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Rocket Revenge Part Two ~ Anni

By Anni

Rocket revenge part 2

The peace of the long driveway was disturbed as the Jeep skidded to a halt and sent small stones and pebbles flying out to the side. Jesse hurried out of the Jeep and rushed to the front door of the property.

She banged furiously on the door until it was answered.

"Yes?", a man said as he opened the door, "it’s you!".

"We’ve no time to argue, James is badly hurt!", Jesse explained.

"Who is it Hopkins?", came a woman's voice from inside the large mansion.

By this time Jesse had dragged Hopkins to the Jeep.

The butler looked in as Meowth opened the door.

"Master James!", Hopkins said in shock, "We’d better get him into the house at once".

As Jesse and Hopkins began to carefully move James, two figures appeared at the front door.

"Oh no, James!", a woman with dark purple hair reeled in horror at what she saw before her.

Her husband put his arm around her and pulled her close.

"What have you done to my boy!?", he demanded as he looked towards Jesse.

"Don’t you dare try to blame this on me!", Jesse answered as she assisted Hopkins, "He was in a hit and run accident".

James was gently carried up the stairs to his old room and laid carefully on the bed.

The room was large with a window that overlooked the gardens. James’s room was exactly how he had left it when he had run away from home to escape Jessebell and his upper crust upbringing. The wall paper was white and the floor was covered with a purple carpet. On a dressing table there was a big soft toy of a Growlith.

"I’ve called doctor Benton", James’ father announced as he entered the room with his wife, "He’ll be here as soon as he can". Jesse nodded, tiredly sat down in a chair next to the bed and took hold of James hand.

"This hit and run", his father began, "what happened?". Jesse looked at James and sighed.

"He was returning from a trip into town...He’d bought be a bottle of perfume but on his way back...this happened".

Hopkins brought in two more chairs and placed them the other side of the bed. James parents sat and looked at their son. All the time James’ mother sobbed lightly whilst her husband held her hand tightly. Jesse continued, "They must have been waiting for him".

"They?", James father inquired, "You know who it was?".

Jesse looked down, "Yes", she simply stated.

"We’d better call the police!", James mother said looking up.

"You can’t!", Jesse snapped back, "I brought James here so he’d be safe, if you call the police you’ll be turning in your own son!".

James parents fell silent for a moment.

"All right, no police", James father agreed breaking the silence, "But I want you to tell me who did this to our son".

"Of course", Jesse nodded, "They are...". She was interrupted by a knock at the door.

Hopkins opened the door slightly and looked in, "Sir, madam, Doctor Benton is here".

"Please, show him in", James father indicated as he and his wife stood. Jesse was too exhausted to stand, she simply remained where she sat holding James’s hand.

Hopkins entered the room followed by a tall man, with brown hair that was beginning to turn grey, in a dark brown jacket.

"Welcome", James father said and indicated towards James. The doctor moved towards James.

"If I could examine him in private it would be a great help", the doctor asked.

James’ parents slowly moved out of the room and Jesse reluctantly released her hold on James’s hand and followed them out. Hopkins was the last to leave and closed the door behind him.

The doctor took his overcoat off revealing his white doctors jacket underneath and moved towards James.


Jesse sat in a large living room with James parents seated in front of her.

Meowth was sat next to her but the frantic day had caused him to fall asleep leaning against her.

The room was massive with paintings of waterfalls and forests lining the walls. Above her was a huge crystal chandelier.

James’ father turned towards Jesse, "You were going to tell us of who did this to our son", he reminded her.

Jesse looked up at them both and sighed, "A man named Butch and a girl named Cassidy".

"Who are this Butch and Cassidy?", James father demanded.

"They’re part of Team Rocket and they seem to have a vendetta against us", Jesse continued, "They gained favour over us with the boss until they were caught whilst running a breeding centre scam".

James parents listened without responding.

"The reason they bungled their mission is because we, and some twerps who give us trouble, threw a spanner in the works of their little operation".

"Then they should be in jail", James’ mother pointed out.

"They were", Jesse agreed, "until they broke out last week".

"And now they want revenge?", James father asked.

"I guess so", Jesse agreed and looked down.

"Do they know you brought James here?", asked James’ mother.

"I hope not. They tried to run us off the road earlier but we lost them", Jesse explained, "That’s why the Jeep’s such a mess".

James’s parents looked out of the window at the Jeep in the driveway. In all the confusion and concern earlier they hadn’t taken any particular notice of the Jeep.

It stood there with dents clearly visible along the side. The back was out of view but there were surely dents there too.

James mother dabbed her eyes with a tissue to dry her tears, "All because of this ridiculous gang he’s in".

Her husband comforted her, "Lets not place blame", he said, "although I don’t like him being in this Team Rocket organisation either, we must acknowledge the fact that if it weren’t for Jesse’s quick thinking our boy might be dead now".

Upon hearing those words, James’ mother looked towards Jesse, "Thank you for all you did for him".

Jesse looked up and nodded in gratitude, "I hope it’s enough".


After what felt like an eternity Hopkins strolled into the living room.

"Sir, madam, the doctor has finished", he announced, "You can see him now".

Jesse prodded Meowth, waking him up, and they all headed back up the stairs to James’ room. James’ parents went in first and she and Meowth had to wait outside. Jesse wasn’t surprised. After all, they were his parents.

She was scared. She knew she was just minutes away from finding out how badly James had been hurt.

Meowth prodded her boot, "He’ll be okay Y’know Jess".

Jesse merely nodded.

She thought to herself. She was glad that Jessebell was gone. If she had still been here after the last time Jesse and James had been here there would have been trouble. Jessebell would have fussed over James and caused him far too much stress.

Jesse thought back to that day when she thought she had lost James forever.

She remembered walking along with Meowth and contemplating over the fact that she might never see James again. The moment that she had heard him call to her from the balloon had been pure gold. She also remembered the seemingly eternal seconds when she and James had just stared into each others eyes once he had hauled her into the balloon. Jesse couldn’t help but wonder what may have happened had Meowth not started yelling at them demanding them to come back for him.

The sound of the door opening pulled Jesse from her thoughts and James parents left the room.

"Can I...?", she began but James’ father was already nodding the answer. Jesse smiled in thanks and slowly entered the room with Meowth by her side.

She shut the door and hesitated before looking at James.

There he was.

James was in bed and still unconscious.

There was a drip attached to him feeding some sort of liquid into his body.

The doctor was still present.

Jesse guessed that he was some sort of private doctor that the family knew as he had equipment with him which would normally only be available at a hospital.

Jesse sat by James’s bed and once again took hold of his hand.

"How bad is it?", Jesse asked looking up at the doctor.

"He’ll live", he smiled.

Those two words were music to Jesse’s ears. She smiled as did Meowth.

"He is badly hurt but he will heal", the doctor assured her, "he has numerous broken ribs and a bad concussion".

The smile vanished from Jesse’s lips.

The doctor moved nearer to reassure her, "That’s the worst of his injuries thankfully, other than that he’s badly bruised and as you can see has a few small cuts on his face".

Jesse looked at James face.

The bruises were dark and looked awful and a bruise on his right eye had swollen it shut.

"He’ll be okay?", Jesse asked needing to hear it again.

"Yes", the doctor smiled, "I’ve seen road accidents far worse, he’ll be fine just give him time to heal".

Jesse nodded and tears of joy filled her eyes, "Thank you".

"You’re the one to be thanked", the doctor replied, "You brought him here".

Jesse smiled. Even Meowth, who had sat on Jesse’s lap, was smiling. The doctor moved to the door but paused just before he opened it, "In case you were wondering, I treat all patients with the strictest confidentiality...nobody will know he is here". With that the doctor left the room and closed the door behind him.

Jesse let out a small sigh of relief. They should all be safe for the time being.


Over the next few days everyone took turns to watch over James for several hours.

His conditioned had improved slightly, although he still hadn’t regained consciousness, and the doctor was calling in every day to check on him. Some of the colour had returned to James’s face and he no longer looked quite so eerily pale.

Jesse returned to James’s room to take over from James’ father. She walked to the window overlooking the large gardens and looked out. Outside she could see James’s Growlith, Growly, sitting in the sun. Growly had acted depressed ever since they had arrived. It wanted to see it’s master but the doctor had advised against letting Growly in case it jumped on the bed and hurt James without realising it.

Jesse yawned. She was tired.

She had been given a guest room in the house but she couldn’t sleep for long periods of time. Her usual habit was waking up at three in the morning and worrying about James. Once awake she could never settle back down again.

She sat down in the chair next to James’s bed again and lightly laid her head on the bed and held James’ hand.




Shaky outlines.


Pain, terrible pain.

At the sound of a faint moan Jesse stirred in her sleep and slowly looked up. Jesse snapped into full consciousness when she saw this.

"James?", she called to him.

She felt his hand grip hers weakly as he lightly moaned.

His un-bruised eye was slightly open.

"Come on James, you can do it!", she encouraged him.

Jesse gently sat on the side of the bed and, with one hand, lightly brushed her fingers along his cheek bones. James’s good eye began to focus and his moans grew more intense.

"J...Jesse?", he managed to say, " hurts!". James sounded weak but in terrible pain from his injuries.

"Don’t worry!", Jesse reassured him and rushed to the door. She opened the door and called out, "He’s coming round! Get the doctor!".

The sight of James in this condition made Jesse feel very uncomfortable. James was the sort who would moan all day if he had even so much as a splinter but this was horrible.

He clutched his ribs and whimpered like an injured animal. Jesse had to do something. She grabbed his wrists and held his arms firmly down against his side to prevent him from harming himself.

"Shhh", Jesse said calmly, "it’ll be okay, I promise".

James already depleted strength quickly burned out and he stopped fighting against Jesse’s intense grip on his wrists. He was too weak to struggle.

"You’re okay James", Jesse said reassuringly, "You’ve got some broken ribs and you had a bang to the head but you’re going to be fine".

James closed his eyes. His black eye could barely open. Jesse sat in silence. She didn’t want to disturb James as he had only just begun to regain consciousness and he still looked very dazed. James’s parents came in quietly and a few minutes later doctor Benton arrived.

He pulled a syringe from his equipment and injected the liquid into James’s arm. James opened his eyes slightly. Jesse knew that James hated needles but she knew that he didn’t have the strength to protest. The injection began to take effect and James began to look a little more relaxed.

"I’ve increased the dose of pain killer", the doctor informed everyone, "I’d like to make a few tests in private if nobody minds".

Everyone stood and began to leave.

"Jesse", James whispered lightly, "I want...Jesse to stay".

Jesse looked at the doctor and he nodded, "She can stay if you want her to but please don’t get in the way".

James smiled slightly.

Jesse moved over to the window and stood with her arms folded.

The doctor took a small torch from his bag and shone it in James’s good eye and then as best as he could in James’s black eye.

"That seems encouraging", he responded as he examined James, "No complications there".

The doctor then held some fingers up in front of James’s eyes, "How many fingers am I holding up?".

"Three", James said quietly.

"Good", the doctor smiled.

"How is your sight?", The doctor asked.

Weakly James responded, "A little fuzzy...blurry".

Doctor Benton nodded, "That’s not uncommon, you had quite a bang to the head".

"Will it get better?", Jesse asked from where she stood.

"I see no reason why not", Doctor Benton answered as he took James’s pulse and scribbled some notes down, "It may come back to normal in an hour or a few days but there’s nothing seriously wrong".

Jesse looked on impatiently. The doctor had assured her that James would be fine but there was this little piece of her mind that made her worry that there might be something he hadn’t found.

The doctor pulled back the bed covers a little to reveal James’s bandaged ribs, "This may hurt a little James and I apologise in advance if it does", the doctor said.

The doctor lightly examined the area as carefully as he could with only one or two "Ow’s" from James.

After what felt like forever the doctor pulled the covers back over James and scribbled the last notes down on his medical pad. Jesse moved back over to James’s side as the doctor packed his things away.

"You’ll be fine James", he reassured him, "I’ve got a list of medication you’ll need which I’ll give to your parents". James nodded in thanks.

"You won’t be up and about for a while so don’t rush things", the doctor continued, "I’ll stop by and check on you each day to monitor your progress".

The doctor smiled slightly when he saw Jesse sigh in relief, "And you my dear, take two of these and get a good long sleep".

The doctor placed a small bottle of capsules in Jesse’s hand, "You’ve sat by him for hours and now that he’s going to be fine I’m sure even he’d agree that it’s your turn to rest".

Jesse looked up and saw James nod slightly.

"For once James, you win", Jesse reluctantly agreed as she stood, "But I’ll be back to see you later".

James smiled a little.

"He needs to rest now", the doctor said. Jesse and James looked to each other for a few seconds and Jesse slowly left the room to get some sleep.

She wandered down the hallway to the guest room that she was sleeping in each night and went in closing the door behind her. The room was smaller than James’s. There were a couple of paintings on the wall and a single bed against the wall.

She was exhausted.

Jesse sat on the bed, pulled a bottle of water out of her bag and opened the tablet bottle.

She took two tablets as the doctor had told her and laid back on the bed.

She was too tired to even get changed. She just wanted to sleep.


The car came screaming right at him.

He tried to move out of the way but the it was too late.

He felt his ribs crack and saw the world tumble around him. The sensation of his head hitting the road was like a bomb going off. He struggled but was unable to move.

Another strange sensation. He felt like he was falling...

James woke suddenly.

He was sweating and was short of breath.

His ribs greeted him with a throbbing sensation and as James’s head began to clear he realised he had been dreaming.

The room was dark. It was night. James closed his eyes. He wanted to sleep but he feared that he would relive the accident again in his dreams.

He still felt extremely weak. He wanted to lie on his side or roll over but he knew his broken ribs would never allow him to do that.

He ached all over.

He had been given a large dose of pain killers earlier that were to last the night.

They had been effective but he could always feel some mild throbbing and aching in his ribs. At least this was pain he could take. He dreaded to think how much it would all hurt without any pain killers.

His head hurt too.

James rubbed a hand over his face and felt the cut on his forehead and his black eye. He was certain that he looked a mess.

He started to wonder how he had gotten here.

No doubt Jesse or Meowth had found him in the road.

There was one thought that reassured him, Jessebell wasn’t here anymore. He wasn’t sure but he convinced himself that if she was still here he would have had her inflicted on him by now.

James looked to the window. The curtains were still open, just as he always liked it as a child.

His weary need for sleep began to consume him again.

He’d been unconscious for five days but his strength had been completely depleted by everything that had happened and his body needed to recharge.

The moon could be seen clearly outside of his window and James watched it for several minutes before his eyes slowly closed and he drifted off to sleep again.

End of part 2...


Anni :)

By Anni

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