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What's new, what's old, what's up with Me

Hey this is me....(March 4,2000 In Ren-faire attire)
Stuff that I do


[January 2004]
-Hey, I have no work at the moment! (Still as of 2004, gonna soon though.) hehehehe.

[Late Summer 2001]
-Computer lab work ended at the end of the semester. I am not there this semester because I don't have the units. Oh well. But I have another job at the moment. I am working at a movie house called The Bridge. I hate it. Really. I am a supervisor. Or as they call it, a-Manager-in-training. But! But, I am not getting paid for it. I was supposed to be paid a whole dollar more than I am at the moment as of last month. Then I was promised that I would get back pay for all the work I have done as a supervisor. Now I am being told that 'Nope, I am not a supervisor, never have been, just a supervisor in training, all though I have to do all that a supervisor has to do, just without the authority and pay.' Already I am getting trouble. That and, I will not get to be this supervisor until I pass this test. Shit, they won't even tell me when this test will take place, or what it will consist of. I am tired of this shit.
-I can supervise. Although I am now thinking of weather I should even be one. They keep asking 'is there any of you who think you can't be a supervisor?' I can be a supervisor. But I really don't want to put up with the shit they are handing me. I want to just outright quit. But then I won't have a job, and the pay they already are paying me is just enough to make the little ends that I have meet. Shit, I have to pay rent to my father next month. Saving for that will be a bitch.
-Okay, I think I am blabing a little too much now. But for refrence I am working at the Bridge Cinema De Lux. Bla bla bla.

[Spring 2001]
-Hey I am pretending to work again! I am now working for my school's computer lab. I sit here every friday and saturday 9 in the morning to 3 in the afternoon helping other students with their computer problems. Or getting payed for what I normally do when I am in the computer lab.
-I started the third week of March.
-But as we all know, I am still looking for work, albeit slowly, but still looking. (If you have a job for me! Please, tell me! I would gladly take it! :)

[Winter 2000]
-Ok, Lesson #1, call work when not showing up.
-Obvously I am not there anymore. But hey, not too bad. I mean, I got a nice job for the summer. I had fun, but as everyone was saying, yea, it was starting to get boring. But that is ok. I don't truely mind.
-I am now on the hunt again.

[June 2000]
-I have started working at since 6/23/2000. I am having fun here. In fact, as I write this little paragraph I am officially working. It's really an interesting job. I mean I never knew that someone could get payed $12 an hour just to point and click, and surf the web.

[July 1999]
-I have been working since 7/5/99. At Bookstar, part of Barnes and Noble. I have a good time there, I get to meet new people and be with books. I read them at every chance I get. Who wouldn't? I mean being aroung books for eight hours a day, three days a week.
-So, I always sneek a peek at the introduction of each.
-But I will be leaving this job in a couple of weeks.
-I can't remember when precicely, but last month(August 1999) if you were around Bookstar and saw Maisy (who happens to be a big mouse in clothes), well, that was me!!!


[Spring 2004]
-I am going to Harbor College to get my CNA. I hope this works out, because once I get the certification I will work, and I will have a carrer started!!!

[Fall 2003]
-I went and did 3 random art units, but found out that counselors don't speak to each other. Anyway, I still need to have 12 full units to get my AA there, so I need 6 more units... two more classes, but, I am sure it is safe to say, two random art classes should fit the bill. Hopefully.

[Summer 2003]
-Where am I one would ask? I am at Cerritos College. Another community college. I just need one class that I keep putting off, a history or social science. Urg. Anyway, because I have changed schools, I am in need of 9 units. Thankfully I don't need 12. I mean, I am taking 3 at the moment, California History, which I am having a blast in... I never would have thought. Then in the fall I was going to take the other 6. Anyway, right now the unit price is $11. In the fall it raises to $24. I told my father, and he tells me that I am spoiled. (I know not the same words, but sure sounded that way.) I am. Most of us Californian's are. So, to say it gently, this sucks. Especially if I were paying for it. That is another story all together.

[Fall 2001]
-I am now enroled in WLAC. West Los Angeles College. I am at school. Taking two social science classes. These are supposedly the last ones that I need for my AA in Liberal Arts! Eat that, all who thought I wouldn't make it!
(Okay, I have 'till December to show my true worth, but I will make it! God help me!)
-These are my current classes...

Cultural Antropology,
Intro to Psychology.

The classes that I have taken are: (Not fully updated, will do so at a later time.)

Geography Lab,
Geography 1,
Oceanography 1,
P.E. 630 (Aerobic Circuit Training)
Business 1 Introduction to Business,
Computer Applications/ Office Technology 1A Typewriting/Keyboarding 1A,
Computer Science Information Technology 901 Introduction to Computers and Thier Uses,
Music 411, Elementary Voice 1,
Begining three-dimentional design,
Principles of healthful living,
Speech 101,
Ceramics (Two Semesters),
Music Appreciation,
English 1 and 2,
Math 21,
Dance 5,


-I have sort of changed church buildings lately. I attend sporatically St. Thomas's in Orange County. I miss the Palms crew. But the drive is much.

-I have been doing plenty lately. I went the the Misistry Fair, and had a great time, I learned how to use the Anglican Rosary and found in a certain labrinth that they had on the way out there were some 940 steps.
-I have been involved in Saint Mary in Palms Vestry, although I am not in the Vestry, I am just the clerk. I also am part of our Parish Forum.

-I went to Ghana in August 1998. Here I am picking up some Alantic Ocean at Cape Coast, Ghana...(I am that tiny person in the center of that huge ocean.)

Extra-curricular activities

-That was indeed a full and exciting year for me in St. E's. Will 2004 be the same? Doubt it.

-Oh, good grief, this year 2003, I have been more involved with the group than before, speaking of which, I need to attend the meeting, we are singing in a few minutes. :)

-OK, so I am not really involved. I kinda dropped out. Although I want to go back, but I also don't want to depend on other people for transportation. I mean the time I came back home on the bus with my costume stuff and fell off the bus got me to not go back until I get a car, and by that time, I am not so sure if they will take me back. Who knows, will find out when it happens.

-Doesn't that just sound professional? I am now involved in St. Elizabeth's Guild.

-This is a group of people that recreate the court of Queen Elizabeth I. I am actually part of the group, not just in the shadows. But then again, when we are playing, the Nobles and the Queen hardly ever recognize me. But that is ok.
-I play Mistress Amythyst Crough (pronounced like crow) of the Queen's Royal Household. I had a fun time this weekend, I was serving the court and occationally nibbling at the food I served also. But I also played in a story for the Queen that one of the nobles had ready. I was part of Rapunzel's hair. I was very wavy, got knotted up at times and then I was put up (well I acctually sat on a table...).
-But I also wandered the Shire where I picked up some Dragons that were tamed and tied to a string and I watched as my sister Mistress Squirl ride a pony that one of the lords bought for her.
-I had a really great time, I mean I played with such characters as The Earl of Oxford, Lord and Lady Sussex (sorry if my spelling is bad.) Master Boen, Mistress Bridget, Mistress Cinnamon Crough (err, my mother), Mistress Squirl Crough(err, my sister), Master Touchstone, Master Robin, Lord Burleigh, and A number of others but unfortunately thier names excape me at the moment.

-The last fair I picked up the nickname of Mistress Mischief from Lord Burliegh. Seems there was a rumor running around the shire that Lord Sussex saw an immage of his father running nude in his hall one late night and a rash of giggling following the sighting.
-Well, Master Boen and I have tried to keep our late night events to ourselves, but it seems as if others know! And so of course, when Lord Burliegh found out, he called me Mistress Mischief. Shucks to him, Master Boen wasn't called anything... seems that men are allowed to be frisky, not women.... hmmm...

Extra-curricular activities: Part II

-That was so last year, this year I am going to do a few interesting things. I have my art ready, and I am going to put it in the auction. I just need to get a panel. I will! That and I want to make a really big costume for myself. I have everything but the material. Arg!


-Okay, so I am changing, I think this year will be my last at LosCon. Although I am not so sure if anyone will care. But there is this other con that my brother and I are thinking of going to. But I am not going to say a word on that one until I have been there.


[Every Year]
-I am also involved with Loscon. A Los Angeles Science Fiction And Fantasy Convention. I am going to have a great time. I am thinking that I am going to put myself into the masqurade (sp?) and I will either show off my Vampiress side or the angelic fairy, Carmental's Fairy to be exact. Should be fun, I soo can't wait!
-Loscon takes place in November. During the Thanksgiving holiday. So that everyone can join, those that don't have any previous appointments...hehehe.


-I don't think I have a travel section here... then again, I am so messy on this page... doesn't even matter. But if you have read my g-blog or Livejournal, (both can be reached from my main page) you know that I have been traveling the east coast, and having a blast doing so. So there 2004!

-Summer came and went. Where it went I have no idea. I can't even remember it. Oh well.

-Wow, I thought Spring Break is bad, Summer is just around the corner, and I would like to have a real job by then. Not just for the Summer too! Hey, my brother is going to go to my college in the Summer! Woo-hoo.

-Spring Break 2001 is right on the horizon, and I have no idea what to do! If anyone has suggestions, email me! ---Don't worry, I did my own thing, and went to church all week. :)

-This last summer of 1999, I have been relaxing around. I got my bike fixed and have been riding around Culver City, about 2-4 times a week. Now, I ride my bike about once a week.

[Spring 1998]
-This is me and my friends at prom night 1998. (Yup I was brave, I went stag, but had a wonderful time...)

[Fall 1997]
-This is me with a two of my friends waiting for the #14 Big Blue Bus to take us to school in the morning. I can't remember if this is in 1997 or 1998.

Stuff that I don't do

Eat red meat, dark meat, pork,
Cut my hair, (Although I may at LosCon this year, if I do go. Yeah, right.)
Drink alcohol(Hehe, I do this all the time socially. Good stuff, but not too much.)
Wear much make-up,(although, I do sport some color on special occations.)
Work retail, there is a reason for school afterall.
Drugs. (Just to clear up some misconseptions. Ya know.)
And I can't really think up much more than that.

When I get more stuff, I will advertize it for you.

© Carmental