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Mel-Mels Page!

This is me!

Hi! Thanks for visiting my little website!! I hope you enjoy looking at all my pictures and all the things that I have made available for you to see! Please sign the guestbook or drop me an e-mail! I would love to hear from you!

Let me start by telling a little about myself! I am 25 years old and an Apostolic Pentecostal! I live in Panama City Fl and attend First Pentecostal Church. Pastored by the Rev. Allen Crabtree. I received the Holy Ghost at Youth Camp, on June 21, 1998. Since then I have never been the same! Youth Camp has been a BIG part of my life. I am now too old to go, and will greatly miss it. Here is some pics and stuff from my last year at camp! Camp Pics! If you live in Fl and attended Fl Sr. Youth Camp in Ocala in 1999, you may see yourself in these pictures!

As most everyone knows already, I went with the Fl Youth On Missions to El Salvador and Honduras in 1999. I had the time of my life! We saw many souls saved and witnessed many miracles while we were there. It was AWESOME!! Check out all the pictures and stories here YOM to El Salvador & Honduras! On that trip I acquired the nickname of ‘Countess’ from the ‘Chosen People’. The Chosen People will hold a very special place in my heart for the rest of my life. When you spend that many days with the same people, you become more than friends, you become a family. I miss each and every one of you Chosen People. I love you guys!!

I love going to church and doing anything for the work of the Lord. I am really close to alot of people oin my church and I REALLY love them all! Here is our church website FPC of Panama City

I have been online since September 1998. I have made many friends online and a few of them I have gotten real close to and shared EVERYTHING with. But now I spend most of my online time reading and responding to the posts on the GodPlace Forums message board. I go by Mel-Mel on there. I also MSN Messenger {MelodyB99}

Thank you so much for visiting my page, I hope it gives you a better idea of who I am. Come back and visit again soon cause I am preparing to re-vamp this site! Please sign my guestbook before you leave, to show that you have been here!

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*~*~*~*~*This page is currently undergoing improvements*~*~*~*~*

Keep checking back for new stuff cause I am working on it as I get time...

Last edited Dec 3, 2005

I am the OFFICIAL SoBe Countess!!!

Current Panama City time is:


Check out the rest of my site!

My Pics
*NEW* Updated Pics!!
My Silly Page :o)
My trip to El Salvador..1999
My link page!
My tribute to Fl Youth Camp!!
My Sister