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In this section of my website I will try to shed some light on the Pisces
personality. For those of you who are Piscean, this is the right place to be
to learn more about yourself and understand your type of character. I
hope you enjoy this and get to know yourself, a family member, friend or
your significant other better than you did before you found my page.
Please read on.

For those of you who don't know, this is a Yin/Yang symbol. Pisces has a lot of Yin.
Interesting to note: My best friend for the first fifteen years of my life was a Siamese cat named Yin.

[Pisces Symbol]

Depending on your calender and the year you're in, Pisces usually runs from February 19 - March 21.

Piscean Characteristics

The Sun here will give a kind and loving nature, confiding, honest, amiable, sympathetic and especially kind to defenseless animals or people in distress. There is sometimes a sense of blessedness, or of being protected by the forces of nature, which either the native or those around him sense. [Pisces Symbol With Fish] Neat, particular and a lover of order and completeness; modest, often timid and lacking in self-confidence. As a rule, Pisceans are industrious, methodical and logical in their processes; idealistic, imaginative, inspirational; often gifted with mediumistic faculty and usually fond of secret, occult or psychic investigation. The Pisces is retiring and humble. They are often drawn to music and poetry. Under the sign that symbolizes sacrifice and compassion, you are a highly complex and impressionable individual with multi-faceted expressions and a series of false bottoms. Your complexity surpasses the mystical quality of the Scorpio or the air-like quality of the Aquarius. Like a well-cut diamond, there are infinite facets to you, each capable of reflecting a rainbow of colors. Just when others feel they have you figured out, you will confuse them with a whole new face. Like the Virgo, your opposite sign, you seem to be happiest when you are serving the humanity in some way. Once you find your direction in life, you are perhaps the most compassionate and humanitarian sign in the zodiac. As the last sign of the zodiac, perhaps it is correct to suggest that you possess some of the best characteristics of all the signs, as well as some of the worst. You may be the least understood of all the signs. You can be a combination of a mystical Scorpio, a ghostly Aquarius, a versatile Gemini, and an angelic Virgo. You can be more sociable than a Libra, as deep and as vulnerable as a Cancer. These unfathomable qualities may account for the fact that some members of the other signs describe you unjustly as Spaz. Like the Scorpio, you have a tendency to withdraw from circulation and brood once in a while. (And, like that sign, you can be very secretive or deceptive on occasions when truth could have served your purpose as well.) Most people do not understand the need in you to synthesize your experiences, so that you can regain your inner identity and redefine your direction in life. As long as you take the time to actually figure things out, the brooding may help you, but, too often, you do this self-indulgently (like a Leo) to daydream and to procrastinate. You have a great deal of Cancer in you, for you too are an impressionable late-bloomer; your life-style too can be a series of ups and downs. Perhaps the characteristics of your Sun sign are so broad that you can intermingle and package those influences with those from your other planets. This enables a Pisces to come across as any sign in the zodiac. Others suggest a duality of characters in the Pisces sign. But your individuality is richer than that. Some of you can be the most extrovert of extroverts, others as introvert as an Eagle Scorpio. For the extrovert types, your friends may be the most important part of your life until you settle down. You do not just socialize with them. There is always an element of utter sincerity, congeniality and harmony in the way you relate to them. You are some of the best friends in the zodiac, and you make an effort to maintain your friendships for life. But here too you need to be careful not to dilute your devotion. Being as compassionate as only you can be, you can be taken advantage of by others. One of the beautiful Piscean characteristics can also be the most hurtful: You can be overly trusting. The unfathomable qualities of your sign sometimes make it difficult for you to decide on a path on which to progress. Like the Aquarius, you do not like oppression in any form. Sometimes when you feel confined; you attempt to escape the restrictions by jumping on a different course. Soon you find yourself constrained once again. You can be an eternal escapist. Since you are very imaginative and artistically inclined, you can search in the world of fantasy and imagination, but you should also recognize your inclinations for drugs, alcohol, and sensual pleasures. It is important that your parents understand your potentials early in life and guide your energies in constructive channels. You are not the most disciplined type. You need to be guided and indulged a great deal in order to bloom. You can be such an inspiration to others, especially children. Mentally you are as nebulous as planet Neptune with which your sign is associated. (This too contributes to the flaky reputation.) In the world of fantasy, imagination, intuition, and the abstract, no one (with the exception of Cancer) is your equal. Your mind is not supposed to be logical. It is better in conceptualization of thoughts and ideas. (Difficult to apply this distinction to the famous Pisces, Dr. Einstein.) [Pisces Symbol] You have a way of feeling your way to decisions. In this you are very much like the Cancer, for you too are assisted by all sorts of vibes and intuitive reasoning which have a way of turning out to be correct. You can be a practical person who can maneuver his/her way to the desired end. In this you are not shrewd like the Scorpio or Capricorn. You do not go through grand schemes or grand designs. You (simply) seem to be able to demonstrate common sense when you have to. This is amazing, for you are not supposed to have common sense. In love, you, Pisces woman, can be the best. Actually, this is not surprising, for a Pisces not in love is (like a Libra) a fish out of water. When you do fall in love, it is all out. Never mind the last experience that did not work out, you start all over. Some say that you do not easily learn from past mistakes. You do. What these people do not understand is that, to you, learning from past mistakes is a way of hardening towards love. Love is too important to you to approach it with cynicism. Even though you are very vulnerable and sensitive, you knowingly give your full trust to your companion. If your partner does not take it for granted and responds in kind, you can be the most wonderful of companions, and you can be very forgiving in everyday matters. Like the Libra, you idolize your partner, but as dependent as you can become, you will find the determination to disconnect if your partner shows that he/she is not worthy of your trust and love. You can be unforgiving too if your feelings are hurt. Your way, Pisces woman, of disconnecting from your companion is the antithesis of the crudely punishing ways of the Scorpio. You begin a process of very gradual but unmistakable and irreversible withdrawal. It is as if you are performing neuro-surgery. Since you do give yourself totally to your relationship, all those bonds connecting you to your partner are released one-by-one (not with a hammer and chisel, but as if dissolved), each cut providing you with a new facet or a new identity. In time, when the process is over, you disconnect leaving behind a haunted soul. Your partner should think twice before hurting your feelings. If you were a good match, he will find it very difficult, if ever, to forget you... Love and sexual expression, to you, are inseparable. Although this applies to some other signs as well (e.g., Taurus, Leo, Libra), in your case they are the same. Like the Cancer, you are incurably romantic, sensuous, and very affectionate in your expression of love. You have a curious ability to blend your individuality and personality to that of your companion, almost becoming an extension of him. Some may attribute this to a weak character. It is not. Your individuality is so adaptable that you can harmonize your being to achieve an optimum level of sharing. You approach love as oneness of body, soul and spirit; perfect congeniality and communication. There is a melting quality to you that perhaps only a Cancer, Leo or Libra can match. Although you can be one of the most promiscuous signs, you are also one of the most loyal when you settle down with a mate. You are possessive and jealous, but you do not encourage fidelity by demanding it. You simply blend to your companion so nicely that it is ridiculous for your companion to even consider infidelity. Lucky the child who has you for a mother or father. Depending on how you utilize the energies, you can be self-sacrificing or selfish, inspirational or lost, imaginative or fantasizing, resourceful or manipulative, together or scattered. Develop your potentials wisely.

The Pisces Personality

If Pisces is taken to represent the twelfth and last period of life, age 77-84, it symbolizes a spiritual letting go of earthly attachments and a merging with the cosmos. The rulership of Neptune lends a dreamy, spiritual and deeply emotional quality to the Pisces personality. Pisces are not known for their practicality but can in fact be masterful in their understanding and expression of abstract ideas and systems. Thus, those born under this sign can be typed as dreamers yet when they make a gift of their visions to humanity it is indeed a fine offering. Generally speaking, Pisces are easy about sharing material possessions and enjoy friendships and close partnerships more than most. Yet they also need to be alone a good deal of the time and run the risk of becoming escapists of loners who isolate themselves from the world.

Extreme sensitivity can make it difficult for Pisces to lead an easy social life. Though often characterized as the sign of sorrows, suffering is born well by Pisces. However, they can be vulnerable to depression and occasionally beset by self-pity. Escapes involving addiction are particularly dangerous for them. The deep and complex emotional life of those born under this sign makes them highly attractive to those whom long for contact with the profound in life.

Pisces are often blessed with excellent memories, perhaps due to their impressionability. In addition, they tend to be devotional, and make true believers--this applies not only in the religious sense but also in regard to other belief systems and principles. Jupiter shows its influence in the generosity of this sign. Pisces are highly empathic and sensitive to the difficulties of others; they tend to respond with compassion in the face of misfortune. However, Pisces must beware that others do not impose unduly on them or take advantage of their acquiescence.

  • Stones and Uses: White Opal (enhances awareness of illusion), Jade (balances kidney function, allays fears), Pearl (offers soothing consolation), Amethyst (protects against addictive influences)
  • Colors: Mauve, Purple, and Aquamarine
  • Attractions: To Aquarius, Cancer, and Scorpio


Cause Marijuana is bad Mmkay?
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