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<>Isis (Aset, Eset, Aat, Menkhet, Hert, Ament, Menhet)


<>"Throne." Egyptian mother goddess. Isis has many names: "Mistress of Magic,The Queen of Heaven (similar to Astarte), The Great Lady, the God-Mother, Lady of Philae and Lady of the Countries of the South."<>Isis ruled over all matters concerning mothering, life, and sorcery.
She was the daughter of Geb and Nut, according to the Heliopolitan genealogy, sister-wife of Osiris and, according to most myths, the mother of Horus. As the personification of the throne, Isis was an important source of the Pharaoh's power. Isis is one of the four great protector goddesses, which included Bast, Nephyths, and Hathor. She guarded coffins and the Canopic jars.
In the origin myth of Ra and the world, Isis found out Ra's name by enchanting a poisonous snake to bite him. When Ra was close to dying, Isis told him that she could only heal him if she knew Ra's true name. By knowing Ra's name, she then had power equal to him and was then given all of her magical power and was forever known as the Divine Sorceress.



Much thanks to the Glossary of Egyptian Mythology ©1997 Deurer
The Encyclopedia of Ancient Egypt © 1991 M. Bunson, where I got some of my gods, goddess and definitions

Everything on my sites is either mine or used from somewhere else with the thought that it was okay to display.
All images are used for personal entertainment only, not for monetary gain.
No copyright infringement is intended.

If this isn't true email me and I'll fix it.
If you want a picture, please be sure to site the original owner of it, not here.