Emergency Curriculum
Every day new families choose to homeschool for a growing number of reasons. The purpose of this page is to support them in their efforts with out sending them to the poor house. The rest of this page is to be read as I were specifically writing it just for you!
Steps to having everything ready!
Textbooks and worksheets are here http://www.xpmath.com/ebooks/math_ebooks.php (No Lesson Plans yet)
http://www.pass.leon.k12.fl.us/Book%20Subject%20Areas/Mathematics.aspx has Lesson Plans
All Children past age 12 should be studying for CLEP examinations these examinations give college credits and cut college costs.
Reading and Phonics (K-6)
McGuffey Readers
1st reader
2nd reader
3rd reader
4th reader
5th reader
6th reader
Homeschool Share has many Story Book based Lapbooks free on their website. I am in the process of putting these into Homeschool Tracker Plus Lesson Plans to Simplify your Planning. http://www.homeschoolshare.com/Lapbooks_at_HSS.php
Keep A Daily Journal
Bird journals Support Science Learning and a bird feeder is simple to make
Personal Diary help students build a positive self esteem
Homeschool Tracker Plus allows you to set up a journal for each child that can be saved in the database for years to come.
Literature (Grade 7 and Up)
Glencoe Books
Spelling and Vocabulary
Grade 1-8 http://www.everydayspelling.com/lists/listindex.html
Elementary Speller (covers Grade 1-8) http://www.archive.org/details/elementaryspelli00websrich
McGuffeys Speller(Covers grade 1-8) http://www.archive.org/details/mcguffeyseclecti15456gut
http://www.splashesfromtheriver.com/spelling/courseoutline.htm ungraded course.
Grade 2-5 http://members.tripod.com/homeducation2000/school/vocabdata3pg18.htm
Grade 5 and up http://members.tripod.com/homeducation2000/school/database30x.htm
SAT Words http://members.tripod.com/homeducation2000/school/satmainpg159x.htm
Noah Websters High school Dictionary http://www.archive.org/details/highschooldictio00websiala
Grammar, Poetry, and Writing
http://www.sfreading.com/resources/ghb.html Covers Grade 1-6
Foreign Languages
Public Speaking
These can be integrated into Reading Create a Lapbook For each. As I have time I will create lapbooks and upload them to homeschool Share.
Living Books by Burgess (Science) (no lessons yet planned for July)
http://www.archive.org/details/burgessbirdbookf00burgiala use with your Bird Journal also Create a Lapbook on Birds.
Living Books for the ears (done 1 per week and create a lapbook to accompany the unit!)
You are There http://www.archive.org/details/You_Are_There_OTR
Adventures in research http://www.archive.org/details/Adventures_In_Research
Unit Study approach (Lapbooks, notebooks, etc)
Hands of a Child gives you one Free Lapbook each Quarter. http://www.handsofachild.com/shop/Default.aspx?afid=32 I have uploaded the homeschool Tracker Plus Lesson Plan to http://groups.yahoo.com/group/hst-lapbook Often These Lapbooks Correlate to Various Subjects I list them all under a course called Unit Studies. In High schoolers the Credit is a General Subject or you can separate each activity into which ever subject it most closely fits.
We used Unit safari yahoo group http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Unit-safari/ extensively while homeschooling our children. Their units cover a wide array of topics and go back to 2002. The collection there covers every subject. These units are written to be flexible enough to fit a wide rage of grades at the same time.
The “What your #th grader needs to know” series of books covers Grade Preschool to 8 and they have unit studies and lesson plans since these units are basically lesson plans I will not be laying them out in Homeschool Tracker Plus. http://www.ckcolorado.org/unitsassess.asp http://www.coreknowledge.org/CK/resrcs/lessons/index.htm
Your child may be totally stuck on a theme for example, Trains or Horses.. Go with it! You can easily adapt everything to fit that theme.
Educational Television such as PBSyou, PBS, Discovery Channel, History Channel, A&E, and other channels as well as Historical fiction video tapes and DVD programs.
United Streaming is an On-line educational tv Channel where you can download many educational videos and their worksheet companions.
Audio Files, podcasts and Homeschool Radio Shows
Children's Educational Software. Jumpstart, Reader Rabbit and Clue Finder's are complete grade software but there are plenty of subject specific programs out there. We also used Skills Bank, Learning 2000, The Excel @ series, and the 7th Level programs. There are many programs out there you may be able to borrow them from the library or download demos before you purchase to see if it is a good fit.
Daily Assignments printout from Homeschool Tracker Plus.
The actual worksheets.
Several blank sheets of scratch paper.
Pictures of activities that do not fit easily into the portfolio.
In all honesty at least a photograph of every activity should be included. It is easier to remove if not needed then to add if you need it later. Trust me on this!!!