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undefined Send Me A Quid!

Old Bean asks you to

Hall of FameFAQs

Inspired by Send Me A Dollar

My dad's always telling me that the internet is a revolution, and I should get in there early and earn some money. Well, being the unimaginative teenager that I am, this is all I could come up with. I imagine many people are doing this now, after seeing Jenny Jones today (21/02.00).

And no, this isn't a joke. It's just a bit of experimental fun. ;o) And it's not illegal either. All you've gotta do is reach into your pocket, retrieve a quid and send it to me. Simple as pie!

So if you want to help the internet revolution along (send me your £), click here.

In return for your kindness you will get these things:

1) My unconditional love.

2) Your name added to the Hall Of Fame with a message/advertisment of your choice.

3) The satisfaction of helping out a skint teenager.

4) A longer life (read on...).

I am now going to lengthen your life. Read this joke...

**What's brown and always in kid's pants?

**Michael Jackson's hand.

Admit it, you laughed. And (this is scientifically proven) if you laugh a lot in your life you live longer. Serious. So I've just added a few minutes on to your life. And £1.00 is a small price to pay for something so priceless is it not? So go on, all it takes is a click and a quid. ;o)

I update the joke from time to time.


So go on - Send me a quid!

Thanx for visiting and have a rich day!

Midi file: All About The Money by Meja

© 2000 Old Bean

This page isn't really copyright. Because anyone can use this idea. But Old Bean (that's me) is copyright! Yeah, it's my name so don't nick it! *hehe* And the jokes are amusing so tell them to a friend! And of course, recommend this site to them. ;o)