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Types of water;

Distilled:I don't reccomend this water because it has been stripped of all it's minerals. This takes out alot of what a betta needs to live a healthy life. Bettas don't just live in their water, they live, breathe their water. Bettas need many of those same minerals that the distilled water has taken out. This is why it is not a good choice for water.

Bottled water: Unless this has been taken directly from a stream, put in a bottle and sold, it is no better than tap water. Tap water has more chemicals but not many, plus it can easily be purified with a dechlorinator, like Novaqua. Plus bottled water is way more expensive. Tap water is FREE.

Tap water: This is definitly the most reasonable water to use it can be cured and it comes in an abudant supply. It is much better than distilled water and is way less expensive than bottled water. It is the choice of top breeders everywhere. You will need to treat your water before you put it in the tank. Put about 15 drops of Novaqua and 15 drops of Amquel. Then let it set for about a day. After this period of time you can add the water to your tank.


Water PH: Water is water. Right? Wrong! Water has an acid in it called PH that you will need to adjust to fit your bettas needs. You need to buy a PH tester kit. You can buy these at your local fish, pet store, or discount store that sells fish. Inside is an indicator liquid and a test tube and a bottle of PH down and PH up. You fill the test tube with water and add the liquid drops to the water. It will change colors. Then according to the chart, you should add the right amount of PH up or down to the water. The right PH for a tank is 7.0. This can be achieved by adding the drops of solution from the test kit. Bettas can be kept in a PH from 6.5 to 7.5. Anything about 7.0 is very good.

Water Temperature A bettas temperature needs to be about 78 to 82 degrees Fahrenheit. You should keep it constantly at this temperature and don't let it change drastically. You need to make sure and check the temperature everyday so it doesn't slip down without you knowing it. If it does slip adjust your heater to the desired temperature. Although bettas have been known to survive in waters 70 degrees to 87 degrees you should never let this happen. They could freeze or boil and turn into soup!!