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Thanks, Congrats, and Warnings
To All The Little People...

Just kidding around... Ha ha! Anyway, to begin with thanks, I most certainly must begin with the person who introduced me to the enchanting series in the first place. The only sane (well, you know) teacher at our school, my cross country coach, and an excellent Dumbledore-to-be, Coach Dorman. Also to mes amies meuilleres, Luba, whom I, regretfully, don't get to see often enough to have badgered into reading the books yet (get crackin', honey!), Tara, my fellow stargazing hillleaper, and Bonnie who, despite 3,000 miles between my obsessive mind vibes and her own has read the entire series. Basically, the whole cross country team, most of whom have actually read the series. Also my fellow ISers, who despite the admitted professions of enjoyment of the Harry Potter books by a not-quite-beloved Strunk and Freud obsesser have, at least partially, given in. My family: my mom who's read them all, my slightly younger sister who started one and didn't like it (! I know, I'm working on her...) my much younger sister who can't read but to whom I have read the first book and begun the second, and who can tell you who pretty much all the characters are and anything you want to know about Quidditch, Hogwarts, Gringotts, and the wizarding world in general... Hee hee! and to my father, who has finally completed the series and absolved all accusations against him that he wasn't interested in my life (although we're still having some disagreements on the whole college issue...) Um, also my neighbor/ex-choir teacher for lending my mom the books. Oh, and if I get into the movie I will thank the hairdresser who may be deaf to the simple requests of a client but at least made me look like Hermione. Otherwise I'm suing. Ooh! And the B.R.I.D.E.S., who had better all see this page, have mostly read the series, and put up with weekly obsessions and urgings to succumb to the Call of the Potter Books, and especially Jessi for fully believing I will be in the movie! Also most especially to Gypsy, from whom I borrowed... well, stole, many of my early ideas for this site, as well as the creator of The Unofficial Harry Potter Fan Club (for links to either of their pages, go to my home page).

Now, congrats to all the readers of the series! First and foremost, a certain Liz Two who, through fulfilling her promise to read them over brak, earned the privelege of being just plain Liz. Also Talitha, who obstinantly refused... for a little while. I knew you'd give in! To at least ONE Amy, and the other had better get on the ball, although she does receive a grace period for being the first to sign my guestbook. To Alison, my bio comiserator on the continuously latening arrival of book 4, to Tiffany and Julia, also fellow obsessors who had better send in app.s for the movie. To Sam and Kim, to our supplier Mrs. Visconti ( ;} ) to, well, if you've read 'em and feel left out, e-mail me and I'll fix it right up.

And finally, a warning. To those devoted and dedicated AP students, get over it. Harry Potter is so much more worthwhile than the origin of prokaryotes, the eqivalent of sin 2pheta, the creator of the spinning jenny, and vigorous writing. You may not have time; Harry Potter makes time. (And no, I don't know if Strunck and White condone that use of the semicolon. I don't have time to look it up, either. I'm busy obsessing about a wizard boy.) Life is short, you don't want to wake up one day twenty years from now and discover that you've been living your life practically unconscious and unaware of all the beautiful things around you, so caught up were you in what you were deluded into thinking were the important things in life... And Jenny: Harry Potter is better than the Phantom Tollbooth and that alphabet book. Get Readin' Hermionefyre

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Everything on this site is copyright 2001 by October. You want a Warning? Here's a Warning: Don't you dare steal my sitpages, or else. Also Thanks to all the people who have e-mailed me to ask for permission. To use something from this site, please ask the webmistress for permission first at You MUST have permission to use information from this site!