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Letters from you...

Jessey Belle-Hi, I looked at your site and... JAMES IS NOT A SORRY LOSER!!! James is the best character on the whole show! He's my total fav! But that is just what I think, so dont mind me. ^_~ But anyway, I just wanted you to know James is the best, and maybe you can visit my cool PokeSite:

Mr-Roboto- Thank you, Jessey Belle, for the first letter in this thing, and her site is cool so visit it and since you were the first one to give me a letter for this page you get something I guess. _______________________________________________________

Clefairy- I have a letter for your site : My favorite character in Team Rocket is Meowth because he is cute and cunning. But i also like James, because he doesn't seem as evil as Jesse. I think Jesse yells way to much, and she is clearly the head of the group. My favorite show they starred in was Holy Matrimony. I like team rocket because they are cool and funny !

Mr-Roboto- Thank for the letter Clefairy and I think that Meowth has many problems. I think that James is the best because of his naiveness (is that a word?). Anyways blah blah blah... _______________________________________________________ i think the new team rocket sucks! we should get an email signing thing and send it to email me if you want to do this

Mr-Roboto- Yes I do agree with you about the New Team Rocket thing but I'm sure I have no idea of what your talking about in that last part. _______________________________________________________

Mark Balderson- hey i really liked your web site, but i cant stand the new team rocket. i want them to die. i really like jessie james and meowth. the answer to whos that pokemon is snorlax.

Mr-Roboto- Thank you for the thing you said about my crappy web thingy, the new Team Rocket must die!!!!!! Your a bit late to get me that answer for the Pokémon but...??? _______________________________________________________

Pikawho- I think this site is phat. I love the fact it has pokemon from Japan already. Also that there is the latest updates on the show from Japan. All you are wrong you know. The best team rocket is Arbok. I love Arbok. He can wipe out almost all pokemon If trained right. I have a level 100 arbok and I caught Mewtwo with him plus I got all my badges with him. except the first two.

Mr-Roboto-Thank you for this awesome letter! Arbok is a extremly cool Pokémon but he could never beat a Jigglypuff... well he could but I just like saying that.


Team_Rocket_4_ever- Hey Team Rocket!!! What do you think of the new gold and silver PKMN? Who's your favorite? Tell me about the Neo edition set.

Jessy- We think that gold and silver rock!!! Out of all of the new Pokémon I like Pichu, the baby Pikachu, the most! The new Neo promo set that contains the 9 promos is already out. The neo boosters will be released in Mid February.

Kisses, Jessy!!


Jerk- I think Team Rocket and Pokeman is the gayest show on TV!!!

James- Then why did you come here? What knd of a loser goes on an anime based website just to tell them how much they suck?! Besides you spelled Pokémon wrong.


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