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So you want to be a Witch?

The purpose of this website...

please note: This course is mostly written from a Celtic Traditon view point!
How to use it. Read each part seperately in the right order. The text in green is something you actively have to take part in.


  • Before you begin your journey on this Wiccan path, write a short paragraph about Wicca/Witchcraft. What do you think Wicca and Witchcraft is all about? What kind of feelings do you get at the word "witch"? Write all of this one the first page of your Book of Shadows and date it. Your view about this will change as you study more.

  • WICCAN LAWS - Personally, I think rules are important, it creates a bases for the Tradition. Without them, you can just do what you want and then it is no longer a religion, then it's just a way you decide to live your life. Rules and Laws give stucture.

    Question: Which of these rules do you agree with? Which do you disagree with? And why?

    Question: How did you find the Wiccan/Witchcraft path?


  • Wiccan Traditions - summarize in your BoS. I know its long, but please do it.
  • Wiccan Tools - summarize in your BoS
  • 8 Sabbats - summarize in your BoS Not my artical! OFFSITE link. The author is no longer Wiccan.
  • Esbats and Moonphases.- Summerize in your Bos
  • How to set up an Altar and Sacred space.


    Part three will focus on the "Higher Powers" or the Goddess and God, the Deities.
    Wicca is a Religion! Not a Hobby, but a Religion, so Deities and higher powers are a big part of it. If you do not agree with this, then Wicca might not be for you. Wicca is not a way to escape from Religions with Gods, but has Gods of its own.
    Wiccan Deities how ever, sees us as EQUAL. They are not looking down upon us. They are not here to punish us. Gods should not be feared, but celebrated!

  • Describe in your own words what "higher power/Goddess/Deities means to you.
  • Here is a list of the Celtic Deities, what they stand for and a brief history. You might want to copy the list into your own BoS. - COMING SOON
  • Which Deity can you relate too and why?
  • Describe in your BoS, what you think the Goddess and God looks like
  • Here is a Goddess Meditation to meet the Goddess in person!
  • Write a poem about the Goddess
  • RITUAL: Find your Inner Goddess-The power of the Goddess is INSIDE you! Sometimes it might not feel like you have the power, so you can call upone Her, INVOKE the Goddess


    Here are some fun projects and crafts for you to do and put into your BoS. It will help you live a more Spiritual life and make you feel closer to the God and Goddess.

  • Make a Mandala!If you do not know what a Mandala is, please read this: English or DutchIt will look very pretty in your Book of Shadows.
  • Make a Goddess Statue - make your own clay
  • Make bird feeders by covering pinecones with peanutbutter, then rolling in birdseed.
  • Make a collage of flowers and leaves.
  • Make Ritual Jewelry with Beads.
  • Knit a winter Scarf.
    DAILY WICCA - Here is a suggestion of things you can do daily to make you feel closer to the Goddess, and to your own spirituality. If something on the list makes you feel uncomfortable, of course you can change it.

  • Try to do at least one "good deed" every day, no matter how small.
  • Leave little offering in the forest for the wood creatures, such as bread,milk etc.
  • Enjoy the grass between your toes.
  • Walk in the rain and snow.
  • Meditate each morning if possible.
  • Keep lots of house plants.
  • Keep intouch with other Wiccans. Online chats, communities and so on.


    Self impowerment: "Believing the devine power is in you and you can change the universe by thinking it."

    Before we talk about spells and magic make a wish list of all you want to achieve and see if you can make it come true thru positive thinking

    Spells use a number of magical correspondences. Apart from using you own will power you can use things such as Candles, Crystals, herbs, numbers and such to enhance the Spell. Here is a list of these correspondances for you to copy into your own Book of Shadows.

  • Candle Magic
  • Herbs
  • Crystals
  • Oils
  • Planets
    Spell layout: How to write your own spell! Copy this into your own Book of Shadows, and try to write your own spell.
    Silver RavenWolf recommends a sequence of tasks, including 4 main steps:
    to know (yourself, what is to be accomplished...)
    to will (belief in yourself, Divinity, your sills, practicing)
    to dare (to change circumstances, to change your environment...)
    to be silent (before the spell, and afterwards...)

    Here is a small list of spells for you to try. Remember: Wiccans are not allowed by their belief system from doing spells or other activities which harm others.

  • Healing spell
  • Confidence spell
  • Protection Spell

    Make a list of all the things the God and Goddess provides for you.