Angel Feathers and Love Letters
Poems by Melissa Lee LeBlanc
"Always In Our Hearts"
The first time I met Melissa, was back in 1997. We had a cooking class together.
I didn't really talk to too many people in the class,
but I had friends in my little group, which is how I met Melissa.
She had a way of brightening
a room when she entered, like the very essence of life and happiness were contained within her.
She was always great to talk to, I thoroughly enjoyed conversation with her.
It always turned out with a laugh. When the semester ended, I didn't see her too often, only at class breaks.
When I did see her though, she would stop, say hi and chat before heading for class.
She made a real difference to people whose lives she touched.
We shall never forget her.
This page was built in memory of Melissa Lee LeBlanc, and it is dedicated to her and her wonderful family.
My thanks to them for all their support and strength.
Many thanks to Melissa's Aunt Leslie, without her this page wouldn't have been possible.
I lay my pen down, with a rose before you all.
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