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Arisa Uotani


DK's Domain
Ammar's Anime Domain
Fruits Basket Page
Fruits Basket Characters

Personal Info:

Arisa Uotani is one of Tohru's best friends from before her mother's death. She has known Tohru since Middle School and has always been by her side. Arisa used to a violent juvenile until she reformed herself with the support given to her by Tohru and Kyoko, Tohru's mother. She has a violent temper, just like Kyo. They always get into arguments because she enjoys teasing him. Arisa is also good friends with Saki Hanajima, Tohru's other best friend. She works two part-time jobs and struggles to meet expenses because she comes from a broken home.

One of Arisa Uotani's greatest roles to Tohru is like a mother figure now that Tohru's mother has passed away. Arisa always looks out for Tohru and always becomes sentimental and easily cries when someone happens to her. Her and Saki Hanajima are both overprotective of Tohru. Arisa is naturally caring of others, and even looks after Hana-chan and though she would never admit it she enjoys Kyo's company. Arisa will do anything and go to any length to protect her friends, and even though she may appear tough and angery on the outside, inside she is exceeding kind.

You become aware of just how much she had to endure in the past and what she is going through in the present when you read the manga. She has to go through alot of difficulties, and there are entire chapters in the manga which discuss her life and where she is the main character. At the end of each chapter you think, just how would you react if you had to go through all those things and you gain an appreciation for her. You think, I hope that she finds happiness. No matter what, she is there for others, but who is there for her. That is why Saki Hanajaima and Tohru both look after her, just as she looks after them