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Fran Brill

Fran Brill joined the Sesame Street performing staff in 1970. She was the first female puppeteer to work with the Muppets since Jane Henson's retirement almost ten years earlier.
"One of the extraordinary things about Jim was that he was a perpetual student of life. Genius that he was, he was always searching, questioning, exploring. When I first met JIm, in the early years of Sesame Street, he was reading the Seth books, going to psychics and palm-readers, experiencing transcendental meditation, doing est-whatever was out there. He was judgmental about nothing-open to almost everything. I think he felt that all these 'journeys' were the means to the same end-raising his level of consciousness, deepening his understanding of how all things on earth were related one to another, that every action had a reaction. He told me that for him there was not one right way, but that he took a little something from all of them."

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