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Q and A

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Q)Can a betta be in a 30 gallon tank with other fish?

A)That depends on what the other fish are and how many fish.

Q)My female betta looks very healthy (colorful) but is swimming like she is heavy and stays mainly on the bottom resting (tilting) but can straighten up quickly...water is about a week + old she does not look pregnant..but does it show?..I cant find anything on the net helpful contrary to everything I have read she exist in the same bowl as her mail counterpart for a year and 1/2, he is extremely large and very protective..and even loving? (they are very playful..he has never bit her..they go thru mating rituals but have never sired offspring).

A)Your fish is probaly suffering from swim bladder disease. You should treat it with Jungles Fungus Eliminator.

Q)My male betta is not a happy guy- he sits on the bottom of his bowl a lot and never eats. I have only had him for a few days, but already he is not as colorful and seems sad. He was moved around a lot. What do you think? I have tried giving him "betta bites" food as well as tropical fish food, which he seems to like better.

A)If I were you I would try putting some type of de-clohranator, like Start Right if it is available, in his tank. If he still does nothingput some live plants in his tank. Another thing it could be is that he might just be a little war-out and he needs to get settled in.

Q: HI! I found your site from the "ask jeeves" site. First of all I would like to know the ideal temp for the betta's water. Everyone tells me some thing different. I also change his water every 4 days. Will this bother him? I also change all of it. I feed him bloodworms, do they eat any snacks like crumbs, or something? Is it ok to keep a light on him all night for warmth? Should I get him a plant for his bowl? Do they like to be put in the sunshine? Any info you could give would be very helpful. I appreciate your time and effort, Paula

A: 1. The ideal temp is 80 to 82 degrees F.

2. Changing the water too much can bother the betta. I would change one-fourth of it about every week.

3. NEVER feed bettas human food, no matter what it is. You can feed him bloodworms, but i would feed them as a snack instead of main couse. For his main food give him a flake food like Bettamin.

4. It is ok to keep a light on him all night, but it needs to come off sometime!

5. It is your decisiuon whether or not to buy a plant. Your betta won'tmind having it to swim around, but it's not a neccisity. I do recommend it though.

6. Bettas like the sun, but never put them in direct sunlight.

Q)My male betta is eating the fry after they hatch. Perhaps he does not know what what to do after they hatch. What must I do to prevent the male from eating the fry?

A)If thew fry are free swimming(swimming horizontally) the male should be taken out. If not still take him out and hope that your fry will live.