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Shigure Sohma


DK's Domain
Ammar's Anime Domain
Fruits Basket Page
Fruits Basket Characters

Personal Info:

Shigure is head of Yuki's house. When Ms. Honda is taking a walk in the woods, she discovers his Zodiac clay figures. After a short conversation, she immediately realizes that this is Yuki's house after he appears at the door. Yuki is her classmate in school. Shigure basically pushes her to stay with the Sohmas after he tent gets destroyed. The agreement is that she will do all the housework in exchange for a place to stay. So begans the great task of keeping a housekeeper inside the house without having the Sohma curse revealed. Inevitably though, Tohru finds out about the curse. Yuki, Shigure, and the others fear that she will have to have her memory erased, but Akito (the head of the Main Sohma House) makes an exception in Tohru's case. This allows the entire house to adjust to having an outsider, and learning more about themselves. Shigure, too, as the others in the Sohma family began to appreciate Tohru's kindness.

Tohru really believes Shigure cares for others and is a nice person. Alot of times in the anime, Shigure is what gives the series it's amazing transfer from serious sad episodes to extremely hilarious episodes. Shigure himself is a very bi-polar character. He switches from being serious to being silly. He doesn't act his age at all, but that is the funny part. He teases everyone excessively. It makes you wonder how the other people living in the house can stand him. At times, he makes crude jokes, but always gets his punishment, hahaha, usually by Kyo. Shigure basically controls things in the house from getting too out of control (so the kids dont brak his house). Shigure is really laid-back, and usually doesn't stress himself on anything up to semi-urgency, atleast that is how he acts in fornt of others. Shigure is sometimes like a grandfather personality, because he constantly offers advice to the youngsters in his own mocking way. There is a friendship trio between him, Ayame (Yuki's older brother), and Hatori. He jokes around alot with Hatori and constantly teases him. Hatori usually says stuff like, Foolish Shigure. They are very good friends, however, and since their childhood they had a great understanding of each other. Shigure and Ayame have a very interesting relationship. They joke about their friendship alot, and act like little boys, hahaha. Shigure also loves to torture his publisher by pretending he doesn't have the pages written for his novels. She constantly chases after him looking for the last pages for the book, so she can get it to the office before the deadline. Shigure is an amazing character, one of my favorite characters out of all anime.

However, everyone cursed by the Zodiac has dark emotions and a troubling past. Shigure is not excluded from this. Although from his actions and speech it seems that Shigure is a very laid-back, easy going individual, there is a dark intent inside Shigure. Watching the anime will not reveal anything of Shigure's dark side, but reading the manga will show that Shigure is not really that pure and good himself. He is very tricky in regards to what Akito tells him. Shigure knows limits though, since he was the one who kept Akito from attacking Kana, Hatori's fiance.

The anime leaves you with the view that Shigure is a nice person and is really a guy who cares for Tohru. This however is not the case in the manga. From early on in the manga, it portrays Shigure as a loyal subject to Akito, however later on in the manga, you realize that in actuality Shigure is manipulating Akito. This is very suprising and its almost sinister. Hatori himself hates this part of Shigure, but says, I wont be your enemy, however i wouldnt help you with what you are planning. What is he planning? Only reading the manga will reveal that. Shigure wants the situation to change, in times he secretly reviles Akito and considers him a fool who has a dark mind. While in fornt of him, he pretends like he is loyal to Akito. Akito realizes this when he tells Shigure, 'I dont like you, you arent nice at all." Shigure also says things to incite Akito's anger and often times to ridicule him. Shigure is very good at manipulating people. He also went out with 'Mayu-chan', Kana's best friend. He treated her distant and never cared for her, infact he told her that the only reason he was going out with her was because he was bored and also because she looked lonely. After two months, she dumped Shigure, saying he is like a ripple on the water, it comes close to you, but if you try to get close to it, it gets farther away. This perfectly describes his personality. Shigure also caused alot of pain for Mayu, so she doesnt like him very much. He would often tease her calling her a fool and an idiot. During the manga, she says to him, even if im a foolish woman, i relieved you of your boredom. Shigure responds, even stupid women have their uses. Shigure says while talking to Hatori, 'I will do anything, hurt anyone to get what I want.' Haru comments to Shigure, you say things which are like pouring oil on fire. This means that he often increases peoples suffering, intentionally and on purpose. A few times, he even causes Kyo and Yuki to feel tremendous pain by inciting their fears and telling them things which make them feel worse about themselves. He does however offer them advice form time to time, but only when doesnt interfere with his selfish ends. The manga leaves you with a deep seething hatred of Shigure, because he has hurt so many people so much, and continues to do so.