12/18/00 Okay, youse bums. I've uploded Revenge 1-16 in the Revenge Section of the Multi Database. You need to Highlight the Text to find it.
10/13/00 Ohhhh.. Spooky. Friday the 13th in October and a Full moon... So I'm here. It's me, Andy! Sara is still missing. If anybody can get in contact with her, email me at raichu6714@hotmail.com
08/26/00 2 more days untill I go back to school. Ugggggggggggggggggggg. I won't to be able to update as much, but today I *think* I let you guys get to Revenge. Try it out... SARA'S STILL GONE!
08/25/00 Yes, I know it's been a month, but watch me not care. I also do not have an update for you today... BUT SARA'S GONE AND I CAN'T FIND HER! If you have seen Sara on the web in the past few weeks, E-Mail me at wheressara@hotmail.com or raichu6714@hotmail.com remember, that's wheressara@hotmail.com or raichu6714@hotmail.com!
07/25/00 I, Sara/Misty, has FINALLY done a *all gasp* update! check the updates section! oh, ans BTW Andy, YOU'RE AWESOME!
06/28/00 I (Andy) spiffied up the Multi Database! Go there through the fanfiction section!
06/23/00 Today, I, your evil co/webmaster, added a little awards section. Visit it!
06/17/00 Today I added changed the Multi Section to the Multi Database, The Official Multi Section.
06/14/00 Andy's Back! Today I added The Pokemon Files (Fanfic) Part 1! Go to the fanfiction section and read it!
06/12/00 Hello again! Andy logging in! Today I've Spiffied up the Fanfiction section and added a link to Multi charcter pages!
06/09/00 This is your new co-webmaster, Andy Light! You might know me from Multi, I am one of the Multi-Authors. I am also the creator of Michael Smith. I'm here to be evil and kill whoever logs onto the site (feels Sara ahem-ing in background) so have fun and explore! I added a link to some pictures of Multi Charcters! I'm implemting my sweeping reforms soon, so, come back!
06/08/00 I'm currently working on another site with my friend, so I can't update as frequently as hoped, so I may be gone for awhile. What would be great is if I could get someone to help me update. If any wonderful person out there would like to be the co-owner of this site and work on it with me, please contact me at mistywaterflower3@yahoo.com, thanx, that would be great! =) (Place Taken)
Places to go
Image galleries
Misty's Profile
Updates page
Downloads page
The Web Rings I'm in
Hey guys. No, I'm not dead. I know it's been awhile for updates, but I've been a bit busy, ok, a lot. And my computer isn't the most agreeable thing in the world. Now that it's summer, I'll probably get into updating more, but try to wait a little while until I get back into it k? don't worry, I'll have all the stuff (fics, affiliates, etc) up soon. My deepest apologies until then. check the updates page though, I've put up a few updates. =)
Here are my buttons:
*sniff* If you've noticed, I've lost an affiliate from pokemarathon. That was a bad day. =( oh well, I've got a bunch of other great sites to link to! =)