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Kyo Sohma


DK's Domain
Ammar's Anime Domain
Fruits Basket Page
Fruits Basket Characters

Personal Info:

Ms. Honda's first impression of Kyo was of a wild out-of-control kid who just busted through the roof and tried to take on mild well-mannered Yuki in a fight, but ended up losing anyway. It turns out that Kyo is actually a cousin of both Yuki and Shigure. He also lives in the same house as them. Kyo might not be very social, anti-social is more like it. He has some very deep, uncontrollable emotions, which upon knowing of Kyo's true past, one would understand him perfectly. Kyo transforms into a cat, however as in the story of Chinese Zodiac he is not included among the Zodiac. The cat was fooled by the mouse, so that he missed the Zodiac banquet. He is therefore considered as an outcast, an outsider, and most of the Sohma family dislike him for the mere fact that he is the cat. As a child Kyo faced alot of difficulty with the extended Sohma family. His mother was very loving, and she always tried her best to keep him out of harm's way. She kept him inside the house and would rarely let him go outside. Kyo's mother was extremely over protective. All of a sudden Kyo's mother died. The Sohma people mocked him and blamed him for his mother's death. Kyo was extremely saddened and now an orphan cried alone by himself. Along came Kazuma Sohma, who was a teacher at a dojo. He made it a duty upon himself to take Kyo and raise him up. Having pity for the child, Kazuma made him his own child and cherished him like a father. That is where Kyo learned the martial arts, and gains his tremendous love for fighting. Being the cat in the Zodiac, hated by all of his family save for Kazuma, he unleashed his troubles and misery in the form of a rivalry with Yuki. As little children, they began to hate each other because one felt he was deprived of something the other had. When Kyo was little, Kagura was outside by herself lonely and Kyo held out his hand and told her to come and play with him. Since that day, Kagura has been completely obsessed over Kyo and his kindness. She is one of the only people who knows of Kyo's good side. Kyo also gave karate lessons to Hatsuharu Sohma, so they get along pretty well.

Kyo is quite impulsive. Alot of times he does things without thinking and ends up regretting it. Often, Shigure and the elder Sohma family members offer him advice. Kyo also does what he wants to do. He disobeys alot of the family rules while living in the Sohma house. The main issue is that Yuki makes him uncomfortable. Around Yuki, he is a completely different person. Only a few people like Kazuma, Tohru, and Kagura know this. Kyo is actually a pretty fun to be with guy, His classmates enjoy teasing him, and enjoy his company very well. He is accepted as a normal person, with his faults and limitations. Yuki is sort of jealous of Kyo in this matter, because yuki is above average in almost everything. He cannot be accepted as a normal person, and often people automatically assume that he dislikes people at heart. Kyo is always trying to beat Yuki, but fails in everything. He can never beat Yuki in a fight, even though he spends his entire leisure time training to beat him. Kyo has alot of determination, and when he sets his mind to it, he will focus one hundred percent of his energy on the task at hand. he has a very noble idea of honor and people's personal worth. Kyo is a decent and very noble human being, who has been through alot of hardships.

I never really understod Kyo until I saw the last few episodes, I was amazed at what Kyo went through. Despite his constant temper outbreaks and his frequent shouting, Kyo is a very kind, noble person at heart. Kyo cares for other people, even for Yuki, though he might not want to admit it. He admires Yuki alot, and that is part of the reason why he is so jealous of him. Yuki had the life Kyo always wanted; Yuki was a member of the Sohma family, while Kyo was an outcast. One of the main themes of Fruits Baskets is that you are born into your position. Some people are born as princes, while others as orphans. What really matters is what is inside the heart. The members of the Sohma family see the good qualities of others, but they don't see the good qualities in themselves. yeah stole it from Tohru when she was comforting Kyo. Hahaha, and as Yuki said, you never appreciate yourself, until someone tells you they appreciate you. Kyo needs someone to show him that he is loved, and that he belongs. Considering how much misery, suffering, and mockery Kyo has been through in his life, one really begans to see why he acts as he acts. Another good quality of Kyo is that he has a very rigid idea of right and wrong. For example he cannot take anyone making crude remarks about Tohru, even Momiji, Shigure, or Hatsuharu. He is willing to protect the people he likes no matter what the cost, even at his own expense. He was also the one who spoke out about having a picnic in the graveyard, because it was inproper. Kyo might appear hard at first, but inside he has alot of good characteristics.