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Hiya!I'm Mystical Roses,a fighter, on DRascal Team!This is my Spirit Page,Rascal Pride, and I welcome you to it!*smilez*Please enjoy your stay and dont forget to sign the spirit book on your way out!!!*grinz*

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Lookies! D'Wallaby,yeah'm thats me..rofl, won the first week of Thanksgiving Shout Competition at TSF!!!yahooo!!!*s*

Lookies! I got the right answer for the WO Question of the Week!*s*

I won the Ladies Choice of..Fighter of the Week!Week of: Oct 23-27!!*smilez*Thank you Lady D!!!

Thank you Lady D! I got the Spirit Award thanks to the nomination of Lady D Saucer!Thanks DSpirit and DSpirit Realm! :)

EEP!Lookie!!!I won Rover of the Month and Rover Shouter!!*beams*

DWombats Roaming Rascals Awards

My Personal Awards!

Cool Rascal Stuff!

Look at all the Rascally Globes!

Rover Awards!

Where To Now?Just Click on the Text and Go!*smilez*
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