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Here are some of the diseases a betta might get, what they look like, and how to treat them. This is an example: Disease; appearence; how to treat the disease.

Anchor worm;Threadlike worm hangingfrom fish. Base of anchor worm may be red; Use Jungle's Parasit Guard.

Dropsy;fish bloated with scales standing out. Fish looks like a pine cone; Use Jungle's Fungus Eliminator.Picture

Fungus; White or grey cottony growth or patch on any part of the fish; Use Jungle's Fungus Guard or Fungus Eliminator/ if grey, use Ick Guard with other medicine listed above.

Rot; Mouth, fin, or tail flesh eaten away; Use Jungle's Fungus Eliminator or Binox .

Swim bladder ddisease; fish swimming with head down (not level); Use Jungle's Fungus Eliminator.

If your thinking I'm a Jungles salesman, I'm not. They just have the best products out there. As you can tell from the above chart, no betta owner or breeder should be without Jungle's Fungus Eliminator. These are just a few of the most common diseases. There are many more out there so be prepared.