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Of Love and Hope


Come to me in my dreams..
And then by day..I shall be well again
Or so the night will more than pay
For the hopeless longing of the day

Come.. as thou camest a thousand times
A messenger from radiant clines
And smile on thy new world
And be as kind to other as to me

Or has thou never camest and soothed
Come now.. and let me dream the truth
And part my hair..and kiss my brow
And say "My Love.. why sufferest thou?"

Come to me in my dreams..
And then.. by day I shall be well again

Tho' they sink through the seas.. they shall rise again
Though Lovers be lost.. Love shall not
And Death shall have no dominion

"Non-Omnis Moriar"


She walks in Beauty.. Like the night..
Of cloudless clines and stary skies
And all that's best of dark and bright
Meet in her aspect and her eyes
Thus mellowed to that tender light..
Which Heaven to glory day denies

One shade the more.. One ray the less
And hath impaired the nameless grace
Which waves in every wave and tress
Or softly lightens on her face
Where thoughts.. sureamly sweet..
Express how pure, how dear their dwelling place

And on that cheek.. and owe that brow..
So soft, so calm, yet elequent
The smiles that win.. the tints that glow
That tell of days and goodness spent
A mind at peace with all below
A Heart who's Love is innocent


I arise from dreams of thee..
In the first sweet sleep of night
When the winds are breathing low
And the stars are shining bright

I arise from dreams of thee..
And a Spirit in my feet..
Has led me.. who knows how..
To thy chamber window sweet

The wandering airs they faint
And the dark.. the silent stream
The chorn park odours fail
Like sweet thoughts in a dream.

The nightingales complaint..
It dies upon our Heart"
As i must die on thyne
Oh beloved as thou art.

Who lift me from the grass..
I die, I faint, I fail.
But my Love kisses rain on my lips..
And eyelids pale.

My cheek is cold and white alas,
my heart beats loud and fast.
Who presseth it close to thyne again?
Where it will break at last.


Somewhere i have never travelled..
Gladly beyond any experience
Your eyes have there silence.
In your most frail gesture..
Are things which enclose me
But which a cannot touch..
Because they are too near.

Click here to go to "I Love You!!!"

Click here to go to "To My Valentine.."

Click here to go to "The Twelfth of Never"

Click here to go to "Miles Apart"

Click here to go to "You're My World"

Click here to go to "Dragons and Princesses"

Click here to go to My Narcolepsy Guide

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This page was created by Kharm..
If you have any suggestions or comments please e-mail me at the link below... Thanks!!!
