Foster Care Link Page
The Foster Care List allows anyone involved in foster care
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![]() Welcome to the Foster Care Link List. If you're involved in foster care, you'll find links to valuable sites here. If you know of any links which should be included, please send me the URL of the page and a description of it and I'll add it.
If you'd like a link here to your personal homepage or your foster care agency's page, please send an e mail with the URL! Check back often for new links.
The Butterfly Gang We have many hopes for this page - sections on Multiple personality Disorder/Dissociative Identity Disorder (MPD/DID), Eating Disorders and various disabilities, which we have experienced. A Mailing List Just For Lils (too). Miriam and the Bunny Crew My site is dedicated to the love and care bunnies. There are many pictures of my rabbits and I will be adding more. Mike McClellan's "Stuff About Me" - Foster Children, Dogs, Religion and Other Ramblings Friends Association For the Care and Protection of Children Friends Association had its start in the 1800s in West Chester, PA and has grown through the years to become a specialized foster care agency serving several surrounding counties. In addition Friends runs a unique temporary homeless shelter. Canadian Foster Parent Homepage Welcome to the Canadian Foster Parent Home Page. This site is dedicated to Foster Parents all over the world. Use this site as your guide to access information and to network with other caregivers around the world. What is Reactive Attachment Disorder? "This presentation is a self-guided primer for the understanding and treatment of Reactive Attachment Disorder, with speaker's notes." Violence - A Lifelong Problem. "Violence toward children tends to perpetuate violence throughout the child's life. "...violence known as corporal punishment manifests the same behavior problems that unacceptable violence produces." This is a must read for foster parents and biological parents who want to understand the relationship between corporal punishment and the propensity for a child's violent behavior as he/she matures into an adult. by M Linette Gall Oppositional Defiant Disorder (ODD Conduct Disorder (CD) in Children and Adolescents Diagnosis and Treatment ADHD The goal of this Internet Site is to present comprehnesive, detailed and current information to the medical and lay community about Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD), Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) and Tourette Syndrome (TS) State Foster Parent Associations Lists state associations alphabetically. State Government Foster Care Agencies Lists official state government foster care agencies alphabetically. Proposed Foster Parents Bill Of Rights Act Florida State Foster Parent Association's proposed foster parent bill of rights act. This should be a goal for every foster parent in every state! ABA Center on Children and the Law Website on many child law aspects. Very interesting and it could be a valuable resource for you. Foster Parent Online Training "Welcome to the Washington State Online Foster Parent Class. This is the same great Fosterparentscope material used in the Department of Social and Health Services foster parent classes. the web so you will have access to it anytime. Just click a get started." List of Links A list of links Don Hallstrom posted on our Foster Care News Group relating to foster care. Its a wealth of information. (I deleted a few links which appeared to be dead) This is a very comprehensive page on foster care with loads of information and resources. Be sure you have a lot of time when you visit this site! ![]() Page created 2-10-99 Revised July 30, 2002 February 10, 1999 FastCounter by LinkExchange |