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Helpful Corn
Formally known as "Day After Forever's Daria Shrine"

Jane - There was nothing behind that wall but a cornfield,
and the corn wasn't very helpful.
Jesse - Helpful Corn! That's a cool name for the band.
Trent - Even better than Mystik Spiral, huh, Daria.

Welcome to my Daria page. I know there is not much up at
the moment but there will be soon.I'm planning on having
contests and a lot of info on eposodes and characters to
to satisfy your craving for Daria!

Well 3rd season has now finished. Which I'm truly depressed about. Email me if anyone knows anything about what abc will be doing about showing Daria.
Daria fanatics have been here and contributed to making the world a better place

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Daria's Place of Meaningless Conversations

Otherwise known as a Posting Board

Daria Quotes
Voices of the Characters we Love
Daria Pics
Test your knowledge on my Daria Quiz
Daria Writtings
Daria Webrings
