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Magnificent Prayer

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With All My Heart

In the heart of my being, Father, I am one with You, and I recognize You as Being, the Father of all. You are Spirit, Omnipresent, Omnipotent, Omniscient. You are Wisdom, Love and Truth, the Power and Substance and Intelligence of which and through which all things are created. You are the Life of my Spirit, the Substance of my Soul, the Intelligence of my thought. I am expressing You in my body and in my affairs. You are the beginning and the end, the very All of the good which I express. The desire of my thought which is implanted in my soul is quickened by Your Life in my Spirit, and in the fullness of time, through the law of faith, it is brought into visibility into my experience. I know that the good I desire already exists in Spirit in invisible form and but awaits the fulfillment of the law to be made visible and I know that already I have.

With All My Soul

The words which I now speak outline to You, my Father, that which I desire. As a seed it is planted in the soil of my Soul and moved upon by Your quickening Life in my Spirit. It must come forth. I allow only Your Spirit - Wisdom, Love and Truth - to move in my Soul. I desire only that which is good for all and I now ask You, Father, to bring it forth.

Father, within me, I ask to express Love, Wisdom, Strength and Eternal Youth. I ask to realize Harmony, Happiness, and Abundant Prosperity, that I may have the understanding direct from You, of the method of bringing forth from the Universal Substance that which will satisfy every good desire. This is not for self, Father, but that I may have the understanding so that I may be of service to all Your Children.

With All My Mind

That which I desire is already in visible form. I form in mind only that which I desire. As a seed begins its growth underground in the quiet and in the dark, so does my desire now take form in the silent, invisible realm of my soul. I enter my closet and shut the door. Quietly and confidently I now hold my desire in mind as already fulfilled. Father, I now await the perfect outpicturing of my desire. Father, within me, I thank You that now in the invisible the fulfillment of my desire is always established and I know that You have poured out lovingly and lavishly to all an abundance of Your treasure, that You have filled every good desire of my life, that I may partake of Your opulent supply, that I may realize my oneness with You, that all Your children may realize the same; and that whatever I have, I may pour out to help all Your children. All that I have I give to You, Father.

With All My Strength

All acts and thoughts of mine shall confirm that I have already received in Spirit the fulfillment of my desire and it is now brought forth into perfect visibility. In spirit, in soul, in mind, in body, I am true to my desire. I have perceived my good in Spirit. I have conceived it as a perfect idea in soul and I have given true thoughtform to my desire. I now bring into visibility, or true manifestation, my perfect desire.

I thank You, Father, that I now have Love, Wisdom, and Understanding, Life, Health, Strength, and Eternal Youth, Harmony, Happiness and Abundant Prosperity, and the method of bringing forth from the Universal Substance that which will satisfy every good desire.

The above is an excerpt from the book Life and Teaching of the Masters of the Far East by Baird T. Spalding.
You can BUY this book HERE by clicking on the book title below:

Life and Teaching of the Masters of the Far East
by Baird T. Spalding
The Masters teach through example and clearly demonstrate how we could all lift ourselves and live lives that are for most of us beyond our wildest imagination.  Yet it all begins with expanded vision and the development of our inner resources.

for more information, books, and excerpts
go to

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