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Why am I doing this?

I know you are asking why I did this. Why did I make a web site dedicated to the loss of my grandparents? The main page said it best. I couldn't think of any other way to show the world what I felt about my family. In our lifetimes, so many people come and go in our lives, it's important to remember the ones to hold close to your heart. As time goes on, my memories fade, as they seem like they were built to do, and I don't ever want to forget those two as long as I'm on this Earth.

In some ways, remembering both of them, gives me a sense of comfort. It lets me know that someone I care about is watching over me, letting me know that I'm still here for a reason. Whatever the reason may be, and whatever road I chose to follow, I know that they will help me through this. That is my comfort. That is my strength. That is what keeps me getting out of bed every morning. For without motivation, where would you be? Certainly not here, and not reading what I have to say.

As for my sister...well I don't really understand myself why I think about someone I never met, but hey... people do that to ya know? Well, that's all for me. Be sure to sign my guestbook! That would please me entirely!

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