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Leonard H. McCoy's Photo

Leonard H. McCoy
DeForest Kelley - 1920-1999
We will miss you.

Full Name:
Date of Birth:
Place of Birth:
Marital Status:
Leonard H. McCoy, M.D.
2245-49 University of Mississippi
2249-53 Medical School


  • 2266 - Lieutenant Commander
  • 2271 - Commander as Chief Medical Officer
  • 2285 - Academy Medical Faculty and Training Instructor
  • 2293 - Admiral (retired) at the age of 137.


  • 2266 - Won the commendation of Legion of Honor, Legion of Valor, decorated by Starfleet Surgeons.
McCoy's Relatives:
  • Joanna (daughter) - Joanna was born before Bones entered Starfleet. She graduated from nursing school. No other data is available.
  • David McCoy (father) - David was struck with a deadly illness. McCoy or "Bones" as he was called by Captain Kirk, was faced with a very hard decision. Seeing the terrible suffering his father was going through, Bones decided to pull the plug and let his father pass on, ending his suffering. This decision weighed heavy on Bones for many years because shortly after, a cure was discovered from the illness.

McCoy's Friends:

  • James T. Kirk (captain)
  • Spock- Although McCoy was always irritated by Spock's logic, he cared about him very much.

Women in McCoy's life:

  • Nancy Carter (wife) - Bones was romantically involved with Nancy before starfleet. She was killed prior to 2266 by the last surviving member on the planet M-113, a creature that lives on salt. On going to this planet McCoy meets with the woman he loved. But the woman McCoy sees as Nancy Crater is a shape-shifting creature, the last survivor of M-113, and can literally appear as a different being to each person 'she' meets.
  • Natira (wife) - In 2268, Bones was diagnosed with a terminal illness called xenopolycythemia (an abnormal proliferation of red blood cells causing varied symptoms including weakness, fatigue, enlarged spleen, and pain in the extremities). Natira was the high priestess of the Fabrini people on the asteriod Yonada. While Kirk and Spock search for the central controls that will redirect the ship, Bones falls in love with Natira. He wanted to spend what little time he had left with Natira and married her, staying behind on the asteriod. Soon after he married Natira he contacted Kirk telling him that he may have found the controls for the asteriod. To make a long story short, Kirk and Spock find the controls, puts the Yonada back on course, and finds the cure for McCoys illness. McCoy and Natira then separate. He goes back to the ship and Natira decides to stays behind to guide her people. :-(

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