Lenny might be ill, and has to have a test, but he has to contact all his ex-lovers.

Thursday 7th May 1998

Barry surprises everyone by wearing a suit today. He tells Robbie he would like the job after all - at least it means he can stay at the squat. His first job? Was to fetch coffee for Robbie. Phil is pleased to receive a picture from Ben in South Africa. He tells Annie that he and Conor will return to Mrs Rogers today to get more money. Annie tells him in that case he can come round tonight. Phil and Conor sit outside the Rogers pub and wonder what they are doing there. "Two grown men terrorising a woman and child". They decide to tell Annie that they quit. Annie is furious and makes sarcastic remarks about Phil's performance in bed. Conor is uneasy that they have crossed someone like Annie. Simon tells Irene that he will be Best Man. She doesn't know what to say. "Anything you like, just don't kiss me". Simon and Chris have a long talk. A reluctant Simon agrees to try an 'open relationship'. Matthew and Sarah make use of the flat while Irene and Terry are out. When they return there seems to be something wrong with the lock - and Matthew is there. Has Irene guessed? Robbie tells Lenny that he overheard his conversation with Alice last night. Lenny explains the situation. Robbie tells him he must get tested. Lenny asks Robbie not to tell anyone; he hasn't except Bianca. Lenny has a secretive conversation with Bianca in the market, Huw is watching. They meet at Bianca's later and Lenny tells Bianca the whole story. Bianca doesn't think she can wait for Lenny's test result without telling Ricky. Huw wants to know from Lenny if he is seeing Bianca. Lenny walks out. Bianca prepares a special meal for Ricky. They talk about how much they love each other. Ricky tells her, "Nothing will come between me and you". Then Frank arrives unexpectedly. Later Ricky checks with Bianca that she is all right. She says yes ……

Monday 11th May 1998

Lenny and Alice meet up again to the surprise of Huw and discuss Lenny's 10 day wait for his test results. Lenny tells Alice that he wants to remain just good friends. When Bruno finds his old gramophone and a romantic record of Madame Butterfly, Beppe has the idea that opera could be just the thing to get things going between him and Tiffany. He buys a CD for Tiffany from Matthew's stall. Tiffany is listening to the CD when Grant phones from Cyprus. Peggy tries to overhear their conversation which doesn't seem to be going well. Frank visits Roy who is amazed that Frank looks so well for a man who has only a few months to live. Frank has been puzzled by Bianca's rudeness to him. He later overhears Huw's theory that Bianca is having an affair with Lenny. Irene and Terry's wedding rehearsal doesn't go very well. Simon discovers that he is last in a long list to be asked to be Best Man. Irene criticises his reading and Simon storms out. Michael has promised Susan a day out tomorrow to Leeds Castle, an old haunt of theirs. Terry finds Michael in the Vic and has other ideas. Irene has a heart to heart with Sarah - Irene reckons that after 6 months of marriage she will be bored of Terry. Terry arrives with his news - Michael Rose is to be Best Man.

Tuesday 12th May 1998

Simon tells Tiffany that he has tried to contact his mother but could only leave a message. While Simon is out, Chris takes a call from a strange woman. Michael practises his speech in the square with Susan. He can only write what he knows about - marriage. Lola accepts an apology from Lenny for being so arrogant. Mick tells Lola that Lenny has two women on the go, one of them married. Irene tells Sarah that she knows she is making a mistake but eventually arrives at the church. There is a pause before Irene says "I will". A woman looking for Simon is being bored by Barry until he mentions the wedding. Suddenly she leaves. Alex is about to pronounce Terry and Irene husband and wife when the woman enters. She halts the service and Alex asks why - "because Terry Raymond is still married - to me".

Thursday 14th May 1998

Confusion breaks out as the woman, Louise, waves her marriage certificate in front of everyone. In the vestry with Alex, Simon thinks his Dad is divorced and Irene thinks Terry has never been married. Irene becomes hysterical and says she didn't want to marry Terry in the first place. The photographer thinks he has a scoop as Irene makes her getaway. Beppe relieves him of his camera and Tony removes the film. Tiffany is impressed. Terry hides behind a headstone and Gianni tells everyone they might as well come back to the restaurant for the wedding breakfast. Beppe is conveniently on hand to take Tiffany back to the Vic. Terry ends up explaining all to Irene at the allotments - Louise wouldn't divorce him years ago and he has wanted to make a fresh start. Terry then tells Irene of his new idea. Beppe consoles a humiliated Tiffany upstairs at the Vic, and begins to get romantic with her but Tiffany turns him down and asks him to leave. Lenny keeps trying to talk to Bianca but she doesn't want to. Huw suggests to Ricky that he is being made a fool of. When Ricky asks Bianca what is going on, she tells him it is not what he thinks between her and Lenny. Ricky doesn't want to hear anymore and storms off. Catching Matthew by surprise Sarah announces to the reception that they are engaged. Tony and Teresa are caught in the kitchen by Gianni and Beppe - Tony makes an escape when Terry and Irene arrive to make their announcement - they are going on their honeymoon as planned.

Monday 18th May 1998

Ricky has spent the weekend at Phil's and refuses to talk to Bianca. Frank tries to question Bianca but she won't tell him what has been going on. Peggy lets Louise wait for Tiffany and coos over her grand-daughter Courtney. Tiffany is not pleased to find her mother at the Vic and Louise tries to explain to Tiffany how sorry she is to have upset her. Bianca tells Tiffany that she thinks Ricky has left her. Bianca explains about Lenny and the Hepatitis B problem. Tiffany is sure that if she goes to talk to Ricky she could sort it out for Bianca. Robbie gets the wrong impression that Michael is going to buy everyone a drink at lunch-time to celebrate Matthew and Sarah's engagement. When Michael doesn't show a darts match is held - the loser has to buy the drinks - Roy. Matthew finally manages to talk to Sarah but she just returns his ring. Tony and Teresa overhear their conversation and Teresa discovers the part Gianni has played in this. She marches into the restaurant where Michael and Susan are having a quiet meal and tips food over Gianni and drink over Beppe. Frank tries to persuade Ricky to talk to Bianca and Tiffany joins in. They follow Ricky to his flat and see Lenny giving Bianca a friendly kiss.

Tuesday 19th May 1998

Michael and Susan have planned a quiet night in with a video. In the video shop, Barry tells a surprised Susan that Matthew is engaged to Sarah. Michael thinks that Matthew is splitting up with Sarah - neither Michael or Susan know what is going on. Lenny tries to talk to Ricky in the Café but Ricky makes a hasty exit - leaving Lenny stumbling into Huw who spills food all over Mick. Lenny meets up with Alice later at Guiseppe's - she tells him that he must tell his friends the truth. Ricky tells Bianca that he is coming round to collect his things and she gets them ready for him. When Ricky arrives Bianca tells him that she doesn't want him to leave. Louise has organised a family meal including Simon's boyfriend, Chris, at the Italian. She discovers from Chris that he has an 'open' relationship with Simon. Louise visits Tiffany and she questions her over her relationship with Grant. Tiffany explains that she and Grant are just having a hiccup. Bianca tries to tell Ricky that Lenny is something that happened 2 years ago. Ricky can't understand why then Lenny needed to talk to Bianca in private now. Frank interupts them unexpectedly and Ricky leaves. Pat sees Ricky and tells him that he is making a terrible mistake. Ricky tells her that his only mistake was trusting someone that he loved. At the restaurant they wait for Chris. Louise tells Simon that Chris is no good for him and that Tiffany's relationship with Grant is not what it seems. Simon challenges her about her new boyfriend Gary. Tiffany is upset and talks of how Louise abandoned them as children. Louise leaves.

Thursday 21st May 1998

Simon persuades Tiffany to see Louise before she goes. Louise tells her that she hasn't forgiven herself for walking out on Simon and Tiffany all those years ago. Later Simon and Tiffany say good-bye to their mother; they are pleased that they saw her. Lenny finally confides in Huw about the Hepatitis B. Huw goes with him to the clinic for the result. He is negative. Michael can't find Matthew but tracks Sarah down at the Refuge. When Sarah doesn't want to talk to Michael, Alex intervenes. Sarah turns on him and says it is all his fault. Later Sarah tells Michael that Matthew only got engaged to her so that he could have sex with her. Michael tells Susan she can't believe that Matthew would be so cruel. Michael and Susan confront Matthew in the Vic. Matthew is angry and asks Michael not to talk to him about honesty when he hasn't even bothered to tell him that his parents are getting back together. Pat talks to Bianca while Frank talks to Ricky. Bianca tells Pat about the Hepatitis B but swears her to secrecy. Frank persuades Ricky not to throw away his marriage but to talk things through. Ricky has a quick drink before going to see Bianca. Frank says to him that if he's not back in half an hour he'll assume everything is OK. Pat and Frank agree they've done their best. At the flat Bianca has been looking at her wedding photos. Ricky arrives and they start to talk. They both realise that they need and love each other.

Monday 25th May 1998

Matthew has spent the weekend avoiding his parents. Michael confides in Sanjay about the problems of family life. Phil and Conor work all weekend - Ricky is annoyed that Phil didn't ask him. He couldn't as Ricky's phone was off the hook. Conor feels guilty and tells Ricky that he is not after his job. Business has not been going well at Guiseppe's. Rosa decides to offer free garlic bread round the market. Gianni is not impressed. Bianca tells a surprised Tiffany that she doesn't see the need to tell Ricky about the Hepatitis B scare as everything is fine now between them. Later Bianca warns Lenny never to mention it. Roy has some exciting news and tells Pat that he is on the brink of a lucrative deal to supply low mileage cars - all he needs to do is to sort out the finance. Matthew and Michael talk at last. Matthew reminds his father of all the bad times when he was married. Michael remembers the good. Matthew suggests that Michael tells Susan how much he cares. Susan arrives home to find Michael preparing a special meal and Matthew going out. She is suspicious of Michael's motives and they end up arguing. Later Susan tells Michael that she can't understand why he or anyone would want to be with her - Michael tells her exactly why he wants to be with her. They kiss.

Tuesday 26th May 1998

Michael arrives late at the market. Sanjay picks up from Michael the reason and can't resist telling everyone else. Sanjay sees Susan later and lets on that he knows what happened last night between her and Michael. Gianni has called Annie in to suggest that she do something to help their ailing business. They are interrupted by Polly who has news that George's gym has been broken into and vandalised. Matthew tries to apologise to Sarah and asks if they could be friends. Sarah and Mary chat about men in the Vic. Mary tells Sarah that men should be given one chance only. Ruth's house is in a mess. She tells Conor that she is happier going out and living for herself for a change as he once suggested. Michael has left flowers and a note for Susan to join him in the Vic later. Susan arrives late and attacks Michael over the general gossip in the market about her private life. Phil takes Conor to the Market Cellar for the evening. Phil loses heavily and is furious when Annie closes the tables on him. They have a row over their past relationship and Annie calls her bouncers. Phil walks out angry and lashes out at some fencing.

Thursday 28th May 1998

Sanjay apologises to Michael. Michael tells him that Susan blows hot and cold, perhaps he had better let her take the lead in future. Polly's article on the vandalism at George's gym stirs anxiety. Conor is concerned that he, Phil and Peggy may be in danger. Phil warns Annie to sort it out, she says she can look after herself. Annie has a visit from Beppe, also concerned about the article and the safety of his family - he says it will be him anyone will have to answer to. Lenny has been busy inviting people to Lola and Mick's first proper gig. Tony asks Teresa but she has to ask for next Monday night off. Gianni says no but Rosa agrees which sparks another row over the restaurant. Roy, having told Pat to book a holiday, is outraged when his Bank Manager, Oliver Philips turns his loan down - he says that he is determined that he will show them all. Rosa and Susan chat in the square about families. Susan returns home and has another argument and misunderstanding with Michael. She tells him that he only slept with her because he was sorry for her. Rosa returns to the restaurant and both she and Gianni apologise to each other. Rosa tells Gianni that he can be in charge. Susan seems slurred in the Vic. Sanjay buys her another drink but she spills it. She stands up trying to get to the ladies, Michael arrives to see her stumble and hit her head. Everyone assumes that she has had too much to drink. Michael shouts for someone to call for an ambulance, and, in an outrage at everyone’s assumption, tells everyone she’s not drunk, she’s ill.