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Tristan's Doggie Den


note from Tristan, September 2001~

Life continues about the same as always. With all the bunnies and kitties running around, I have plenty to sniff when I go outside. I just celebrated another 'birthday' recently. It was great. I even got to tiptoe through the creek. Amazing how delicious those rocks smell.



Background Info

Birthdate: classified

Height: 14.5 inches

Eyes: irresistable

Fur: Black, brown, and white with spots

Favourite Toy: anything fleecy; squeakers an extra bonus

Favourite Food: are you kidding?

Favourite Veggie: most of them, but especially pumpkin.

Favourite Fruit: Watermelon! Then again.....tomatoes are fruit. I really like tomatoes.

Activities: going for walks, sniffing everything, sleeping, and eating

Friends: My sheltie neighbours - Tasha, Trixie, Jessie and Jasmine. And anyone who has food or might have recently had food. Or anyone who looks like they will pet me. But I will run off to sniff something before they can actually pet me.


Here I am, cozying up in the closet. It's nice and small and I like it.

Here's another cozy spot: my crate! It looks pretty big when I curl up to sleep. This is the infamous 'doggie den'. I spend lots of time here, and I really like it. Right now I kinda look like I'm falling asleep, don't I?


Here I am, checking out the sand at the beach. It was a lot of fun, but I stayed out of the ocean.

I am cute, don't you think?

Or you could call me handsome.

Ooh, lookie - it's a magic spoon.

I'll do just about anything to lick a spoon.

Here I am, blending into the woodwork. I'm sitting on a little stool because I like to be up high.

Still blending into the woodwork....I've got a lot on my mind....


....stay tuned....treat recipies on the way....



Don't be shy, sign my guestbook

And here's a little spot dedicated to those who came before me ~



Hugo, the Basset

©1999 MSA

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