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The Midnight Cafe

Welcome weary traveller to The Midnight Cafe. I am Julianna, and I will be your hostess for the evening. Please come in, and feel free to seat yourself. We thank you for your patronage and hope that you will enjoy our hospitality. The Midnight Cafe was established to provide sanctuary for both immortals and mortals alike, so please, play nice.

While you are here, please feel free to explore The Midnight Cafe at your leisure. Each section of the cafe represents a chapter of the cafe's story. Take in the fresh air on the balcony, enjoy other vampire-related links in the library, or venture to The Downstairs; a private club for the truly adventurous. Or if your just passing through, step up to the bar and have your first drink on us.

So dine with us, dance with us, and drink with us. As always, admission into the cafe is always free, there is only one thing I ask for in return: please take a moment to sign my guestbook so I may get to know my guests, as I have allowed them to get to know me.

In any case, welcome again to The Midnight Cafe.....

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